The Official Diabetic Triathlete Thread

I thought this could be a place to post whats working and not working with other Tri Diabetics out there.

A brief self intro

Post your training and race results/reports here. The more detailed info you share the more it could help others.

Or try and get a question answered here.

PS This is for Type 1, Type 2 Diabetics or any other type, lets not discriminate :wink:

Type 1, diagnosed Aug 14th, 2013

Insulin pen 10 units Lantus daily, 1 unit Humalog per 20 g carb

No pump, no CGM

Completed 3 Ironman, most recently B2B on Oct 26th and hope to get a full detail race report up soon

Type 1, diagnosed 1991 - at a swim meet when I was 12.

Lantus 8 units daily, 1 unit humalog per 20g carbs or so also, but varies depending on training.

Most recent race result was 40th World Age Group Champs, London, in 35-39 age group.

Have completed 3 ironmans

Do you use a pump? I’m guessing no…

I thought this could be a place to post whats working and not working with other Tri Diabetics out there.

A brief self intro

Post your training and race results/reports here. The more detailed info you share the more it could help others.

Or try and get a question answered here.

PS This is for Type 1, Type 2 Diabetics or any other type, lets not discriminate :wink:

Type 2, diagnosed 1998
No meds…struggle taking on carbs during races
Mostly doing 70.3
Last 3 70.3 : Miami (4th) last weekend, 70.3 Tremblant (8th) June 2013, 70.3 Muskoka (1st) Sept 2012 50-54AG

Do you use a pump? I’m guessing no…

No pump - I don’t like the thought of having something attached to me on the outside of my body. Had a CGM once and didn’t really like the experience! I just have to be REAL strict about what I eat in terms of matching quantity of Carbs to insulin.

Type 1, diagnosed 1981 at 6yrs old, current A1c of 7.1., use a pump and a CGM during racing and race week.

-Couple short course races
-4 70.3’s
-3 Ironmans:
-Signed up for IMCanada for 2014

IMLP 2011: 11:47 - Race report
IMLP 2012: 12:12 - Race report
IMLP 2013: 10:52 - Race report

-First race was a crap shoot. Basically worked out but I got pretty low at the end.
-Second race I struggled. Misjudged a high out of the swim and messed up my ride.
-Third IM I had a solid insulin plan and adjusted my start nutrition. I highly recommend my coach Cliff Scherb, a type 1 diabetic and successful(KQ) IM athlete.

The main lesson I learned after IMLP this year was that I need to use insulin via a syringe before the swim and in T1, and that breakfast should be fast acting carbs rather than something fatty like PB that will mess with insulin absorption.

Type 1 diagnosed officially 11th Jan 2012, i was 31.
A1c tests of 5.7, 5.5, 5.5
Lantus: 8 units
Novorapid: 1 unit per 20gms

Was diagnosed during my second tri season when i got the usually symptoms- i used to cramp up even in super sprint club races and didnt know why. Then the blurred vision came, weight loss etc. Managed one or two races late in the second season.
This year is my 3rd year of racing, but really my second as the latter was interrupted a fair bit!

I tend to do a lot of club races, super sprints, sprints a few olys. Even a few team 70.3’s. Have done busselton 70.3 in May just gone, im doing Mandurah 70.3 on Sunday.

Can i ask why you use insulin during a race? Would you just have the basal on board, bolus for breakfast but add a little extra carbs for a small peak before your wave start? Having fresh insulin in your systel do you go through a lot of carbs to avoid the lows? Or does your body react in a way in which adrenaline kicks in and creates a hyper which your body doesnt want to bring down?

You can’t use the carbs you’re consuming unless you take insulin to turn it into a fuel source your body can use. Your caloric needs are not different as a diabetic athlete. Your body’s response is though. I definitely do get an adrenal spike, but that will eventually fall.

I’m not consuming tons of calories to avoid lows, I’m consuming lots of calories because you need to in order to finish an IM bike and set yourself up for a good run. By the time I get to the run I slowly dial back my basal until it’s basically zero at 13 miles into the run.

Your muscles can use glucose independant of insulin. Im not saying to race with no insulin on board, but there are athletes who do ironmans, ultras etc without injecting/pumping any insulin. I did a half with just basal insulin on board. Im not having a go or anything, i find these things interesting is all.

Ah. Perhaps I misunderstood what you were asking.
When I’m riding I don’t bolus for the fuel I am consuming. I depend on my basal insulin pattern which changes during the day.
Just like you adjust your basal pattern with your doctor for how your normal day works out.

It is the stopping in T1 to inject insulin i dont understand? Or do you mean you just adjust the pump’s basal pattern?

