The dominoes, they be a fallin'

Yesterday the Kraken, today it seems the Cheese Bro taking a plea deal.

Watching the Prisoner’s Dilemma in real time?

wHiTcH hUnT!!

Who is next?

Who is next?

I don’t know who they are, but the 4 guys in the bottom corners seem especially unhappy at being charged. So based on body language I’m going with them.

I’m wondering if this is exactly why Powell and Chesbro asked for a speedy trial. If you want to get a plea deal going and want to be one of the first it might work better and look less suspect to the rest of the mob if you give that schedule a boost.

The clock is running on the rest of them. At some point their testimony doesn’t add much so getting a better deal in exchange for testifying might not be available. Always a good idea to be an early rat off the ship.

And this guilty plea is to a felony (not just misdemeanors)…and the felony count that includes Trump and Giuliani. Chesebro agrees to turn over all relevant texts and emails.

Closer and closer…

Hope they incarcerate trump and all the dumarse layers working on the plot. State crimes may mean state prison, which Ga dept of corrections is in deep shit now due to all prison deaths and drug dealing within prison walls. Their main intake diagnostic center is in Butts County…how appropriate for these assholes.

And this guilty plea is to a felony (not just misdemeanors)…and the felony count that includes Trump and Giuliani. Chesebro agrees to turn over all relevant texts and emails.

Closer and closer…

Looks like the Kraken beat him to the best deal. She gets probation, he’ll probably do time (if I am reading this correctly).

My guess is that Jenna Ellis will flip soon. She seemed pretty unhappy that Trump wouldn’t cover her legal bills.

And this guilty plea is to a felony (not just misdemeanors)…and the felony count that includes Trump and Giuliani. Chesebro agrees to turn over all relevant texts and emails.

Closer and closer…

Looks like the Kraken beat him to the best deal. She gets probation, he’ll probably do time (if I am reading this correctly).

My guess is that Jenna Ellis will flip soon. She seemed pretty unhappy that Trump wouldn’t cover her legal bills.

I didn’t see jail time, but probation, although a longer probation period.

ETA: From the NY Times
“Under the agreement, Mr. Chesebro pleaded guilty to a single felony charge of conspiracy to commit filing of false documents and was sentenced to five years’ probation, although if he complies with its terms he may later ask that his probation be reduced to three years. He was also instructed to write a letter of apology to the state of Georgia (he said he had already done so) and to pay $5,000 in restitution to the Georgia secretary of state’s office.”

Chesebro appeared before Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee in Atlanta on Friday and agreed to plead guilty to a single felony charge of conspiracy to commit filing of false documents in exchange for five years of probation, paying a $5,000 fine and agreeing to testify in the case.

Pursuant to the deal, Chesebro will also have to write an apology letter, complete community service hours and hand over documents requested by the prosecution.

Read more at:

And this guilty plea is to a felony (not just misdemeanors)…and the felony count that includes Trump and Giuliani. Chesebro agrees to turn over all relevant texts and emails.

Closer and closer…

Looks like the Kraken beat him to the best deal. She gets probation, he’ll probably do time (if I am reading this correctly).

My guess is that Jenna Ellis will flip soon. She seemed pretty unhappy that Trump wouldn’t cover her legal bills.

I didn’t see jail time, but probation, although a longer probation period.

You are corrrect:

The Trump attorney faces five years probation, a $5,000 fine, 100 hours of community service, and must continue to provide documents and evidence to the state, according to the terms of the deal.

I think I had just read the penalties he was facing for what he was charged with, had he been convicted.

And this guilty plea is to a felony (not just misdemeanors)…and the felony count that includes Trump and Giuliani. Chesebro agrees to turn over all relevant texts and emails.

Closer and closer…

Looks like the Kraken beat him to the best deal. She gets probation, he’ll probably do time (if I am reading this correctly).

My guess is that Jenna Ellis will flip soon. She seemed pretty unhappy that Trump wouldn’t cover her legal bills.

I didn’t see jail time, but probation, although a longer probation period.

You are corrrect:

The Trump attorney faces five years probation, a $5,000 fine, 100 hours of community service, and must continue to provide documents and evidence to the state, according to the terms of the deal.

I think I had just read the penalties he was facing for what he was charged with, had he been convicted.

The evidence they looked at must have been pretty bad for him to plea pretty quickly and his chances of conviction, very high. I’m sure looking at the jury pool didn’t give him a warm and fuzzy feeling.

The evidence they looked at must have been pretty bad for him to plea pretty quickly and his chances of conviction, very high. I’m sure looking at the jury pool didn’t give him a warm and fuzzy feeling.

These people have to know they are fucked at this point. Why more aren’t coming forward begging for and accepting deals is beyond me.

I looked for this in other threads but didn’t see and ran across this today in a reddit thread on her change of plea.

Someone had posted the Exhibit 259 which is “the email”. This is the email that came to Sidney on 11/7/20, that she then sent to Maria Bortiomo, who passed along the info to Eric Trump and others. Simply amazing that this is what part of what drove the Dominion voting machine narrative. It reads like a wall string chart, then on the last page it’s like the meds finally wore off and the real crazy comes out.

It will be so entertaining to see Sydney on the stand, if she ever gets there. No wonder these people failed with their attempted coup.

The evidence they looked at must have been pretty bad for him to plea pretty quickly and his chances of conviction, very high. I’m sure looking at the jury pool didn’t give him a warm and fuzzy feeling.

These people have to know they are fucked at this point. Why more aren’t coming forward begging for and accepting deals is beyond me.

As disillusioned as these people seem to be and how willing they fell in line with Trump, they probably have the same delusions of grandeur.

Gee, should I go to prison or should I take a deal and rat out Trump?

Here’s the deal Camille, he would rat out each and every one of you in a heartbeat if the shoe were on the other foot.

And it’s not like Trump can offer them pardons. He certainly won’t give them money.

Gee, should I go to prison or should I take a deal and rat out Trump?

Here’s the deal Camille, he would rat out each and every one of you in a heartbeat if the shoe were on the other foot.

Agree, but these people are obviously so enamored with TFG that many will still fall on their sword because they believe he’s doing all of this for them. Fucking idiots.

I know we’ve said this many times, but it still boggles my mine, after seeing so much evidence to the contrary, people still think he’s out there working for the little guy. Again, fucking idiots.

The evidence they looked at must have been pretty bad for him to plea pretty quickly and his chances of conviction, very high. I’m sure looking at the jury pool didn’t give him a warm and fuzzy feeling.

These people have to know they are fucked at this point. Why more aren’t coming forward begging for and accepting deals is beyond me.

Hope. They are waiting til the last second hoping something will happen so they won’t have to face trial. But these plea deals are going to move trial dates sooner than later, so the whole thing will snowball.

I looked for this in other threads but didn’t see and ran across this today in a reddit thread on her change of plea.

Someone had posted the Exhibit 259 which is “the email”. This is the email that came to Sidney on 11/7/20, that she then sent to Maria Bortiomo, who passed along the info to Eric Trump and others. Simply amazing that this is what part of what drove the Dominion voting machine narrative. It reads like a wall string chart, then on the last page it’s like the meds finally wore off and the real crazy comes out.

It will be so entertaining to see Sydney on the stand, if she ever gets there. No wonder these people failed with their attempted coup.

WT Actual F?

And 57% of repukes support these nutjobs.