I was wondering if anybody knows how much wattage the average professional can crank out over a 40k distance race and a 1/2 iron distance race. It seems to me like they have to be going in the 275 to 300 range or more.
If I remember correctly lance’s is about 475.I think he is about150 lbs???
he’s 160 lbs
I got this info. from Lance Armstrong’s site under FAQ:
Be like Lance - you wish:
Ever wondered what kind of numbers the boy can generate? Lance’s coach, Chris Carmichael sent us these key stats for LA: Resting heart rate: 32-34
VO2ml/kg: 83.8
Max power at VO2: 600 watts
Max heart rate: 201
Lactate Threshold HR: 178
Time Trial HR: 188-192
Pedal rpm’s during TT: 95-100
Climbing rpm’s: 80-85, sometimes faster when attacking
Average HR during endurance rides (4-6 hrs): 124-128
Average watts during endurance rides: 245-280 watts
Training miles/hours, endurance rides: 5- 6 hrs / 100-130miles Richard
There must be something else besides power output that makes a cyclist go fast because I was tested before and my numbers were similar to those of Lance Armstrong. I’d be willing to bet most of the elite triathletes would measure about that. I would also bet there are some guys in the peleton of the tour de france that can put out more power per weight than Lance, but it doesn’t seem to do the trick. I was a “pro” triathlete for a while. Most of the time I was in the middle of the pack or worse. I got into the money every once in a while. Nothing very special… I was tested at UCSD back in 1996. I remember being at 300 watts without even thinking about it. It got tough around 450, then I maxed out somewhere in the middle 500’s.
Yeah there must be something else out there because it’s said as a good rule of thumb that in order to do a 40k time trial in 60min you have to be doing about 300 watts, and on my Tacx indoor trainer I can only hold about 270 for 10 minutes. But yet I’ve done a couple 40k’s in the 60-63 minute range. I guess it’s because i’m small with little air resistance?
A few random notes on power output for possible consideration:
- There seems to be substantial variations on power output data generated by the various measurement devices: Powertap, SRM, Computrainer, etc. Which one is most accurate? valid question- how would you tell? I stick to one (computrainer) and use the data for relative comparison.
- I can’t generate more than 260 watts (average), at an average heart rate of 178 (right at my A.T.)and that yileds me a 40K P.R. in the lower 50’s.
- Good fit maximizes the effects of power output (Duy…) You can get more from less.
- During rides with the two most powerful riders I know, Frankie Andreu and Dave Koesel, they seem to have the ability to work at extremely high power outputs for very long periods of time. Watching Dave Koesel on the Computrainer he routinely climbs at over 400 watts and “cruises” the flats at between 280 and 310. Our shop “hotshot” Nate Griffith (just got 15th at the cyclocross national championship) can average 309 watts for 40 miutes on the Computrainer. When Frankie is at “full cry” he can hold 34 m.p.h. on the flats for minutes at a time. In the draft it is a maximum effort for me. Once the draft is even slightly broken, I go right out the back door… I have no idea what his power output is at those speeds, but it has got to be well in excess of 300 watts on the flats. Imagine what a Johan Muesseuw or Lance Armstrong can do.
I think the PowerTap and Polar units yeild much higher wattage. I’ve been above 1400 watts on my sprint intervals with both systems but have only seen over 1300 once on the CT. Perhaps that is because the winter months I’m less fit and such, but I can’t see MAX output varying that much.
Dave “NOT-Elite” Koesel