// the one & only first fifty plus ride in my life happened

… (a chinese proverb says … in the river you just dive once a time) … this silver creats a feeling that can not be described, because all the volumes can be read in a moment … oSo >>


Good job!

P.S. that looks like a sweet ride.

It’s just a number, enjoy life to the fullest! Yes, sweet bike indeed.

Here’s to another 50, most of them on the bike!

Awesome bike!

Well done my AG friend, well done indeed.

Thanks all for the congrats … the following rides get even better :wink:

“No man ever steps in the same river twice” -Heraclitus, as paraphrased by Plato.

Hey, thanks for the information … cultures are so alike in many thoughts … and describe it with similar words …

Congrats. I just hit 50 myself recently and my power numbers on the bike are as good as ever. Time will eventually catch up, but there’s nothing magical about 50. I know some guys in their 60’s that are still killing it and I’m pretty sure they are doing it naturally.

Congrats!, The more of these you do the stronger you will get.