Texas AG’s response to abortion being allowed

Interesting choice in response to abortion lawsuit.


Interesting choice in response to abortion lawsuit.


Another own-goal on the issue, and unsurprisingly tone deaf. Not even the slightest hint of human sympathy.

Did he actually read up on Miss Cox? She’s the perfect sympathetic character. Legitimate, unambiguous medical condition for the fetus. Four ER trips already. Motivation is to have more children later in life. And it shouldn’t matter, but she’s a cute white woman, and a model Texan as far as I can tell.

Now I hope that one of the Texas hospital systems has a legal team with the balls to give the medical team the message, “You guys do you. We’re the legal team, and we’ll handle the BS.” Like what WannaBe has said about his system up in Idaho.

GOP: the party of the Dark Ages.

Jesus tap dancing mother fucking Christ, these people are monsters.

This is exactly what people were saying about these vague laws. They would cause this exact situation and that was the intent.

Republicans just want women to suffer.

Jesus tap dancing mother fucking Christ, these people are monsters.

This is exactly what people were saying about these vague laws. They would cause this exact situation and that was the intent.

Republicans just want women to suffer.

I’m beginning to think abortion is still a significant issue in America.

Given that girls and women keep getting pregnant and pregnancies are never going to be entirely uncomplicated, arbortion will stay a significant issue until all Americans have reasonable access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare.

Jesus tap dancing mother fucking Christ, these people are monsters.

This is exactly what people were saying about these vague laws. They would cause this exact situation and that was the intent.

Republicans just want women to suffer.

I’m beginning to think arbitration is still a significant issue in America.

Given that girls and women keep getting pregnant and pregnancies are never going to be entirely uncomplicated, arbortion will stay a significant issue until all Americans have reasonable access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare.

Uhm no, have you not been paying attention, Windy said its no longer a factor. So it was spoken…

Jesus tap dancing mother fucking Christ, these people are monsters.

This is exactly what people were saying about these vague laws. They would cause this exact situation and that was the intent.

Republicans just want women to suffer.

I’m beginning to think arbitration is still a significant issue in America.

Given that girls and women keep getting pregnant and pregnancies are never going to be entirely uncomplicated, arbortion will stay a significant issue until all Americans have reasonable access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare.

Uhm no, have you not been paying attention, Windy said its no longer a factor. So it was spoken…

An electoral issue in OH dumbass

If it’s still such an issue, why did I say “arbitration”? Goddamn autocorrect. I tried turning autocorrect off in my settings, and my writing was even worse. I guess autocorrect is doing the best it can with me.

Jesus tap dancing mother fucking Christ, these people are monsters.

This is exactly what people were saying about these vague laws. They would cause this exact situation and that was the intent.

Republicans just want women to suffer.

I’m beginning to think arbitration is still a significant issue in America.

Given that girls and women keep getting pregnant and pregnancies are never going to be entirely uncomplicated, arbortion will stay a significant issue until all Americans have reasonable access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare.

Uhm no, have you not been paying attention, Windy said its no longer a factor. So it was spoken…

I think it’s funny how out of step with reality some folks are. The idea presented yesterday that GOP presidential candidate Haley has suggested she will do nothing regarding abortion is presented like it makes her more attractive as a candidate— that’s insane!

There are several problems:

  1. each time the GOP says that these laws won’t hurt women, we see evidence that the laws DO hurt women. So there is a huge credibility problem.

Do we think Haley would keep her word when she hints she will do nothing if elected president regarding abortion? Even if she made a clear, unambiguous statement about abortion, would we trust that?

Sadly, too many REPUBLICANS HAVE NOT KEPT THEIR WORD about abortion laws. They say one thing, and then they do something else. Character matters.

  1. These laws hurt women. Lawmakers cannot entirely substitute their own standards for the decision-making that women and doctors need to do. If lawmakers have zero trust in women’s and doctors’ judgements and lawmakers remove any ability for women and doctors to confidently (see Texas) make decisions, then women (and doctors) will inevitably be hurt.

Jesus tap dancing mother fucking Christ, these people are monsters.

This is exactly what people were saying about these vague laws. They would cause this exact situation and that was the intent.

Republicans just want women to suffer.

