The Official 2023-2024 100/100 Thread: The Running Has Begun

Alright folks. It’s time.

**2023-2024 100/100 Sign Ups are Available. For more details on this year’s challenge, and to sign up, read the front page article here: **

2023-2024 100/100 will begin on December 1st.

Top level stuff:
–20 minute / 2 mile minimum
–New this year: two runs per day max, please (I can’t actually limit it, so it’s honor code, please)
–Random prizes awarded to runners who log at some point during the challenge on RSU.

How to Log on RunSignUp:
Easiest method.
Go to on ResultsClick on Submit Virtual Results

Sign ups will remain active for a week after we start running.

And away we go.

Got it. Heavy handed corporate takeover of grassroots event. How very… Ironman.

I’m out.

Pulling out so early?

I’m waiting for the details before I decide.

There might be an opportunity for another finisher’s medal or a towel.

Pulling out so early?

I’m waiting for the details before I decide.

There might be an opportunity for another finisher’s medal or a towel.
Go all in and get a Slowtwitch 100 Tattoo…

These are the details that matter to me. I doubt they are going to change.;page=unread#unread

If ST leadership cares why, they are welcome to ask. I doubt they will.

I have a lot of personal, emotional investment in the challenge formerly known as the st 100/100 as implemented in the EJ log.

As the product offered by this entity, I can only vote with my clicks (or the lack thereof). So, that’s what I will do.

If Ryan and Eric Wynne want us to post about 100/100 on this thread that is fine.

So perhaps I can explain how we got here.

In 2006-07, I hosted a virtual camp with a number of friends around the world and posted about it here on ST. because Dan Empfield like the concept of virtual camps . I had friend around the world that we were training “together with” via email and an ST thread.

From that camp, during which I ran every day, I just kept running a minimum of 30 min per day to end of Jan. At that point I was at 42 days of running and figured I may as well do the first 50 day running streak of my life.

The problem is on the 50th day I had a 50km XC ski race in Lake Placid, so I jogged 30 min as a warmup before my ski race (because I knew I would be toast afterwards) and then proceeded to do the race (oh to be young and only 41 years old…I think I finished 12th overall in that race…)…got up the next day and just rolled out of bed and ran for the 51st day…and from there, 52, at which point I figured may as well take it to 100 days. I tracked it in a google spreasheet

That spring I went to Wildflower half IM and had a crazy kick ass early season race (went sub 5 on that course) and went on to an IM PB at Lake Placid…even passed on a kona rolldown (how stupid is that ???)

So running 100 days in a row MUST BE AWESOME, and I invited friends from my local community, from around the world and from ST to join me in 2007-08.

I got around 250 joining and we ran it on a google spreadsheet with communication on local and international emails, a local tri forum and an ST Thread. By 2008-09 Herbert Krabel contacted me and asked me if he was developing a log if I wanted to move the entire thing to ST so rather than “recruiting runners” via emails, facebook messages, facebook posts, local tri forums and the ST Forum, we would reach out of all these diverse groups, point them to the ST thread and get everyone to use an ST log rather than a convoluted google sheet that I had to manually manage and create a larger global community affect.

Since that time Eric Jensen took inputs from myself, other users, Herbert/Jordan/Dan and implemented upgrades so as to support desired challenge oriented features.

Soooo all this to say, the challenge started fairly organically with one athlete getting the challenge going and recruiting athletes from various sources all around the world and then in collaboration with ST we decided everyone can win centering it all here with the forum, and associated automation on the log.

Now if ST wants to use another system to log, that’s ST’s choice and if others want to just join a parallel challenge on the old training log (now run independently on Eric Jenson’s platform) that is fine.

When we brought the 100/100 IN HOUSE to ST, we had a number of other parallel 100/100s on the internet because some people just don’t want to be here. The internet is big and the world is bigger and the concept can co exist in multiple places at exactly the same time.

So there is a challenge going on at this link:

There will be a parallel challenge on ST

…and if anyone wants to go back to 2007, it is a free world and any of you can put together a simple google sheet, put the names down in one column, and put 100 rows beside each name and enter time of each run .

Mainly get out there and run. And if anyone needs the encouragement right now it is me !!!

If Ryan and Eric want us to post about 100/100 on this thread that is fine.

So perhaps I can explain how we got here.

In 2006-07, I hosted a virtual camp with a number of friends around the world and posted about it here on ST. because Dan Empfield like the concept of virtual camps . I had friend around the world that we were training “together with” via email and an ST thread.

From that camp, during which I ran every day, I just kept running a minimum of 30 min per day to end of Jan. At that point I was at 42 days of running and figured I may as well do the first 50 day running streak of my life.