It sounds like you’ve only been type 1 for a year. What I’m saying is I consider my IM day as not much different than any other day as a diabetic. You go to your doctor and figure out a basal insulin pattern for your day.

Doc: “When do you plan to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner?”
Me: “X, Y, Z”

And he helps me figure out an appropriate series of patterns. After you’ve been diabetic long enough you basically figure out how to adjust that pattern yourself with the occasional sanity check with an Endo(cronologist).

Yeh i have only had a dud pancreas for a few years now :frowning:

I understand what your saying- i have a pattern too but let me explain:

I Usually bolus 1 unit in morning, 1 unit at lunch and 3 for dinner with 8 units of lantus running in the background. When i do a 70.3 i have my breakfast and bolus the unit to cover it. Prior to the gun going off I pop a gel to create a blood sugar spike. During the race i add a gel/glucose tablets/jelly beans etc to not only fuel me, but to avoid a hypo. Im usually done around lunchish. My question, if this was you, would you have any more bolus insulin during the race? OR is it because its a full ironman that you actually do in reality, you dont think you can race on a basal insulin?
Sorry im not trying to flog a dead horse, I just dont understand having injections during the race UNLESS your talking about manipulating your pumps basal.

You can’t use the carbs you’re consuming unless you take insulin to turn it into a fuel source your body can use. Your caloric needs are not different as a diabetic athlete. Your body’s response is though. I definitely do get an adrenal spike, but that will eventually fall.

I’m not consuming tons of calories to avoid lows, I’m consuming lots of calories because you need to in order to finish an IM bike and set yourself up for a good run. By the time I get to the run I slowly dial back my basal until it’s basically zero at 13 miles into the run.

The carbs I use during training and racing are pretty much used up as fast as they are absorbed…because I’m exercising.

At one stage a while back I didn’t have to use any long acting in the morning (when I was on twice daily shots of long acting) if I had a big day of training ahead.

Every diabetic is different and it is sometimes a matter of trial and error until you get the right formula. I know that my diabetes can sometimes react totally differently to exercise in the space of less than a week. Racing is also different to training.

The reason you need to consume lots of calories (or to put it better, carbs) as a diabetic to finish an IM bike split is to ensure your blood sugar levels are steady.

Type 1 Diabetic, diagnosed September 2012, age 27.

20 units of Levemir daily, 1 unit of Apidra for every 15g of carbs, less during training.

I haven’t done any long races since I was diagnosed, but I do have a couple of Dus and short road races since then. I have long term plans on an IM, but I have Noooooo idea how to handle nutrition for that. It is going to take a lot of work beyond the training to get there.

Does anyone race IMs without a pump these days? It seems like the pump is great for day to day, but huge for distance racing.

Type 2 here, or as my endo likes to call me, a Type 1.5.

Diagnosed in Dec 2008 during a routine physical. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with me (I didn’t know the typical symptoms at the time, frequent urination and always thirsty), and was surprised when I was told I was diabetic. I wasn’t overly out of shape, overweight or anything. My A1C was 11.1 and my BG was 370 or so from my first glucose test.
I’m currently at 5.9 and typically stay around there. My C-peptide test is getting worse though, as my pancreas is producing less and less insulin. So its only a matter of time before I’ll have to inject.

I’ve done three 70.3s, a handful of Olys and a bunch of sprints. The past few years I really got into running ultras and marathons as well. This upcoming season I may do more cycling. I can never decide on any one thing.

Keep all the stories coming. I love hearing about diabetics doing their thing and not letting the disease stop them from reaching their goals.

ETA: I was diagnosed at age 31, and currently take oral meds.

I do not use a pump, straight injections. I just did140.6 without it. Not saying I won’t use one in the future. I would prefer a cgm over a pump I think

I was diagnosed with Type 1 in November of 2009 at the age of 34. I use a pump and my insulin is Apidra. I do not wear my pump while training/racing.

Since my diagnosis:

Florida 70.3 My carb mix that worked well in the northeast did not work well in the heat and humidity (if only the race was a day earlier). Everything was great until the run (or in my case, walk). I did Musselman later that summer with more success after finally getting my nutrition dialed in (24 oz bottle with one scoop of carbo pro and one scoop of EFS every 30-45 min). I was scheduled to do Syracuse, but just didn’t feel right later that summer.

I was not able to race because of shingles and then a lower leg injury

More lower leg issues (left calf strain/Achilles tendinitis) but I was able to do the Aquabike at Keuka Lake.

I did the Keuka Aquabike, a bunch of time trials, and was FINALLY able to get back to triathlon at the Cortland Sprint Tri!