That fleeting moment when people think that you are better than you really are at something

Recently my team at work was challenged by a team we work with to a bowling match.

Now, I grew up playing 5 pin bowling (it’s a Canadian thing) so I am really not very good at 10 pin; my goal is always to break 100. Yesterday, for a brief moment in time… people thought I was good!

I started the first game:

8, Spare, Strike, Strike, Strike

Then reality set in. We won the match though.

I’m unfamiliar with the concept you describe

I’m unfamiliar with the concept you describe

This can be taken one of two ways:

You have two left feet, like I do, and struggle to be even decent at most sports/games.You are not-so-humble bragging.

The University were I work had a triathlon one year back when I first started working here and was still in decent cycling shape. We put together a relay team. I did the bike leg and had the fastest split. Students thought I was a bad ass cyclist for years after that when in reality I was mediocre at best.

I’m unfamiliar with the concept you describe

This can be taken one of two ways:

You have two left feet, like I do, and struggle to be even decent at most sports/games.You are not-so-humble bragging.

Definitely the latter

Speaking of that sport (which we shouldn’t be doing but since I am the law and order around here… fuck it) I thought I was a lousy swimmer, ok cyclist, and a good runner.

But comparing my times in each event to everyone else, I was a decent swimmer, a lousy cyclist, and a lousy runner.

My swim became my best of the three, not that I was a good swimmer, it’s just that everyone else sucked at it. It seemed, around these parts anyway, people who did triathlon were cyclists or runners.

Speaking of that sport (which we shouldn’t be doing but since I am the law and order around here… fuck it) I thought I was a lousy swimmer, ok cyclist, and a good runner.

But comparing my times in each event to everyone else, I was a decent swimmer, a lousy cyclist, and a lousy runner.

My swim became my best of the three, not that I was a good swimmer, it’s just that everyone else sucked at it. It seemed, around these parts anyway, people who did triathlon were cyclists or runners.

I only did triathlon for a couple of years in my mid 20’s. My swimming was atrocious, I would often have one of the slowest swim splits, bike was decent and run was the best. I guess it was nice because I would get to pass people the whole race. I pretty much stopped because of how bad my swimming was and mostly just raced bikes for the next decade or so, then took up running again when I moved here since there is no bike racing to speak of.

Blind squirrels and nuts.

Reminds me a story from another time (and the other forum stuff)…

Years ago, I had a partial semester assignment at St. Lawrence University in upstate NY, a great outdoorsy/active area. I happened to be out on an early morning run on campus when I noticed activity at the gym. So I stopped by to check it out and they were setting up for a sprint Tri. A guy noticed me in my running garb and asked if I could join him on a relay team as they needed a runner or swimmer (he would bike). I said sure, if he can find a swimmer. We roped in a student to do the swim and were all set to compete.

The kid was one of the last out the pool and then cyclist guy took off. He made up some places when he handed off to me and I took off on the 5k. Having already run about 5k earlier, my legs started to feel it in the first mile and I just tried to keep the redline effort to try to finish respectably.

At the finish area, we found out the kid had spent some time that morning on a hard kayak effort. Cyclist guy was a coach for one of the U teams and had done a hard lifting workout that morning. I mentioned I had already done my morning run. We all had a good laugh at each of our double workouts that morning – which explained us being spent.

Fun times of being young and feeling invincibly in shape.

I’m unfamiliar with the concept you describe

This can be taken one of two ways:

You have two left feet, like I do, and struggle to be even decent at most sports/games.You are not-so-humble bragging.

Definitely the latter

Speaking of that sport (which we shouldn’t be doing but since I am the law and order around here… fuck it) I thought I was a lousy swimmer, ok cyclist, and a good runner.

But comparing my times in each event to everyone else, I was a decent swimmer, a lousy cyclist, and a lousy runner.

My swim became my best of the three, not that I was a good swimmer, it’s just that everyone else sucked at it. It seemed, around these parts anyway, people who did triathlon were cyclists or runners.

So you were a lousy triathaloner, and because you are bitter about it - you won’t let us talk about triathaloning. Seems reasonable.

So you were a lousy triathaloner, and because you are bitter about it - you won’t let us talk about triathaloning. Seems reasonable.

No, I won’t let you talk about it because there is already a forum for that. This forum is for not that.

I don’t have to explain myself to the likes of you…

Well for me there’s that whole…oh so you’re a Dr. …wait for it…no, not that kind of Dr…ie a real one :wink: