The most important election of the year

Nope not the US.

Not that one Guv.

Unh unh Modi still runs the show

Qui mes freres that’s the one

So our froggy cheese eating surrender monkey friends are about to elect a majority party that wants to amongst other things:

A)remove France from integrated NATO command

B) Reduce the amount and lethality of weapons sent to Ukraine

C) Reduce sanctions on Russia

D) Reform the EU (until recently leave the EU which would be an ABSOLUTE FUCKING SHIT SHOW making Brexit look like fun little tete a tete)

E) Anti American

It’ll be interesting for sure

Shit, they just Ctrl-C - Ctrl-V’d the Republican platform. On top of all your insults they are plagiarists.

Shit, they just Ctrl-C - Ctrl-V’d the Republican platform. On top of all your insults they are plagiarists.

Not quite but there is some alignment



Pretty sure MAGA gives zero fucks about the EU


Pretty sure MAGA gives zero fucks about the EU

At least you recognize they are anti-American. There might be some hope for you yet.

This has somewhat disappointed me.

The French election is impactful but instead of discussing that just childish attacks on MAGA.

This has somewhat disappointed me.

The French election is impactful but instead of discussing that just childish attacks on MAGA.

What’s to be discussed? It’s a bad thing if these assholes get elected regardless of what country they are in. Not really too many people here who are going to take the opposite view.

Even Trumpers here don’t really defend the positions of the far right.

This has somewhat disappointed me.

The French election is impactful but instead of discussing that just childish attacks on MAGA.

What’s to be discussed? It’s a bad thing if these assholes get elected regardless of what country they are in. Not really too many people here who are going to take the opposite view.

Even Trumpers here don’t really defend the positions of the far right.

The ramifications of the of France leaving the EU and or implosion of the Euro. They actually already a backdoor currency

I was reading an article about global debt. Apparently the highest in about 200 years in real dollar terms. Each time it got this high a major reset and economic upheaval. France has a very high debt/gdp ratio. Not as high as America! but substantial. Debt to gdp ratios getting high such that credit crisis could be triggered. France could be one to trigger a European one and would the dominos fall?

Traditional parties that cast themselves as conservative are less spendy. But America under Trump would run up debt as would France under right wing parties. America under Biden would too.

The Europeans should be able to get their stuff together to support Ukraine. It is on their doorstep.

France isn’t leaving the EU

RN will learn rapidly their ability to move within the frameworks they are embedded in

That’s not to say they do not pose a massive headache for Macron but their powers are some what limited

France isn’t leaving the EU

RN will learn rapidly their ability to move within the frameworks they are embedded in

That’s not to say they do not pose a massive headache for Macron but their powers are some what limited

People said that about the UK…if they win the election and then the Presidency in a few years I’d imagine they will swing the cudgel of FREXIT around to get a lot of changes they want and if they don’t get them pull the ripcord. The EU dissolves without France or Germany.

Absolutely no one in Europe wants to experience what’s been visible for all to see I’m the case of Britain.

RN may secure a majority and may well want to tackle issues such as immigration but what they will not do is leave Europe, leave the euro, erect borders with all their neighbours.

People said it about the UK, it happened and everyone has seen the consequences. France, even RN will not repeat the mistake

At what point does the EU shift its policies that are causing so much angst for the member nations. Is that possible shift already underway after the recent elections?

The full impact of Brexit is just now being to be felt. A lot of the lies that were told are being reveled for how wrong they were. So I have a hard time seeing another EU country leave. But I do see a path where the EU itself shifts to the right on some issues such as asylum, immigration and protectionism. Maybe so much that the UK rejoins.

Funny thing about European immigration polices, they need immigrants to prop up their economy even more than the US does.

I think structural change is on the cards but it’s a slow moving behemoth and change will take time

Treaty revision would be one step in that direction and this has been running since 22


Pretty sure MAGA gives zero fucks about the EU

Right. Pull out of NATO for MAGA, pull out of EU for France.

Both dumb.

**So our froggy cheese eating surrender monkey friends are about to elect a majority party that wants to amongst other things: **

A)remove France from integrated NATO command

B) Reduce the amount and lethality of weapons sent to Ukraine

C) Reduce sanctions on Russia

D) Reform the EU (until recently leave the EU which would be an ABSOLUTE FUCKING SHIT SHOW making Brexit look like fun little tete a tete)

E) Anti American

It’ll be interesting for sure

As usual Windy was wrong. The left won big. Windy’s buddies in the far right underperformed.

France election live updates and results: Leftists lead in projections | AP News
France Election 2024 Live: Left and centre leading far right, pollsters say | Reuters

Les Frogs ribbited… National Rally ends up in third place, although the inverse i.e. the far Left is now the largest party

Les Frogs ribbited… National Rally ends up in third place, although the inverse i.e. the far Left is now the largest party

Your girl Marine is very sad.


I believe the proper response is to declare electoral fraud and storm the capital.