I’m beginning to think arbitration is still a significant issue in America.

Given that girls and women keep getting pregnant and pregnancies are never going to be entirely uncomplicated, arbortion will stay a significant issue until all Americans have reasonable access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare.

Uhm no, have you not been paying attention, Windy said its no longer a factor. So it was spoken…

An electoral issue in OH dumbass

Darn Texas saying hold my beer and watch this. They will keep these women pissed off nationwide showing them where this could go and how little they care about them.

Grabbing them by the pussy in more way than one.

If the state makes you incubate a dying fetus do you qualify for state worker’s compensation?

I feel like this lady should file a claim if she can’t get the abortion.

I live in TX.
First off, our AG should already be in jail.

Secondly, I voted straight D last election because of this mess. I’ve never voted straight party ticket before.
I don’t know how people have gotten so out of touch.

I believe they’re working on legislation to reinstate scarlet letters being worn.

Jesus tap dancing mother fucking Christ, these people are monsters.

This is exactly what people were saying about these vague laws. They would cause this exact situation and that was the intent.

Republicans just want women to suffer.

I’m beginning to think arbitration is still a significant issue in America.

Given that girls and women keep getting pregnant and pregnancies are never going to be entirely uncomplicated, arbortion will stay a significant issue until all Americans have reasonable access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare.

Uhm no, have you not been paying attention, Windy said its no longer a factor. So it was spoken…

An electoral issue in OH dumbass

Darn Texas saying hold my beer and watch this. They will keep these women pissed off nationwide showing them where this could go and how little they care about them.

Grabbing them by the pussy in more way than one.

If the state makes you incubate a dying fetus do you qualify for state worker’s compensation?

I feel like this lady should file a claim if she can’t get the abortion.

Could she sue the state for causing long term disability and physical harm? If the worst case scenario were to happen, could they be sued for wrongful death? Doesn’t the US Constitution say something about the person?

I live in TX.
First off, our AG should already be in jail.

Secondly, I voted straight D last election because of this mess. I’ve never voted straight party ticket before.
I don’t know how people have gotten so out of touch.

I believe they’re working on legislation to reinstate scarlet letters being worn.

Praise be!

Interesting choice in response to abortion lawsuit.


Land of the free*.

Interesting choice in response to abortion lawsuit.


Another own-goal on the issue, and unsurprisingly tone deaf.

When people show us or tell us who they are we need to pay attention. A large money spending swath of evangelicals want us to have an authoritative theocracy, period. It’s just pandering over time to incrementally get more of what they want.

And it is back on hold thanks to a reversal by the all Republican and mostly male Texas Supreme Court.

And it is back on hold thanks to a reversal by the all Republican and mostly male Texas Supreme Court.


"Cox learned she was pregnant for a third time in August and was told weeks later that her baby was at a high risk for a condition known as trisomy 18, which has a very high likelihood of miscarriage or stillbirth and low survival rates, according to her lawsuit.

Furthermore, doctors have told Cox that if the baby’s heartbeat were to stop, inducing labor would carry a risk of a uterine rupture because of her two prior cesareans sections, and that another C-section at full term would would endanger her ability to carry another child.

Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton argued that Cox does not meet the criteria for a medical exception to the state’s abortion ban"

It is just sheer insanity. But that’s where we are in these united states …

And it is back on hold thanks to a reversal by the all Republican and mostly male Texas Supreme Court.

People may disagree but that isn’t a bad thing…it’s exposing the harsh realities of the law and will probably lead, eventually, to a much more palatable abortion law in TX.

I’m not sure it should require harm to an individual to draw that conclusion and change the law.

I’m not sure it should require harm to an individual to draw that conclusion and change the law.

If you want to get angry about the human cost, read this one about a woman from Ohio.

That one’s worse to me. At least in Texas, Paxton, et al. are giving explicit answers. So Miss Cox can go to New Mexico if she or her doctors feel it’s necessary. In the NPR story it was just ER staff and other doctors giving vague answers and sending her away probably hoping she wouldn’t bleed out. With those answers probably motivated by liability avoidance rather than medical practice.

Turns out the “exceptions” brought up in abortion arguments aren’t just academic thought experiments. They are real women.