The fastest setup at Gravel Worlds?

This was my first crack at Gravel Worlds 300 as I have done the 150 previously. Being attacked by Eric Marcotte several times that day was one for the memory books!

We have come a long ways in gravel. I have now ridden the DAMn 4 times (Day Across Minnesota 240 miles). Unbound, Rift Iceland, etc. When I did Unbound 40 was a huge tire. When I did Rift I understood why the Lauf fork was a thing. I did my first DAMn at 45psi. Damn!

Now we are in the day of racing 2.2 at the highest level. Pros get paid to sell us equipment. So what really is fastest?

I do now own an aero sensor and will begin formal testing soon but in the meantime I believe this is about as fast as it gets. This setup is right off the Gravel Worlds course.

I was picked on for riding “road tires.” These aren’t road tires. They are 35mm! Very fast and very puncture resistant. One guy I rode in with had to stop with an hour to go and fix a puncture on his 45s for about 5 minutes. I waited with him. I didn’t pick the best day for 35. It was dry and powdery with plenty of fresh grade. I would run the conti 45 had I known conditions would be this loose. But it was never a performance issue. Rather just a bit of a comfort issue in the loose stuff. I am by no means a great bike handler. I did go down in a slow speed corner at mile 177 but I would have gone riding 2.2s as well.

The ability to be in the fastest bike/rider position rather than just the bike or just the rider is important. One of the ways I am able to cheat a bit to closely match my TT position is a “no stack” aero bar. It’s cheap and generic and about 10 years old. And feather light. I have been on this site forever and have learned most of what I know through this site or connections through this site. If you see other pictures of me while riding you can possibly pick out how we can go very fast with not as many watts. I was also given the gift of “narrow” by God and my parents.

I missed the initial move Saturday. I had incorrectly assumed the start would be chill. It wasn’t and I was out of position and 7 guys went up the road. Bridging at threshold didn’t sound fun. I held them close then dropped a clif bar (I don’t litter) so I picked it up and chased. I started to catch guys at 100 miles.
I finished in a 3 way tie for 3rd. I rode with the same guys for 200 miles. My data shows I was certainly “fast enough” to win but we now have tactics in ultra cycling and I got it wrong this time. That’s why I also still love tt :slight_smile:

5000 calories consumed (30 ounces of maple syrup) and about 5 x 28 oz water bottles. I could have gotten by with one stop at the Team Tracy van but stopped with the group a 2nd time for several minutes at a gas station. My bike was heavy. I had 11 pounds of food and water on me to start. I carried all my food from the start. 6 flasks of syrup, 5 clif bars, 8 packs of fruit snacks, 3 x 400 calorie servings if Skratch Super Fuel. And a lot of caffeine :wink:

This was one of my most rewarding finishes but not for the result. Winning was the result I was after. But having the opportunity to ride with and sherpa a 16 year old to the finish line was incredible. What a beast. I thought running the 2 mile was long when I was 16! We crossed the finish line side by side by side for 3rd. Jason agreed we could tie. What a perfect way to maintain the “gravel family” vibe.
