The Great Midwest Debate

Montana Idaho and Colorado are not the Midwest. People are just jealous Midwesterners are the most likeable people in the US


As a native troll, to a short 1 year lived in IOWA (Idiots Out Wondering Around), to a Sconnie for 10+ years, to a few years as a FIB to a few years as a Yooper, not sure I agree that midwesterners are the nicest people.
As a FIB, I suspect you know the definition, right?

Recently flying out of MSP. Waiting for food, a rando asks me if I am going to be there a while. Maybe, maybe not. This person was asking me to watch their luggage in an airport… I go to pick up food. Rando calls me an AH. Which, per other threads on here, meh.

Currently in North ID on business. I mentioned this article to a teacher friend. The attempted plausible explanation she provided was, maybe they think it is the mid of the west. Mid way from the rockies to the west coast? She teaches english not geography, so not much incentive to overinvest.

To be honest I don’t think the person who coined phrase mid-west was looking at a map. It’s more like the north central.

To be honest I don’t think the person who coined phrase mid-west was looking at a map. It’s more like the north central.

Ah but you must ask yourself when was it coined. I’ve been amused since childhood Northwestern University is named Northwestern University


As a native troll, to a short 1 year lived in IOWA (Idiots Out Wondering Around), to a Sconnie for 10+ years, to a few years as a FIB to a few years as a Yooper, not sure I agree that midwesterners are the nicest people.
As a FIB, I suspect you know the definition, right?

Recently flying out of MSP. Waiting for food, a rando asks me if I am going to be there a while. Maybe, maybe not. This person was asking me to watch their luggage in an airport… I go to pick up food. Rando calls me an AH. Which, per other threads on here, meh.

Currently in North ID on business. I mentioned this article to a teacher friend. The attempted plausible explanation she provided was, maybe they think it is the mid of the west. Mid way from the rockies to the west coast? She teaches english not geography, so not much incentive to overinvest.

Well you were the asshole. You think someone at LGA is going to even assume you’re honest enough to watch their bag?

Midwesterners like myself (WI) are the only people that speak English without any accent.

I’m OK applying the death penalty to Midwesterners.

to be fair…folks in Pittsburgh think they are in the midwest…300 miles from the Atlantic

to be fair…folks in Pittsburgh think they are in the midwest…300 miles from the Atlantic

They also drink Steel City and put French Fries on sandwiches

pretty sure my daughter puts fries on hamburgers at times, but then again she is at NU so…

pretty sure my daughter puts fries on hamburgers at times, but then again she is at NU so…

She has to put them on, no restaurant in Evanston puts them on the sandwich and pretends it’s normal

Montana Idaho and Colorado are not the Midwest. People are just jealous Midwesterners are the most likeable people in the US

In defense of the woman from Sydney Montana who thinks eastern Montana is the Midwest— well, there are a few common characteristics in her area, such as the boring landscape and terrible food.

So you think you’re likable, do you?

When we moved to California from Minnesota, we were initially alarmed by the sunshine and beautiful vibrant people. It shocked our dulled senses. Our eyes adjusted, and we grew comfortable being ourselves. We don’t have to please randos; we simply need to be true to ourselves.

to be fair…folks in Pittsburgh think they are in the midwest…300 miles from the Atlantic

They also drink Steel City and put French Fries on sandwiches

They drink Iron City and to jeffp, I don’t know anyone in the Burgh, who would consider themselves a midwesterner, except maybe me, who grew up in southern Indiana.

to be fair…folks in Pittsburgh think they are in the midwest…300 miles from the Atlantic

Not at all correct. Pittsburghers are neither Midwesterners nor are they in any way shape or form in want of association with the Eastern Seaboarders. The once Steel Capital of the World stands proud as the link to the Midwest. To be fair, if you simply travel a few miles down the Ohio river and just 20 miles or so to the west of Pittsburgh as the crow flies, the folks in Youngstown Ohio and East Palestine Ohio are by definition Midwesterners. If you live on the eastern side of the Laurel Mountain ridge and are within the Chesapeake Bay watershed and not the Ohio river watershed, the linking river physical connection to Pittsburgh is lost.

Montana Idaho and Colorado are not the Midwest. People are just jealous Midwesterners are the most likeable people in the US

For once we agree on something, Idaho and Colorado are definately not the midwest. That is crazy talk.

smaller the Midwest (2).PNG

Midwesterners like myself (WI) are the only people that speak English without any accent.

I have to ask: Is a small stream a “creek” or a “crick?”

Is there an “r” in the name of the machine that cleans your clothes, and the district that has the White House in it?

Omaha seems more “Great Plains.”


My map is not up for discussion, it is an absolute. If you aren’t in the circle, you aren’t in the midwest, sorry.

Omaha seems more “Great Plains.”


I’ve always thought the Great Plains would be a subset of midwest. They are definitely different from the Great Lakes area. And both are very different from the Ohio RIver Valley/Appalachia

I’d break those down more like this - But do all three together make up “The Midwest”?
