The leader of the free world

President Joe Biden - Public Schedule Calendar | Factbase

just called a lid on his Tuesday at 10am. Which make sense because

  1. there’s not really much going on domestically or internationally and the grown ups in the room have things covered and

  2. it’s been a brutal last 30 days as evidenced by the attached schedule.

I’m sure he’ll be up all the earlier tomorrow preparing for his next 5 years in office.

Sometimes you have interesting insights. Other times you post really stupid crap.

Do you have some sort of knowledge of what he is actually doing after 10 AM, or just a lack of public events

Are you as empty as you appear here?

For anyone who is NOT a complete moron and wants to know:“lid”%20is%20what%20White,called%20a%20“full%20lid.”


Sometimes you have interesting insights. Other times you post really stupid crap.

Do you have some sort of knowledge of what he is actually doing after 10 AM, or just a lack of public events

For all the mining he does for Biden dirt, I take comfort in this being the worst he could come up with.

another week into 2024. Another brutal schedule. The last 45 days are clearly the schedule of a guy who is ready to campaign hard for his re-election.

President Joe Biden - Public Schedule Calendar | Factbase

except or course for the geniuses here that want to argue that his public schedule is somehow something other than his public schedule and he’s somehow traveling the country pressing the flesh outside his public schedule.

Hey geniuses, his schedule is so sparse that they have to make his “campaign stop” in NC into like 6 different events in the same day (ie. an unexpected trip to cook out).

But I’m sure his “non-public” items are filled with policy time (you know other than he receives the daily briefing). I’m sure he’s regularly updated on all the things one needs to be to be the leader of the free world.

This is not a person capable of running any country. You know, I know it. Our allies and enemies know it.

Happy Monday!!! I’m sure he’ll make it back to the WH later. After all he had a busy Saturday almost like it was a “work day”.

I know I know. But But But Trump used to golf!!!

isnt biden on vacation now?

Honestly, what is wrong with the Republican Party that they can’t beat him by a landslide?

Everyone knows he’s not the ideal candidate- but it looks like the republicans are going with the guy who lost to him last time.

If he’s so weak why not beat him with a better candidate?

As an independent I’d love to have a great choice on either side.

This is not a person capable of running any country. You know, I know it. Our allies and enemies know it.

Let’s say that we agreed (which we don’t) that Biden is not capable of “running any country.”

Do you then think that means we, or anyone, should vote for an adjudicated rapist, who is facing 91 criminal counts, who watched the U.S. Capitol get attacked for hours without taking action, and who recently demonstrated very publicly that he confuses his opponent Nikki Haley with the former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi? And would we ignore that he only wants to be a dictator “on the first day”?

Thanks, but I’m going with the guy with a light public schedule. I’m not going with the guy who lined his own pockets with millions of taxpayer dollars by filling his schedule with golf on nearly a quarter of his days in office.

another week into 2024. Another brutal schedule. The last 45 days are clearly the schedule of a guy who is ready to campaign hard for his re-election.

President Joe Biden - Public Schedule Calendar | Factbase

except or course for the geniuses here that want to argue that his public schedule is somehow something other than his public schedule and he’s somehow traveling the country pressing the flesh outside his public schedule.

Hey geniuses, his schedule is so sparse that they have to make his “campaign stop” in NC into like 6 different events in the same day (ie. an unexpected trip to cook out).

But I’m sure his “non-public” items are filled with policy time (you know other than he receives the daily briefing). I’m sure he’s regularly updated on all the things one needs to be to be the leader of the free world.

This is not a person capable of running any country. You know, I know it. Our allies and enemies know it.

Happy Monday!!! I’m sure he’ll make it back to the WH later. After all he had a busy Saturday almost like it was a “work day”.

I know I know. But But But Trump used to golf!!!

Honestly, what is wrong with the Republican Party that they can’t beat him by a landslide?

Everyone knows he’s not the ideal candidate- but it looks like the republicans are going with the guy who lost to him last time.

If he’s so weak why not beat him with a better candidate?

As an independent I’d love to have a great choice on either side.

This x100. As an independent my head is bleeding from all the scratching.

Sometimes you have interesting insights. Other times you post really stupid crap.

Do you have some sort of knowledge of what he is actually doing after 10 AM, or just a lack of public events

For all the mining he does for Biden dirt, I take comfort in this being the worst he could come up with.

The desperation is palatable.

Sometimes you have interesting insights. Other times you post really stupid crap.

Do you have some sort of knowledge of what he is actually doing after 10 AM, or just a lack of public events

For all the mining he does for Biden dirt, I take comfort in this being the worst he could come up with.

The desperation is palatable.

Joe Biden caught ‘speaking a different language’ and listening to barrel of beer (

never mind I now know why his schedule doesn’t include many appearances. This is getting exponentially worse by the week

yeah, I’m desperate because the country I love has an invalid in charge of it and our condition reflects that.

this is perfectly fine for you though, until you can drive the bus that runs him over when they figure out how to replace him

You post a YouTube video from Sky News Australia.

