The Satanic panic of the 80s and 90s

Bought into by much of the popular media. I didn’t know that it supposedly started from accounts of one psychiatrist and a patient. At one point all sorts of psychologists had bought into it as well as law enforcement etc.

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Wasn’t there also a child molestation panic at one point too, where all kinds of therapists/psychologists bought into patients’ claims or even facilitated them having memories of being molested when they were really young, like before most people even have memories. And it eventually emerged that a lot of the claims were almost certainly false?

Wasn’t there also a child molestation panic at one point too, where all kinds of therapists/psychologists bought into patients’ claims or even facilitated them having memories of being molested when they were really young, like before most people even have memories. And it eventually emerged that a lot of the claims were almost certainly false?

Yes. There were numerous prosecutions, and convictions, based on the “repressed memories” theory that was ultimately debunked.

Album covers helped fuel the fire :slight_smile:

I was ten years old listening to rap, rock and metal while attending private Pentacostal Christian school in 1985 in the midst of Satanic Panic.

What a time to be a kid!

If you played any of those albums backwards, you heard satanic verses and the devil himself !

Mike Warnke was one of the darlings of the Christians in the 80s satanic panic. He was supposedly an ex high priest in Satanism who converted to Christianity. He had a book and several albums and went around touring and giving talks. His story has been thoroughly debunked, he is a fraud who grifts on those who want to believe his story. He is still active.

In the 80s there were several evangelical and pentecostal evangelists who made a thing of satanic rock music. Jimmy Swaggart was one of them. For a few years I went to a school run by a Baptist church, and we got a yearly lecture or guest speaker come in and talk about backward masking and all the hidden messages put in the songs.

Satanic panic is making a comeback in evangelical circles.

If you played any of those albums backwards, you heard satanic verses and the devil himself !

Thank you for bringing up back masking of satanic verses. That was a thing that people believed in that was unreasonable. I see current day similarities.

I grew up near the house where some of the stories of Michelle Remembers supposedly occured. My friends and I used to sneak around there at night and break in to the house long after it was boarded up. It was absolutely fucking terrifying, after hearing the rumors and stories about what transpired there.

There were a few houses like that in our area, which was semi rural on the outskirts of Victoria at the time. One in particular was an older farm house, owned by a wealthy land owner. A few years after he had died we broke in to and found a loaded shotgun in the closet and a dead cat in the toilet. It was called the Houlihan house, named after the family that owned it. Some of the streets and parks in the area now have that name.

Fun times.

Now that’s a fuckin childhood.

Lol. It really was. I feel incredibly grateful to have grown up when and where I did. Didn’t have Internet in the home until around age 14 or 15. Didn’t have a cellphone until 23, and no smart phone until my late 20s. I was more likely to be killed by a mountain lion than a human where I grew up.

If you played any of those albums backwards, you heard satanic verses and the devil himself !

Reminds me of one of my earliest favorite Christian music artists who played an avant garde fusion of art/rock, synths, and jazz elements. Fallen Splendor, released in 1986, is still one of my all-time favorite albums.

Johnson inserted some back masking at the end of the linked track to poke fun at the hysteria of the time. With the aid of software, to my ears it goes:

All I hear is blah blah blah
Blah blah blah blah hey,

Is it true that back masking
Is really what they sing?

There was a LOT of dumbass stupidity in the population in the 1980s. Best illustration being Reagan being voted in TWICE!

Yes very much so.

That is much more scary than the house up the street from me that we thought was haunted. It basically was just a big house set far back from the street where and old lady lived. Also overgrown shrubs.

Mike Warnke was one of the darlings of the Christians in the 80s satanic panic. He was supposedly an ex high priest in Satanism who converted to Christianity. He had a book and several albums and went around touring and giving talks. His story has been thoroughly debunked, he is a fraud who grifts on those who want to believe his story. He is still active.

In the 80s there were several evangelical and pentecostal evangelists who made a thing of satanic rock music. Jimmy Swaggart was one of them. For a few years I went to a school run by a Baptist church, and we got a yearly lecture or guest speaker come in and talk about backward masking and all the hidden messages put in the songs.

Satanic panic is making a comeback in evangelical circles.

There was that. But the repressed memory thing and the Satanic panic were also promoted in popular media. Oprah Winfrey promoted MIchele Smith’s book and the whole idea of repressed memories. She also gave a platform to Suzanne Somers and her bioidentical hormones and gave us Dr. Phil. Geraldo and other contributed. The whole repressed memories thing went on for at least a decade and was very damaging to many people. Contrast to the Salem Witch trials which lasted 9 months in an age when scientific method was in its infancy.

Mike Warnke was one of the darlings of the Christians in the 80s satanic panic. He was supposedly an ex high priest in Satanism who converted to Christianity. He had a book and several albums and went around touring and giving talks. His story has been thoroughly debunked, he is a fraud who grifts on those who want to believe his story. He is still active.

In the 80s there were several evangelical and pentecostal evangelists who made a thing of satanic rock music. Jimmy Swaggart was one of them. For a few years I went to a school run by a Baptist church, and we got a yearly lecture or guest speaker come in and talk about backward masking and all the hidden messages put in the songs.

Satanic panic is making a comeback in evangelical circles.

There was that. But the repressed memory thing and the Satanic panic were also promoted in popular media. Oprah Winfrey promoted MIchele Smith’s book and the whole idea of repressed memories. She also gave a platform to Suzanne Somers and her bioidentical hormones and gave us Dr. Phil. Geraldo and other contributed. The whole repressed memories thing went on for at least a decade and was very damaging to many people. Contrast to the Salem Witch trials which lasted 9 months in an age when scientific method was in its infancy.

Look on the bright side, while some innocent people may have been figuratively burned at the stake, at least no one was literally burned at the stake.

We used to gather to watch Al Menconi’s videos about satanic forces in popular music. He had a real hard-on for KISS in particular. KISS, AC/DC, Alice Cooper, Ozzy–man it was a smorgasbord of shock rock conservative trolling back then.

I didn’t care for most of the bands then (I did like AC/DC and Ozzy) but in hindsight I appreciate how they epitimized the rock & roll ethos of pissing off the snowflake establishment. When Congress gets involved you know you’re doing it right.

Wasn’t there also a child molestation panic at one point too, where all kinds of therapists/psychologists bought into patients’ claims or even facilitated them having memories of being molested when they were really young, like before most people even have memories. And it eventually emerged that a lot of the claims were almost certainly false?

Many cases. I remember the Fells Acres case in MA when I was a kid.