The biggest badass at the Olympics

Yusuf Dikec, 10m air pistol mixed team, silver medal. He wears jeans and a t-shirt, and no special eyewear.

His shooting partner, Åževval Ä°layda Tarhan, is looking casual too. Good job!


He missed on purpose to throw Interpol off his scent. Because surely he must be a hitman. Or so a meme claims.

You and I have very different definitions of “badass”…

Quite a difference in style.


I too think this guy is cool. But, until some performance in some event eclipses being <5’ tall and possessing the ability to jump, twist and rotate until your head is >11’ in the air — followed by a controlled landing… we need to narrow the definition of badass.
In an alternate universe, if she could stop rotating for a fraction of a second, she is high enough to pick a coin from the top of an NBA backboard.

We were watching 50m air rifle yesterday - what is with the gigantic body armor get up? Is it stiff to help cut down motion?

Thought this was going to be about the men’s field hockey player who had an injured finger that was going to cause him to not be able to play so he had the doctor amputate it.

Thought this was going to be about the men’s field hockey player who had an injured finger that was going to cause him to not be able to play so he had the doctor amputate it.

Just read that story, kind of a crazy story. Would of hands down won the award for biggest badass if it was mid game.

I too think this guy is cool. But, until some performance in some event eclipses being <5’ tall and possessing the ability to jump, twist and rotate until your head is >11’ in the air — followed by a controlled landing… we need to narrow the definition of badass.
In an alternate universe, if she could stop rotating for a fraction of a second, she is high enough to pick a coin from the top of an NBA backboard.

Exactly. 4’8” Simone Biles went almost 13’ in the air on her vault and 12’ during her floor routine.

Given that a gymnastics floor has spring for take off/landing, and gymnasts are transferring horizontal speed into vertical lift, is there a reason she (any of those women, or men for that matter) can’t go out to the track and take turns setting world records in Highjump?
Fosbury was revolutionary?

Thought this was going to be about the men’s field hockey player who had an injured finger that was going to cause him to not be able to play so he had the doctor amputate it.

Just read that story, kind of a crazy story. Would of hands down won the award for biggest badass if it was mid game.

Yea gonna be a total dick here and say it was the smallest part of the least important finger. And like you said, not mid-game. Not a canddate for badass (says the washup armchair clown behind his keyboard lol).

Given that a gymnastics floor has spring for take off/landing, and gymnasts are transferring horizontal speed into vertical lift, is there a reason she (any of those women, or men for that matter) can’t go out to the track and take turns setting world records in Highjump?
Fosbury was revolutionary?

I think if being short was advantageous for high jump there would already be short high jumpers. Instead we have giants.

Yusuf Dikec, 10m air pistol mixed team, silver medal. He wears jeans and a t-shirt, and no special eyewear.

His shooting partner, Åževval Ä°layda Tarhan, is looking casual too. Good job!

Vincent Hancock -

Thought this was going to be about the men’s field hockey player who had an injured finger that was going to cause him to not be able to play so he had the doctor amputate it.

Ronnie Lott would approve.

Pretty impressive!

If Vincent was travelling to California to a shooting event, could he bring shotgun shells into the state with him?;_nc_cat=1&amp;ccb=1-7&amp;_nc_sid=833d8c&amp;_nc_ohc=YJLS4_MmYcoQ7kNvgHdVZMj&amp;_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-1.xx&amp;oh=00_AYAvNhzZ4xDvIC1eWacyDCUrXQs6TkPnj3Afki9nypD_Xg&amp;oe=66B2F585

Also pretty badass

Given that a gymnastics floor has spring for take off/landing, and gymnasts are transferring horizontal speed into vertical lift, is there a reason she (any of those women, or men for that matter) can’t go out to the track and take turns setting world records in Highjump?
Fosbury was revolutionary?

I think if being short was advantageous for high jump there would already be short high jumpers. Instead we have giants.

At 8 feet and almost 7 feet for the records, I don’t forsee any gymnast coming close to clearing those heights without springs in the floor. Also, add in you can’t jump off two feet to the mix.

Well given the site we’re on, I nominate all the triathletes for swimming in poo.

Good one Zed, I would like to also put up a whole bunch of the Women Rugby 7s. I would let any of them have my back in a bar fight.