The Houthis

Biden did the right thing and built a coalition of countries. EU did the same, which is smart as it is their ships and stuff that is being attacks. Thanks to this coalition 2,000+ ships have passed through the Red Sea in the last two weeks. The UN passed a resolution…but the Houthis will not stop.

Now that the U.S. has the western world behind it time to open up a can of shut the fuck up

US and UK prepare to launch strikes against Houthis in Yemen | Yemen | The Guardian

Of course Tyler, TMI, and the GOP, will now pivot and start screeching “World War III!” “He is just trying to distract from the invasion on the Southern Border!” "He is wasting our money!!

Biden did the right thing and built a coalition of countries. EU did the same, which is smart as it is their ships and stuff that is being attacks. Thanks to this coalition 2,000+ ships have passed through the Red Sea in the last two weeks. The UN passed a resolution…but the Houthis will not stop.

Now that the U.S. has the western world behind it time to open up a can of shut the fuck up

US and UK prepare to launch strikes against Houthis in Yemen | Yemen | The Guardian

Of course Tyler, TMI, and the GOP, will now pivot and start screeching “World War III!” “He is just trying to distract from the invasion on the Southern Border!” "He is wasting our money!!

I heard that Hinter Biden will get paid money from the US military and they will mark it down as a missile purchase.

Have you thought to ask them, rather than tell them what you think they will do?

Strikes already took place. Turns out you don’t need to have a group formally designated as a terror group to go ahead and conduct retaliatory strikes. Go figure.

Strikes already took place. Turns out you don’t need to have a group formally designated as a terror group to go ahead and conduct retaliatory strikes. Go figure.

Neither " too late" nor “about time”. I guess shining seats, be it the Captain’s chair on the bridge, the cushioned parachute of an ejection seat or the chairs around the table in the staff war room, is a requirement to execute strikes. In my years of service I noticed my Dress Blue trousers got shiny through extended wear but not the naugahyde seats we would sit on. Go figure.

“Today, at my direction, U.S. military forces—together with the United Kingdom and with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands—successfully conducted strikes against a number of targets in Yemen used by Houthi rebels to endanger freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most vital waterways,”

More than a dozen targets hit by an international coalition…does that qualify as "do more?

We have entered the “find out” phase of fucking around.

Have you thought to ask them, rather than tell them what you think they will do?

That’s cute.

Strikes already took place. Turns out you don’t need to have a group formally designated as a terror group to go ahead and conduct retaliatory strikes. Go figure.

Hmmm, so Biden has started an illegal war (not approved by Congress) so that Israel can continue to bomb kids and hospitals as part of their not so secret campaign to eventually own all of Palestine. How many billions of dollars has this cost global shipping already, and now our tax dollars and the safety of US citizens is sacrificed as well. This could all be over with a cease fire. Yet to Biden, and apparently many on this site, no amount is too much to pay in support Zionist ambitions.

Strikes already took place. Turns out you don’t need to have a group formally designated as a terror group to go ahead and conduct retaliatory strikes. Go figure.

Hmmm, so Biden has started an illegal war (not approved by Congress) so that Israel can continue to bomb kids and hospitals as part of their not so secret campaign to eventually own all of Palestine. How many billions of dollars has this cost global shipping already, and now our tax dollars and the safety of US citizens is sacrificed as well. This could all be over with a cease fire. Yet to Biden, and apparently many on this site, no amount is too much to pay in support Zionist ambitions.

Pres Biden has not started a war. He has conducted retaliatory strikes in response to attacks, as many Presidents have done before. And if you think our issues with the Houthis and ships in the Red Sea are strictly limited to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, you need to get a little better information.

Strikes already took place. Turns out you don’t need to have a group formally designated as a terror group to go ahead and conduct retaliatory strikes. Go figure.