The problem is on the 50th day I had a 50km XC ski race in Lake Placid, so I jogged 30 min as a warmup before my ski race (because I knew I would be toast afterwards) and then proceeded to do the race (oh to be young and only 41 years old…I think I finished 12th overall in that race…)…got up the next day and just rolled out of bed and ran for the 51st day…and from there, 52, at which point I figured may as well take it to 100 days. I tracked it in a google spreasheet

That spring I went to Wildflower half IM and had a crazy kick ass early season race (went sub 5 on that course) and went on to an IM PB at Lake Placid…even passed on a kona rolldown (how stupid is that ???)

So running 100 days in a row MUST BE AWESOME, and I invited friends from my local community, from around the world and from ST to join me in 2007-08.

I got around 250 joining and we ran it on a google spreadsheet with communication on local and international emails, a local tri forum and an ST Thread. By 2008-09 Herbert Krabel contacted me and asked me if he was developing a log if I wanted to move the entire thing to ST so rather than “recruiting runners” via emails, facebook messages, facebook posts, local tri forums and the ST Forum, we would reach out of all these diverse groups, point them to the ST thread and get everyone to use an ST log rather than a convoluted google sheet that I had to manually manage and create a larger global community affect.

Since that time Eric Jensen took inputs from myself, other users, Herbert/Jordan/Dan and implemented upgrades so as to support desired challenge oriented features.

Soooo all this to say, the challenge started fairly organically with one athlete getting the challenge going and recruiting athletes from various sources all around the world and then in collaboration with ST we decided everyone can win centering it all here with the forum, and associated automation on the log.

Now if ST wants to use another system to log, that’s ST’s choice and if others want to just join a parallel challenge on the old training log (now run independently on Eric Jenson’s platform) that is fine.

When we brought the 100/100 IN HOUSE to ST, we had a number of other parallel 100/100s on the internet because some people just don’t want to be here. The internet is big and the world is bigger and the concept can co exist in multiple places at exactly the same time.

So there is a challenge going on at this link:

There will be a parallel challenge on ST

…and if anyone wants to go back to 2007, it is a free world and any of you can put together a simple google sheet, put the names down in one column, and put 100 rows beside each name and enter time of each run .

Mainly get out there and run. And if anyone needs the encouragement right now it is me !!!

Thank for all that info.

This is the first year I want to give this a shot so I can get back into consistent running.

Horrible form from ST to take over the challenge like this. I will only participate in EJ’s challenge and not the ST challenge.

Not really, I would say more like keeping the grass roots event where it has been for the last 10 years. Within this community.


Not really, I would say more like keeping the grass roots event where it has been for the last 10 years. Within this community.

Not really. I would say more like you deleted Eric’s “Annual 100 / 100” post, WITHIN THE COMMUNITY, locked my thread enquiring what happened when it took a direction you didn’t like, and replaced it with your “Official” thread with zero details and an obvious total lack of planning.


Your single word enquiry couldn’t possible show less effort (except to not bother to ask at all). It smacks as insincere. If you truly want to engage, perhaps acknowledging some of the prior content from either myself or Dev would have been a good way to start. regardless…

To be clear:

  1. Does Slowtitch, Incorporated own the Intellectual Property Rights to the thing known as the “Annual 100 / 100”? <<<— Leaving out the legal entity name, intentionally.
  2. Are all community challenges here on ST required to be Ryan/EDub approved and endorsed (even if the title excludes the use of the Legal entity name)
  3. Are all community challenges required to use whatever ST training log function gets implemented?

When I first noticed that EJ’s thread had been “moved” to an unavailable location…I assumed that ST was creating a challenges “room” or something and that the link had just been messed up. I PM’d EJ to ask what happened, and he didn’t know.

So, you elected to delete the thread, without either informing anyone of any kind of plan (neither the author of the thread, nor the rest of the community)…who had already begun using the thread as we always do.

Thus, I posted my enquiry on the forum. I received a cryptic reply from ryan. when I pushed the issue and more directly asked what was the ST plan…ryan was again evasive, but clearly indicated that ST would be altering the rules and format “in some way”, and would NOT be associated with EJ’s log. That thread quickly got locked when Dev engaged, and questioned the motives…and pointed out that the 100 / 100 has a long history that predates any ST involvement.

I don’t like the implied ethics of the entire situation. I don’t like the Ryan Heisler approach to “its the ST-way or no-way, and I’m not engaging in discussions that make me uncomfortable or cast ST, Inc in a bad light.” And I don’t like the lack of transparency.

So, if you don’t care about any of that, then I don’t either…and, I’ll show myself the door.

The only reason I locked that thread about where the discussion went was to move discussion to a single thread about 100/100.

That’s a problem of forum architecture and not being able to merge them together – that’s what I would have done in an alternative format.

I’m sorry for that. I can understand you might feel like it’s a lack of transparency. Not my intent.

