The RFK jr endorsement

If you believe everything you read on CNN (apols to Tyler, windy, etc for any burst blood vessels), RFK jr recently reached out to the Harris campaign to trade an endorsement for a position in a Harris administration.

Now, it seems, jr is courting the Trump campaign on the same basis. Trump says he will consider it and thinks jr is smart. Which says to me that Trump isn’t considering it, and confirms that he is dumb as a rock, but that’s by the by.

According to some polls, at least nationwide (ie artificially) jr could put clear daylight between whichever candidate he jumps to and the one he doesn’t.

But here’s the rub: this isn’t like a Rep or a Dem dropping out. This is someone who is campaigning against the Reps and the Dems. Endorsing either of Harris or Trump shows a very elastic stance towards whatever platform jr campaigned on.

But more to the point: if you were prepared to vote for jr, are you really going to switch your vote to his endorsee just because he’s chosen one who will feather his career the best? Seems odd to me.

If you believe everything you read on CNN (apols to Tyler, windy, etc for any burst blood vessels), RFK jr recently reached out to the Harris campaign to trade an endorsement for a position in a Harris administration.

Now, it seems, jr is courting the Trump campaign on the same basis. Trump says he will consider it and thinks jr is smart. Which says to me that Trump isn’t considering it, and confirms that he is dumb as a rock, but that’s by the by.

According to some polls, at least nationwide (ie artificially) jr could put clear daylight between whichever candidate he jumps to and the one he doesn’t.

But here’s the rub: this isn’t like a Rep or a Dem dropping out. This is someone who is campaigning against the Reps and the Dems. Endorsing either of Harris or Trump shows a very elastic stance towards whatever platform jr campaigned on.

But more to the point: if you were prepared to vote for jr, are you really going to switch your vote to his endorsee just because he’s chosen one who will feather his career the best? Seems odd to me.

If polls continue to trend the way they do and it’s late October, Trump will take him to get those votes.

If you believe everything you read on CNN (apols to Tyler, windy, etc for any burst blood vessels)

CNN for news is fine especially since the new news director decided to stop shilling for the Left.

If you believe everything you read on CNN (apols to Tyler, windy, etc for any burst blood vessels), RFK jr recently reached out to the Harris campaign to trade an endorsement for a position in a Harris administration.

Now, it seems, jr is courting the Trump campaign on the same basis. Trump says he will consider it and thinks jr is smart. Which says to me that Trump isn’t considering it, and confirms that he is dumb as a rock, but that’s by the by.

According to some polls, at least nationwide (ie artificially) jr could put clear daylight between whichever candidate he jumps to and the one he doesn’t.

But here’s the rub: this isn’t like a Rep or a Dem dropping out. This is someone who is campaigning against the Reps and the Dems. Endorsing either of Harris or Trump shows a very elastic stance towards whatever platform jr campaigned on.

But more to the point: if you were prepared to vote for jr, are you really going to switch your vote to his endorsee just because he’s chosen one who will feather his career the best? Seems odd to me.

If polls continue to trend the way they do and it’s late October, Trump will take him to get those votes.

Imagine him ditching Vance for RFK Jr.

The level of crazy would be astounding.

It would be a vicious coup.

I think most of the RFK voters will stay home if he drops out. I don’t see people who would vote 3rd party throwing their votes towards either Dems or Trump.

In case anyone needed something to lower their opinion of RFK jr any lower.


If you believe everything you read on CNN (apols to Tyler, windy, etc for any burst blood vessels), RFK jr recently reached out to the Harris campaign to trade an endorsement for a position in a Harris administration.

Now, it seems, jr is courting the Trump campaign on the same basis. Trump says he will consider it and thinks jr is smart. Which says to me that Trump isn’t considering it, and confirms that he is dumb as a rock, but that’s by the by.

According to some polls, at least nationwide (ie artificially) jr could put clear daylight between whichever candidate he jumps to and the one he doesn’t.

But here’s the rub: this isn’t like a Rep or a Dem dropping out. This is someone who is campaigning against the Reps and the Dems. Endorsing either of Harris or Trump shows a very elastic stance towards whatever platform jr campaigned on.

But more to the point: if you were prepared to vote for jr, are you really going to switch your vote to his endorsee just because he’s chosen one who will feather his career the best? Seems odd to me.

no need to apologize I don’t have a strong feeling about CNN one way or the other.

and, as it relates to your OP, I don’t really have an opinion on what the RFK jr factor does or is worth in this race. It’s a tough voting block to figure out, both in terms of why they would move from one of the 2 major parties to vote for RFK in the first place as well as if RFK is not an option where their vote will move to.

“If you endorse me, I could have a spot for you.”


Offer him something then trust Congress to deny him the appointment?

Offer him an ambassadorship to a banana republic?

Disappoint him by telling him that your fingers were crossed the whole time?

Tell the Clintons that he has suddenly become inconvenient and have him suicided?

In case anyone needed something to lower their opinion of RFK jr any lower.

Shanahan sounds like she is completely nuts. Picked up a ton of money via a clever marriage and a beneficial divorce (see also: fucking Musk on the way out the door counts for even more nutso points). But remains a copper bottomed loon.

This is more or less what happened. It’s sad because RFK wasn’t in on it. It’s funny because it is funny.

This is more or less what happened. It’s sad because RFK wasn’t in on it. It’s funny because it is funny.

