The Festive Triple - 25km Swim, 500km Bike, 100km Run

Anyone fancy a go at the Festive Triple?

In the 8 days between 24th - 31st of Decmeber:
Swim - 25km
Bike - 500km
Run - 100km

Obviously the same idea as the Rapha 500 but more extreme for us triathletes 💪

is zwift allowed?

The 100k of running might hurt me but I could be tempted.

I will try it. I am doing about 80 percent of that right now, but If I just relaxed the intensity I think I could absorb that pretty well.

I’m jealous of the people who have this much free time over the holidays.

I agree - it seems ambitious. Its equating to 4ish hrs in training/day ignoring any logisitics or prep time. Alternately, exceeding a 28hr training week - some people want to their two front teeth, others to be a pro-for-a-day.

That being said, I love being outside during the holidays and I’ll likely be skiing (alpine and nordic), towing the kids up the sled hills for hours etc so there will be an equivalent energy expenditure, its just not going to get trumped by SBR

We are lacking in the snow department right now, but there’s still the dog walks and outdoor skating (my 7 year old is obsessed - we’ll be spending a lot of time at the rink).

Will consider, but probably not.

I’m jealous of the people who have this much free time over the holidays.

Everyone has 168 hrs per week. Not a second more not a second less. We all have the same amount of time, and it is totally OK to not do sport in that time, but don’t be jealous, because you have the same amount of time!!

This is a big week, but not a huge bump in training for many elite amateurs with full time jobs, who consistently train 15-20 hours per week. The secret is efficiency and having a gym with treadmill and bike in your basement. If you wake up kind of early, ie around 5, you can easily train 90 plus minutes in the morning and start work by 8. Its usually not too difficult to get in another 45-90 minutes during the day if you have a work break and/or in the evening. Weekends or day off you can easily log 3-6 hours and still have plenty of time to chill out with the fam. Definitely not for everybody, as you do have less time and energy for other things in your life.

Since we’re talking matters of fact, that’s not really true…really depends how fast you go and at what altitude you live. Think about it

I’m jealous of the people who have this much free time over the holidays.

Everyone has 168 hrs per week. Not a second more not a second less. We all have the same amount of time, and it is totally OK to not do sport in that time, but don’t be jealous, because you have the same amount of time!!

Sorry, kids, dad has to win an internet challenge! I hope you like the gifts Santa brought you!

As an aside, 25k in the pool is a bold move for most AGers, especially during a week with holidays. five 5k sessions? Nice.

It’s meant to be a challenge.
If you aren’t interested just move on.

Everyone has different time availability, goals and current training load.

For me, it only works out about a 20-40% bump in volume vs normal work week.

is zwift allowed?

Certainly, sure Zwift miles might come a little faster that normal road mile. But the same could also be said about different locations and bikes. Still putting in the work.

The 100k of running might hurt me but I could be tempted.

Feel free to adjust distance to suit what would work for you. Could even log walking into the run distance.

The 100k of running might hurt me but I could be tempted.

Feel free to adjust distance to suit what would work for you. Could even log walking into the run distance.
I reckon I’ll be soft sand “running” for most of it as that won’t trash the legs. The rest I might do some Ruck Marching just for something different.

I have a proposition of a secondary challenge to be more inclusive to people who want to do the challenge but are “slower”, live in very hilly terrain, altitude etc. 7 hours swimming (can include rests but should be at most 20 percent) 15 hours biking and 7 hours running. I will be aiming for the first challenge, but this is not a bad alternative imo.

Day 1 12/24: Swim 4.2k, Bike 53k, Run 11.4
Day 2 12/25: Bike 55.7k, Run 12k
Day 3 12/26: Swim 5k…