The Feed is Slow

Yeah, I can’t imagine they would be anywhere close to being profitable, with the amount of $ they’re dumping into sponsorships. I get the impression that they’re the PTO of endurance fuel…dumping tons of cash for splash, but will almost inevitably fail, ultimately.

I personally won’t buy anything from them because I find their marketing way over-the-top…so tired of seeing their ads everywhere. It also appears to me like they’re either signing exclusive agreements or buying-up inventory from other sources, because a lot of products I used to be able to source elsewhere (example: Endurance Tap Maple Gels), can now only be found through The Feed.

Unfortunately, I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.

It’s been a week since I’ve placed my order and nothing has shipped.
I contacted CS and they said they were unsure why it hadn’t shipped, but they’d “Escalate” it.
Since then they’ve been non-responsive.

Quite disappointed in a local company.

Placed order on Aug 2, needed some race day nutrition. Did not ship yet, no communication from the company.

I guess they spent all their funds on the commercials during TDF

I keep getting emails telling me to use my $20 credit for doing a race they sponsored.

It’s cheaper for me to order from Canadian companies even with $20 off. So, a useless company for Canadians unless you want to pay more.

Placed order on Aug 2, needed some race day nutrition. Did not ship yet, no communication from the company.

I guess they spent all their funds on the commercials during TDF

Yep, wife is leaving for Master’s Worlds in Sweden, so up against a time crunch.
I figured a week and a half would be plenty of time for a store 17 miles from my house.

Placed order on Aug 2, needed some race day nutrition. Did not ship yet, no communication from the company.

I guess they spent all their funds on the commercials during TDF

All staff in LA filming new commercials

Ditto that. I had a credit to use as well, placed items in my cart and waited to see what shipping cost to Canada would be. For an order just under $100US, shipping was going to be $46US. Lol, not worth it!

My experience…first order a couple weeks ago was lighting fast. Second order from the Labor Day promotions has not arrived yet…

My Labor day order was shipped 2 days ago. I’m assuming they had a massive number of orders to process. When I order at other times it generally shipped within 1-2 days of the order.