Hmmm, so Biden has started an illegal war (not approved by Congress) so that Israel can continue to bomb kids and hospitals as part of their not so secret campaign to eventually own all of Palestine. How many billions of dollars has this cost global shipping already, and now our tax dollars and the safety of US citizens is sacrificed as well. This could all be over with a cease fire. Yet to Biden, and apparently many on this site, no amount is too much to pay in support Zionist ambitions.

Pretty much everything in your post is wrong

Strikes already took place. Turns out you don’t need to have a group formally designated as a terror group to go ahead and conduct retaliatory strikes. Go figure.

Hmmm, so Biden has started an illegal war (not approved by Congress) so that Israel can continue to bomb kids and hospitals as part of their not so secret campaign to eventually own all of Palestine. How many billions of dollars has this cost global shipping already, and now our tax dollars and the safety of US citizens is sacrificed as well. This could all be over with a cease fire. Yet to Biden, and apparently many on this site, no amount is too much to pay in support Zionist ambitions.

At least we know who the Reynard Heydrich wanna be is. Here’s a hint - Hamas only cares about their women and children if they are able to be used for propaganda purposes.

Strikes already took place. Turns out you don’t need to have a group formally designated as a terror group to go ahead and conduct retaliatory strikes. Go figure.

Hmmm, so Biden has started an illegal war (not approved by Congress) so that Israel can continue to bomb kids and hospitals as part of their not so secret campaign to eventually own all of Palestine. How many billions of dollars has this cost global shipping already, and now our tax dollars and the safety of US citizens is sacrificed as well. This could all be over with a cease fire. Yet to Biden, and apparently many on this site, no amount is too much to pay in support Zionist ambitions.

At least we know who the Reynard Heydrich wanna be is. Here’s a hint - Hamas only cares about their women and children if they are able to be used for propaganda purposes.

FYI, this isn’t a stupid hyperbole competition.

Biden did the right thing and built a coalition of countries. EU did the same, which is smart as it is their ships and stuff that is being attacks. Thanks to this coalition 2,000+ ships have passed through the Red Sea in the last two weeks. The UN passed a resolution…but the Houthis will not stop.

Now that the U.S. has the western world behind it time to open up a can of shut the fuck up

US and UK prepare to launch strikes against Houthis in Yemen | Yemen | The Guardian

Of course Tyler, TMI, and the GOP, will now pivot and start screeching “World War III!” “He is just trying to distract from the invasion on the Southern Border!” "He is wasting our money!!

no we won’t. We will agree with you while saying:

  1. it took far too long and showed too much weakness in the process and
  2. we telegraphed what we did far too much yesterday and
  3. Biden should be out in front communicating with the American people about this (and probably getting Congress more involved edit: for the inevitable next steps).

But nice try, unlike you not everybody goes right from ripping a group for one thing and then ripping same group for the opposite thing just simply because of what party they belong to.

Jesus fucking Christ. Can someone explain this:

How can these strikes both “restore deterrence” and also can expect more attacks following these strikes?

Can someone send the US government a dictionary with the definition of deterrence? Because I don’t think they know what that word means.


As expected, no matter what Biden does Tyler has to invent some reason to complain about it.

The reality is Biden did this correctly. Instead of going it alone, with no plan, like a cowboy the Biden administration aligned a diverse group of countries to step up to the challenge. This effort resulted in 2,000+ ships being able to pass safely through the Rea Sea region in the last two weeks. They also got the UN on board with a resolution this week.

Biden was wise to ignore the ill-informed howling and take a few weeks to build international consensus.

As expected, no matter what Biden does Tyler has to invent some reason to complain about it.

The reality is Biden did this correctly. Instead of going it alone, with no plan, like a cowboy the Biden administration aligned a diverse group of countries to step up to the challenge. This effort resulted in 2,000+ ships being able to pass safely through the Rea Sea region in the last two weeks. They also got the UN on board with a resolution this week.

Biden was wise to ignore the ill-informed howling and take a few weeks to build international consensus.

With posts like this no wonder Tyler feels discriminated against. More than blacks, Jews, Muslims and womens!

As expected, no matter what Biden does Tyler has to invent some reason to complain about it.