Well written! I’ve also noticed a change in the editorial environment since Dan left, but what can we expect? These new guys aren’t Dan. Nothing lasts forever. I miss the training log’s location on the site. I used to visit it at least once a day when it was an easy click. I haven’t used the new site very much. No good reason other than it just doesn’t feel the same as it used to.

Thank you, as always, for the historic perspective.

I almost asked you to start this thread, to be honest. Probably what I would have done in retrospect, once we’d finalized a couple details.

Horrible form from ST to take over the challenge like this. I will only participate in EJ’s challenge and not the ST challenge.

i just don’t stipulate to your characterization. first off, this was dev’s idea. it was (as i recall) more like the 25/25 challenge. then it just kept going, because dev kept going. and there we were, at 100/100.

this was born as a slowtwitch activation powered by dev. or a dev activation powered by slowtwitch. or, if you want to put it another way, it was a dev/slowtwitch activation powered by eric jensen’s training log, and eric and i chose to incorporate that training log into slowtwitch because it was a convenience for everyone.

what i object to is the notion that this was anything other than a slowtwitch initiative. eric was a vendor. it’s like saying that an IRONMAN race belongs to sportstats, if sportstats decides to pull out.

now, as to why there is no longer a deal between eric and slowtwitch: eric j asked for a very big increase in the monthly payment to him to maintain the forum. eric w balked. i don’t blame anyone. we had a sweetheart deal from eric for many years. i don’t know how things might have been different if i was still making decisions. but i don’t think you can blame either eric.

one way to solve this would’ve been for eric w to still allow eric j to host the challenge. but there are some moving pieces there and at least one other option that does make a kind of sense is to (for example) have the challenge hosted at strava, and most of us have an account there do we not?

so, again, i’m not weighing on this, other than to say no, absolutely no, this is not slowtwitch absconding with someone else’s property. i have been there for hte history of this. i wrote the articles every year reminding you of this challenge. i produced the direct mails reminding you. i (or herbert, or somebody at slowtwitch) posted the threads going over the rules, considering rules changes, and then i posted and hosted the sticky thread that tracked the conversations. it was slowtwitch who pumped the air into the tires of this challenge, and it was dev, a slowtwitch community member since forever, who watched his idea grow.

so, i might agree and i might not agree with eric w’s decisions on where to host the data of this challenge. but it is absolutely under his purview to do so.

Sometimes I think this challenge should be renamed 100 complaints/100 days.

Horrible form from ST to take over the challenge like this. I will only participate in EJ’s challenge and not the ST challenge.

i just don’t stipulate to your characterization. first off, this was dev’s idea. it was (as i recall) more like the 25/25 challenge. then it just kept going, because dev kept going. and there we were, at 100/100.

this was born as a slowtwitch activation powered by dev. or a dev activation powered by slowtwitch. or, if you want to put it another way, it was a dev/slowtwitch activation powered by eric jensen’s training log, and eric and i chose to incorporate that training log into slowtwitch because it was a convenience for everyone.

what i object to is the notion that this was anything other than a slowtwitch initiative. eric was a vendor. it’s like saying that an IRONMAN race belongs to sportstats, if sportstats decides to pull out.

now, as to why there is no longer a deal between eric and slowtwitch: eric j asked for a very big increase in the monthly payment to him to maintain the forum. eric w balked. i don’t blame anyone. we had a sweetheart deal from eric for many years. i don’t know how things might have been different if i was still making decisions. but i don’t think you can blame either eric.

one way to solve this would’ve been for eric w to still allow eric j to host the challenge. but there are some moving pieces there and at least one other option that does make a kind of sense is to (for example) have the challenge hosted at strava, and most of us have an account there do we not?

so, again, i’m not weighing on this, other than to say no, absolutely no, this is not slowtwitch absconding with someone else’s property. i have been there for hte history of this. i wrote the articles every year reminding you of this challenge. i produced the direct mails reminding you. i (or herbert, or somebody at slowtwitch) posted the threads going over the rules, considering rules changes, and then i posted and hosted the sticky thread that tracked the conversations. it was slowtwitch who pumped the air into the tires of this challenge, and it was dev, a slowtwitch community member since forever, who watched his idea grow.

so, i might agree and i might not agree with eric w’s decisions on where to host the data of this challenge. but it is absolutely under his purview to do so.

I am not claiming that ST stole anybody’s property or idea, what I am claiming is that ST had absolutely no plan (or forgot about it), and once they saw EJ’s post they scrambled.

Tom said it best:

Not really. I would say more like you deleted Eric’s “Annual 100 / 100” post, WITHIN THE COMMUNITY, locked my thread enquiring what happened when it took a direction you didn’t like, and replaced it with your “Official” thread with zero details and an obvious total lack of planning.

