The Shooter

Figure be better to pulls a discussion of the would be assassin out of the other thread.

Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20 year old from Pennsylvania, won some small scholarship in high school for math and science, registered Republican.

Not a lot surprises me anymore and I’m certainly not surprised it was a 20-year. Our kids are being fed a shit-sandwich right now.

Not a lot surprises me anymore and I’m certainly not surprised it was a 20-year. Our kids are being fed a shit-sandwich right now.

Conspiracy folks are going to go crazy on this, I saw video of some of the security snipers appearing to have the guy in his sights or trying to get him in his sights before the shooting started.

On my Facebook feed I’m already seeing acquaintances post that the Dems did this. And of course, there are responses in agreement.

This is why I fear a reprisal attempt on Biden. I hope I’m wrong. Trump has a chance to make a statement and avoid escalation.

Nancy Pelosi’s husband was attacked by someone fueled by GOP conspiracy theories. Mr. Pelosi had multiple serious injuries, including a fractured skull that required surgery. Republicans responded by joking about the attack and promoting multiple false conspiracy theories, include the lie that they were gay lovers. Will Democrats do the same about the shooter? Will they spread the lie that Trump and the shooter were gay lovers? Doesn’t look like it. Biden has condemned the attack, called for unity, stopped all campaign advertising.

The shooter was a registered Republican and was wearing a t-shirt from a popular gun focused YouTube channel, Demolition Ranch. when he was killed. Perhaps he was one of those nuts who want a civil war and thought shooting Trump would spark it?

The shooter was a registered Republican and was wearing a t-shirt from a popular gun focused YouTube channel, Demolition Ranch. when he was killed. Perhaps he was one of those nuts who want a civil war and thought shooting Trump would spark it?

Why not just post this because it relates to the shooter? The first paragraph is just more stoking and doesn’t pertain to this thread.

And reports also say he donated to Act Blue. Probably best to wait a minute to deduce anything from these early reports.

The shooter was a registered Republican and was wearing a t-shirt from a popular gun focused YouTube channel, Demolition Ranch. when he was killed. Perhaps he was one of those nuts who want a civil war and thought shooting Trump would spark it?

Why not just post this because it relates to the shooter? The first paragraph is just more stoking and doesn’t pertain to this thread.

Highlighting the stark contrast in how the two parties respond to perpetrators of political violence absolutely pertains to this thread, which is about the perpetrator of political violence.

Mutiple Republican Congressmen have already tried to falsely blame Biden for the shooter’s actions. The shooter was a registered Republican gun enthusiast, not the kind of person you would think gets their inspiration from Sleepy Joe.

Trump’s Allies Quickly Respond To Shooting With Conspiracy Theories, Attacks On Political Enemies (

And reports also say he donated to Act Blue. Probably best to wait a minute to deduce anything from these early reports.

When he was 17, prior to registering to vote as a Republican. Although it may make your vote more meaningful to be an R there as the primaries probably pick the Nov winner.

It is interesting that he has no social media. Or atleast none that can be found by the new media.

Most likely R or D doesn’t play into this and that the kid had mental health issues.

Most likely R or D doesn’t play into this and that the kid had mental health issues.

And he had easy access to a gun.

And reports also say he donated to Act Blue. Probably best to wait a minute to deduce anything from these early reports.

Interesting, that would certainly change things.

You are right, I’ll wait.

Most likely R or D doesn’t play into this and that the kid had mental health issues.

It’s pretty rare that people who don’t have mental health issue are the ones to do something like this. This is why it’s a terrible idea to spew violent political rhetoric.

Whilst you and I won’t do anything stupid, at some point a person with mental health issues and a gun will do something stupid. And there’s no shortage of people with mental health issues with guns.

The shooter was a registered Republican and was wearing a t-shirt from a popular gun focused YouTube channel, Demolition Ranch. when he was killed. Perhaps he was one of those nuts who want a civil war and thought shooting Trump would spark it?

Why not just post this because it relates to the shooter? The first paragraph is just more stoking and doesn’t pertain to this thread.

Highlighting the stark contrast in how the two parties respond to perpetrators of political violence absolutely pertains to this thread, which is about the perpetrator of political violence.

Mutiple Republican Congressmen have already tried to falsely blame Biden for the shooter’s actions. The shooter was a registered Republican gun enthusiast, not the kind of person you would think gets their inspiration from Sleepy Joe.

Trump’s Allies Quickly Respond To Shooting With Conspiracy Theories, Attacks On Political Enemies (

How the political parties or individual politicians respond only tangentially has anyhing to do with discussing the shooter himeself.

Maybe you’ll get Tyler or another one of your adversaries in here and yet another pissing contest of whataboutisms can ensue. It’s just tiresome.

And reports also say he donated to Act Blue. Probably best to wait a minute to deduce anything from these early reports.

IIRC, one of the president shooters in the past did it because he expected an appointment in the administration and didn’t get it. Of course then there was Reagan’s shooter. So, I wouldn’t make too many assumptions out of the gate.

And reports also say he donated to Act Blue. Probably best to wait a minute to deduce anything from these early reports.

When he was 17, prior to registering to vote as a Republican. Although it may make your vote more meaningful to be an R there as the primaries probably pick the Nov winner.

It is interesting that he has no social media. Or atleast none that can be found by the new media.

Most likely R or D doesn’t play into this and that the kid had mental health issues.

Unfortunately the bolded will largely be decided by both the political persuasion of the shooter and the viewer. I don’t think anyone is going out on a limb when they say shooting another human being entails some of mental health issue.

And reports also say he donated to Act Blue. Probably best to wait a minute to deduce anything from these early reports.

IIRC, one of the president shooters in the past did it because he expected an appointment in the administration and didn’t get it. Of course then there was Reagan’s shooter. So, I wouldn’t make too many assumptions out of the gate.

Bolded is literally what I said :slight_smile:

Any word yet on which well-regulated militia he was a member of and whether his commanding officer had seen anything concerning, like mental health issues or harboring extremist views?

Gotta believe that commanding officer will be called to testify by a Congressional committee.

And reports also say he donated to Act Blue. Probably best to wait a minute to deduce anything from these early reports.

IIRC, one of the president shooters in the past did it because he expected an appointment in the administration and didn’t get it. Of course then there was Reagan’s shooter. So, I wouldn’t make too many assumptions out of the gate.

Bolded is literally what I said :slight_smile:

Yeah, I was literally agreeing with you.

Any word yet on which well-regulated militia he was a member of and whether his commanding officer had seen anything concerning, like mental health issues or harboring extremist views?

Gotta believe that commanding officer will be called to testify by a Congressional committee.

As the Maine shooter demonstrated that’s not even sufficient.

On my Facebook feed I’m already seeing acquaintances post that the Dems did this. And of course, there are responses in agreement.

This is why I fear a reprisal attempt on Biden. I hope I’m wrong. Trump has a chance to make a statement and avoid escalation.

I hope you don’t hold your breath on this.