The reality is Biden did this correctly. Instead of going it alone, with no plan, like a cowboy the Biden administration aligned a diverse group of countries to step up to the challenge. This effort resulted in 2,000+ ships being able to pass safely through the Rea Sea region in the last two weeks. They also got the UN on board with a resolution this week.

Biden was wise to ignore the ill-informed howling and take a few weeks to build international consensus.

the reality is Biden did do it correctly. He just took far too long to do it correctly. It hasn’t been “a few weeks”. He has showed consistent weakness and foot dragging since Oct 8th (on behlalf of the US). He has been coddling Iran and courting them since the minute he got in office. He took the Houthis off the terror list 2 minutes after he got in office (for “humanitarian purposes”. He’s now bombing a group he took off the terror list 24 months ago)

the reality is if he took another 4 weeks to do what he did yesterday, while the Houthis continued to attack US positions, as soon as he did it in 4 weeks you would be here praising him and saying his timing was perfect (it only took “a few weeks”). Because you don’t think for yourself you just wait unitl “your team” finally does the right thing and then jump on the band wagon and pump them up.

The reality is you just said I would come on here and scream WW3 etc etc and when I didn’t do that instead of backing up and admitting you were wrong like somebody with balls you’ve now moved on and complained about my consistent position here which is we are being weak by not acting (in coalition with others).

The reality is the way you stay out of WW3 is to act swiftly, decisively, and with moral clarity and authority. And if you do that sparingly while threatening those who may do you harm with greater harm with more regularity (to an enemy who takes you seriously because you have demonstrated you will do it) most situations like the one that is occurring now can be avoided in the first place (in other words some of the reason we are here today is not only the current weakness Biden has shown but his past shows of weakness in the last several years).

The reality is people like Biden and Fetterman (neither of which I have much love for) are doing the right thing in consistently backing Israels quick, decisive and morally correct actions following Oct 8th while people in your party condemn them for it (while people like me support them for it regardless of what party they belong to).

The reality is everything I just typed is for others to read because you are a political hack here to not actually have a discussion but to throw rocks and put party over country like you accuse others of.

As expected, no matter what Biden does Tyler has to invent some reason to complain about it.

The reality is Biden did this correctly. Instead of going it alone, with no plan, like a cowboy the Biden administration aligned a diverse group of countries to step up to the challenge. This effort resulted in 2,000+ ships being able to pass safely through the Rea Sea region in the last two weeks. They also got the UN on board with a resolution this week.

Biden was wise to ignore the ill-informed howling and take a few weeks to build international consensus.

With posts like this no wonder Tyler feels discriminated against. More than blacks, Jews, Muslims and womens!

You’re even worse than Nutcase. At least he is literate enough to put two complete sentences together

Jesus fucking Christ. Can someone explain this:

How can these strikes both “restore deterrence” and also can expect more attacks following these strikes?

Can someone send the US government a dictionary with the definition of deterrence? Because I don’t think they know what that word means.

" degrade capability and try to restore deterrence"

It’s perfectly clear. They believe they can do and in fact did the first thing and, while the second thing would be great, it’s a college try on that front at best.

I have real qualms about us doing exactly what the Houthis so clearly want but, to state the very obvious, I’m not in the room.

As expected, no matter what Biden does Tyler has to invent some reason to complain about it.

The reality is Biden did this correctly. Instead of going it alone, with no plan, like a cowboy the Biden administration aligned a diverse group of countries to step up to the challenge. This effort resulted in 2,000+ ships being able to pass safely through the Rea Sea region in the last two weeks. They also got the UN on board with a resolution this week.

Biden was wise to ignore the ill-informed howling and take a few weeks to build international consensus.

With posts like this no wonder Tyler feels discriminated against. More than blacks, Jews, Muslims and womens!

You’re even worse than Nutcase. At least he is literate enough to put two complete sentences together

It’s OK. Cross thread jokes frequently confuse the more discriminated against. ((((Hugs))))