Listen, I enjoy this place, and I usually side with ST but it is pretty obvious that there were no plans, and there’s probably some poor chap right now trying to put something together quickly so that ST can host this challenge, instead of just blending it with EJ’s, and then be ready for it next year.

What I am calling “horrible form” is closing that other thread, making an announcement with absolutely no details or plans.

Horrible form from ST to take over the challenge like this. I will only participate in EJ’s challenge and not the ST challenge.

i just don’t stipulate to your characterization. first off, this was dev’s idea. it was (as i recall) more like the 25/25 challenge. then it just kept going, because dev kept going. and there we were, at 100/100.

this was born as a slowtwitch activation powered by dev. or a dev activation powered by slowtwitch. or, if you want to put it another way, it was a dev/slowtwitch activation powered by eric jensen’s training log, and eric and i chose to incorporate that training log into slowtwitch because it was a convenience for everyone.

what i object to is the notion that this was anything other than a slowtwitch initiative. eric was a vendor. it’s like saying that an IRONMAN race belongs to sportstats, if sportstats decides to pull out.

now, as to why there is no longer a deal between eric and slowtwitch: eric j asked for a very big increase in the monthly payment to him to maintain the forum. eric w balked. i don’t blame anyone. we had a sweetheart deal from eric for many years. i don’t know how things might have been different if i was still making decisions. but i don’t think you can blame either eric.

one way to solve this would’ve been for eric w to still allow eric j to host the challenge. but there are some moving pieces there and at least one other option that does make a kind of sense is to (for example) have the challenge hosted at strava, and most of us have an account there do we not?

so, again, i’m not weighing on this, other than to say no, absolutely no, this is not slowtwitch absconding with someone else’s property. i have been there for hte history of this. i wrote the articles every year reminding you of this challenge. i produced the direct mails reminding you. i (or herbert, or somebody at slowtwitch) posted the threads going over the rules, considering rules changes, and then i posted and hosted the sticky thread that tracked the conversations. it was slowtwitch who pumped the air into the tires of this challenge, and it was dev, a slowtwitch community member since forever, who watched his idea grow.

so, i might agree and i might not agree with eric w’s decisions on where to host the data of this challenge. but it is absolutely under his purview to do so.

I am not claiming that ST stole anybody’s property or idea, what I am claiming is that ST had absolutely no plan (or forgot about it), and once they saw EJ’s post they scrambled.

Tom said it best:

Not really. I would say more like you deleted Eric’s “Annual 100 / 100” post, WITHIN THE COMMUNITY, locked my thread enquiring what happened when it took a direction you didn’t like, and replaced it with your “Official” thread with zero details and an obvious total lack of planning.

Listen, I enjoy this place, and I usually side with ST but it is pretty obvious that there were no plans, and there’s probably some poor chap right now trying to put something together quickly so that ST can host this challenge, instead of just blending it with EJ’s, and then be ready for it next year.

What I am calling “horrible form” is closing that other thread, making an announcement with absolutely no details or plans.

i don’t stipulate to that either. in fact, on the very day that eric j’s thread was posted i’d reached out to ryan and eric c to find out where we’re hosting the 100/100. on monday i did my first run to get myself ready for it :wink:

eric j chose to use a property belonging to eric w to advertise his version of the challenge. i think that’s rather cheeky, don’t you? i think both erics might’ve handled this in a slicker way. but to the point of my answer to you, when you wrote that slowtwitch is taking over a challenge, it sure seemed to me you meant that it was absconding with a property to which it had no right or title. if that’s not what you meant, i stand corrected.

in my view, the challenge belongs to the community here, and the community has the right to join whatever challenge it wants. the community built this challenge. but i greased the joints and oiled the links, goddammit, so let’s just remember history correctly. there are some folks out of the country at the moment, so where this challenge will eventually be hosted i don’t know yet. i am at everyone’s disposal if anybody wants me help or advice, otherwise i’m confident we’ll all find out where the (slowtwitch version) of the thing will be hosted and we have plenty of time if we’re starting on november 15th. as you might recall, every year i ask you all when you want to start, and i generally ask that right around the 1st of november.

Sometimes I think this challenge should be renamed 100 complaints/100 days.

The Airing of the Grievances has always been an integral part of the 100/100.


eric j chose to use a property belonging to eric w to advertise his version of the challenge. i think that’s rather cheeky, don’t you? i think both erics might’ve handled this in a slicker way. but to the point of my answer to you, when you wrote that slowtwitch is taking over a challenge, it sure seemed to me you meant that it was absconding with a property to which it had no right or title. if that’s not what you meant, i stand corrected.

This is a totally fair summation by Dan here.


Thank you for the transperancy dan. It would be nice to have the historical data kept some how, including the Big Kahuna challenge which is even older than 100/100