I think it would be interesting to comb the previous RFK threads and see what posters thought that RFK was a legitimate 3rd party + should be taken as a serious alternative in a dem primary.

This is more or less what happened. It’s sad because RFK wasn’t in on it. It’s funny because it is funny.

I think it would be interesting to comb the previous RFK threads and see what posters thought that RFK was a legitimate 3rd party + should be taken as a serious alternative in a dem primary.

you mean as opposed to the serious Dem primary that was run in part by pushing him out because party powers had already decided to give Biden and unobstructed path to the nom, and then the results of which were ignored because Joe “voluntarily” dropped out and said “yeah give my delegates to Kamala”?

the one where all of you were all in for Joe and he was fit as a fiddle and running circles around Kamala and others in private … until you weren’t (well until you were told by Nancy and Co that you weren’t).

I guess we will never know how that actual serious Dem primary would have gone.

This is more or less what happened. It’s sad because RFK wasn’t in on it. It’s funny because it is funny.

I think it would be interesting to comb the previous RFK threads and see what posters thought that RFK was a legitimate 3rd party + should be taken as a serious alternative in a dem primary.

IMHO that ended once he opened his mouth.
Name recognition could have pulled dem voters, but once people knew what he believed, they were out. And that’s before knowing 3rd parties don’t work in the US.

This is more or less what happened. It’s sad because RFK wasn’t in on it. It’s funny because it is funny.

I think it would be interesting to comb the previous RFK threads and see what posters thought that RFK was a legitimate 3rd party + should be taken as a serious alternative in a dem primary.

IMHO that ended once he opened his mouth.
Name recognition could have pulled dem voters, but once people knew what he believed, they were out. And that’s before knowing 3rd parties don’t work in the US.

I had a couple FB friends that were in on him for about 10 minutes. Then, as soon as they learned anything about his whackjob ways, they just never mentioned him again.

This is more or less what happened. It’s sad because RFK wasn’t in on it. It’s funny because it is funny.

I think it would be interesting to comb the previous RFK threads and see what posters thought that RFK was a legitimate 3rd party + should be taken as a serious alternative in a dem primary.

Even more interesting to see if Trump brings him and his baggage aboard the Trumptanic. Junior’s favorability poll numbers among independents and democrats are well below sea level so it’s hard to see how he adds more value than easy targets for Democrats to shoot at.

Has Trump ever turned down an endorsement? The closest I’ve seen is “never heard of him.”

This is more or less what happened. It’s sad because RFK wasn’t in on it. It’s funny because it is funny.

I think it would be interesting to comb the previous RFK threads and see what posters thought that RFK was a legitimate 3rd party + should be taken as a serious alternative in a dem primary.

Even more interesting to see if Trump brings him and his baggage aboard the Trumptanic. Junior’s favorability poll numbers among independents and democrats are well below sea level so it’s hard to see how he adds more value than easy targets for Democrats to shoot at.

Has Trump ever turned down an endorsement? The closest I’ve seen is “never heard of him.”

Trump welcomes him with open arms. The GOP has been propping up RFK because they thought it would hurt the demmys. Now that things are changed the GOP is stopping to fund RFK, and want him to stop - so he will stop.

Trump supporters are not leaving him. Think of the insanity of trump’s last year - business fraud, lying about sexually assaulting someone, election fraud, etc. If you havnt left him because of this, you are not leaving because of RFK. If RKF brings in 10 votes, thats a plus for trump.

This is more or less what happened. It’s sad because RFK wasn’t in on it. It’s funny because it is funny.

I think it would be interesting to comb the previous RFK threads and see what posters thought that RFK was a legitimate 3rd party + should be taken as a serious alternative in a dem primary.

you mean as opposed to the serious Dem primary that was run in part by pushing him out because party powers had already decided to give Biden and unobstructed path to the nom, and then the results of which were ignored because Joe “voluntarily” dropped out and said “yeah give my delegates to Kamala”?

the one where all of you were all in for Joe and he was fit as a fiddle and running circles around Kamala and others in private … until you weren’t (well until you were told by Nancy and Co that you weren’t).

I guess we will never know how that actual serious Dem primary would have gone.

C’mon man, at least make an effort to be serious. You keep saying things like “all of you were all in for Joe…” but just because you keep saying it doesn’t make it any more true now than you first said it. I’m sure there were some, but many, many people on this forum had openly said several times that they wished Joe wasn’t running, but that he was a far better candidate than Trump. I can’t tell if you truly believe things like this or if this is just another turd in the punch bowl.

This is more or less what happened. It’s sad because RFK wasn’t in on it. It’s funny because it is funny.

I think it would be interesting to comb the previous RFK threads and see what posters thought that RFK was a legitimate 3rd party + should be taken as a serious alternative in a dem primary.

you mean as opposed to the serious Dem primary that was run in part by pushing him out because party powers had already decided to give Biden and unobstructed path to the nom, and then the results of which were ignored because Joe “voluntarily” dropped out and said “yeah give my delegates to Kamala”?

the one where all of you were all in for Joe and he was fit as a fiddle and running circles around Kamala and others in private … until you weren’t (well until you were told by Nancy and Co that you weren’t).

I guess we will never know how that actual serious Dem primary would have gone.

I’m not sure your point. When was the last time there was a serious challenge to an incumbent running for reelection? Kennedy in 1980? It seems that since then, the incumbent’s party has always lined up behind the incumbent. Republicans cancelled primaries in 2020.