Who is Sky News Australia?
Are they a reliable source of news?

According to wiki, “Sky News Australia is an Australian conservative news channel owned by News Corp Australia. Originally launched on 19 February 1996, it broadcasts rolling news coverage throughout the day, while its prime time lineup is dedicated to opinion-based programs featuring a line-up of conservative commentators.”

Do they present trustworthy news?

According to Google, “Sky News Australia is considered by commentators to have a conservative, right-wing bias.

There are funny discussions on Quora and Reddit about Sky News Australia:

“Are they actually real journalists and not actors? Maybe something inbetween? Journalists who spice up their journalists with bad acting?

Do the hosts actually like working there or is it some last resort in their career?

Is it an influential channel in Australia or just considered trash?

Can someone please explain? Why is Sky News Australia so weird?”


Basically no one watches it here, but apparently they get heaps of YouTube clicks from right-wing Americans so they just pander to them with bullshit stories about how the rest of the world is a hyper-woke dystopia.

Definitely the most biased and inaccurate television broadcasting channel I’ve ever encountered. It is ultra right wing which I could tolerate if it attempted to be just a little objective.

Tyler is a sucker for clickbait and selectively edited videos.

Here is the full speech

Sometimes you have interesting insights. Other times you post really stupid crap.

Do you have some sort of knowledge of what he is actually doing after 10 AM, or just a lack of public events

For all the mining he does for Biden dirt, I take comfort in this being the worst he could come up with.

The desperation is palatable.

yeah, I’m desperate because the country I love has an invalid in charge of it and our condition reflects that.

Are you saying you believe the election was stolen and Trump won the election?

What doesnt make sense is that even in the article everyone in the audience laughs at the same time. If that happens I think the mics or my speakers are wrong.

We have to understand though tyler 1) thinks the border was fixed in 2020, 2) every post he makes is about how bad biden is (even in non-biden related threads). 3) gets angry about Biden’s schedule being light while Biden is on vacation.

He is obviously living in a skynews reality.

Watched your video. He still sounds more coherent than Trump.

Hey remember last week when he said Nikki Haley was responsible for Jan 6th? Which was peaceful. Except apparently it wasn’t and it was Nikki Haley’s fault.

Ok. Makes perfect sense.

I didn’t hear from the leader of Switzerland.

You guys aren’t even in the top 10 of “free” countries.

What doesnt make sense is that even in the article everyone in the audience laughs at the same time. If that happens I think the mics or my speakers are wrong.

We have to understand though tyler 1) thinks the border was fixed in 2020, 2) every post he makes is about how bad biden is (even in non-biden related threads). 3) gets angry about Biden’s schedule being light while Biden is on vacation.

He is obviously living in a skynews reality.

Tyler, and the right wing outrage machine, want to deflect from the actual content of Biden’s speech.

Remarks by President Biden on Investing in America and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law | Superior, WI | The White House

The GOP has no policy positions so they are hoping the economy crashes as it might help them politically. Biden’s speech highlighted that the economy is not crashing. Joe talked about how the American economy is doing better than almost all of the western developed world. He talked about the infrastructure bill and the benefits it has delivered to the region. The best part was that he gave credit to the American people for the economy’s success.

Well, thanks to the American people, America now has the strongest growth and the lowest inflation rate of any major economy in the world. (Applause.) It’s because of you.

Joe is right, the economy’s success is due largely to the American people. Tyler, and the GOP, hate this. They want the America people to suffer as it might help get their Dear Leader back in office because “only he can fix it”.

Tyler is a sucker for clickbait and selectively edited videos.

Here is the full speech…?si=iOi3sOCxQmKrg9Eo

thanks for posting the full speech

the one where he mumbles through the sentence I posted

the one where he stumbles off stage and listens to a barrel of beer before stumbling out of the room

the one where he says he created 169 jobs in WI

the one where he lies about bringing down the deficit.

the one where he Creepo whispers about Senators Baldwin and Klobachar

the one where he inexplicably starts screaming dementia style in the middle of a sentence.

Does you full video include the Governor of WI introducing him by stating he needs to be quick because he knows everybody is waiting for “the Big Guy” to come on (and presumably collect his 10% from H)

Does your full video include the after speech coverage where he wanders into the bar area and the 15 people who aren’t politicians in the building basically ignore him

Does your full video include the part after the speech in the bar where he interrupts a group of actual working folks at the bar, grabs one of their hard hats and puts in on backward and gets his picture taken looking like as big of a dork as Mondale peeking out of a tank?

Posting full videos of Joe Biden attempting to interact in public really bolsters your case that he is prepared for the job. Almost as much as when Shrieks and Swears tries to question the legitimacy of actual video of Biden simply because of the source of who posted the actual video.

You guys are doing a great job arguing for your leader. In the case of Shrieks and Swears at least I believe she has a stake in the outcome as opposed to you posting from your European Socialist Country who’s really just Blep and Bone Idol lite.