Ten Commandments now required in every Louisiana public school, by law

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom under a bill signed into law by Republican Gov. Jeff Landry on Wednesday.

The Ten Commandments Must Be Displayed in Louisiana Classrooms Under Requirement Signed Into Law (usnews.com)

I would imagine this makes its way to SCOTUS.

Fuck off theocrats.

Also wow.

The GOP also has a two-thirds supermajority in the Legislature, and Republicans hold every statewide elected position, paving the way for lawmakers to push through a conservative agenda during the legislative session that concluded earlier this month.

Glad to see they’re taking concrete steps to lift their public education system out of the gutter.

If I were a teacher I’d make little ones - a small as possible - and say “OK. They’re ‘displayed.’ Now get the fuck out of my classroom”

Scroll through this list:


What do you notice about countries near the top vs those in the middle or the bottom, besides the religious affiliation % ?

There are about three outliers looks like because of communism. Ignore outliers look at the overall picture.

This SCOTUS will not see any problem with it.

This SCOTUS will not see any problem with it.
I know they trample on precedent, but this would be really hard for them to uphold. Putting “Thou shall have no other gods before me” is public schools is pretty much establishing a religion. I believe that has been settled law for some time. Though I would need a constitutional law expert to explain how “under God” is still in the Pledge and “In God we Trust” is on our currency.

I believe that has been settled law for some time.

Have I got a SCOTUS for you!

The teacher could ask at the start of each school day: “children, which one did trump break yesterday.”

This SCOTUS will not see any problem with it.
I know they trample on precedent, but this would be really hard for them to uphold. Putting “Thou shall have no other gods before me” is public schools is pretty much establishing a religion. I believe that has been settled law for some time. Though I would need a constitutional law expert to explain how “under God” is still in the Pledge and “In God we Trust” is on our currency.

Which religion does this establish?

The Founder’s didn’t want a Church of England situation.

It’s still stupid to have the X commandments in the classroom but the Constitutional argument IMO is tough to make

what ever happened to the separation of church and state?

This SCOTUS will not see any problem with it.
I know they trample on precedent, but this would be really hard for them to uphold. Putting “Thou shall have no other gods before me” is public schools is pretty much establishing a religion. I believe that has been settled law for some time. Though I would need a constitutional law expert to explain how “under God” is still in the Pledge and “In God we Trust” is on our currency.

Stone was a 5-4 decision. Yes, it has been on the books for 44 years. Still, it was only 5-4 and a majority of the conservative Justices were dissenters.

This SCOTUS will not see any problem with it.
I know they trample on precedent, but this would be really hard for them to uphold. Putting “Thou shall have no other gods before me” is public schools is pretty much establishing a religion. I believe that has been settled law for some time. Though I would need a constitutional law expert to explain how “under God” is still in the Pledge and “In God we Trust” is on our currency.

Which religion does this establish?

The Founder’s didn’t want a Church of England situation.

It’s still stupid to have the X commandments in the classroom but the Constitutional argument IMO is tough to make
Stone vs Graham.

what ever happened to the separation of church and state?
I think SOTH Johnson could answer that. Maybe also Justices Barrett, Alito, and Thomas.

The courts should start with a simple premise: the establishment and free exercise clauses should be roughly symmetrical. So, flip the hypothetical around and ask if a state could ban any student from wearing a t-shirt containing the Ten Commandments. If one says that such a law would inhibit the students’ right to free exercise of their religion, then we also have the answer to the Louisiana law. If it’s religious when worn by a student, then it’s religious when posted by the government.

The courts should start with a simple premise: the establishment and free exercise clauses should be roughly symmetrical. So, flip the hypothetical around and ask if a state could ban any student from wearing a t-shirt containing the Ten Commandments. If one says that such a law would inhibit the students’ right to free exercise of their religion, then we also have the answer to the Louisiana law. If it’s religious when worn by a student, then it’s religious when posted by the government.

Just because something is religious doesn’t mean it is verboten.

The 10 Commandments are not establishing a religion

I am the LORD your God; you shall not have strange gods before me. - Unless you support Trump, then there can be 2.You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. - Does grab them by the pussy count? I guess he didn’t actually use the lords name in that oneRemember to keep holy the LORD’s Day. - Seriously, does anyone do that anymore?Honor your father and mother. - Maybe. Can’t think of a good example of violating that oneYou shall not kill. - I could kill someone in Times Square and get away with it. Not really the same thing, but its the thought that countsYou shall not commit adultery. - Need I say anything about this oneYou shall not steal. - Does attempting to steal an election count? How about avoiding taxes and undervaluing property?You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. - Not sure about this one, but lies like a cheap rug so it is likely he has done that several timesYou shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. - See number 6, although Stormy probably wasn’t married at the time. There have certainly been others.You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. - Hmm. Does increasing my taxes so he can give his billion air buddies a tax break count?

I take it that Drag Queen reading hour during recess did not make the cut.

The courts should start with a simple premise: the establishment and free exercise clauses should be roughly symmetrical. So, flip the hypothetical around and ask if a state could ban any student from wearing a t-shirt containing the Ten Commandments. If one says that such a law would inhibit the students’ right to free exercise of their religion, then we also have the answer to the Louisiana law. If it’s religious when worn by a student, then it’s religious when posted by the government.

Just because something is religious doesn’t mean it is verboten.

The 10 Commandments are not establishing a religion

Sure seems to me like requiring, by law, in public school, that Christian commandments be posted, it is favoring one religion above others. If that’s not establishing a religion by the state, the difference is indistinguishable.

I believe refusing to pay your contractors, which he is known for, falls squarely under 7.

If I were a teacher I’d make little ones - a small as possible - and say “OK. They’re ‘displayed.’ Now get the fuck out of my classroom”


The measure in Louisiana requires that the commandments be displayed in each classroom of every public elementary, middle and high school, as well as public college classrooms. The posters must be no smaller than 11 by 14 inches and the commandments must be “the central focus of the poster” and “in a large, easily readable font."

It will also include a three-paragraph statement asserting that the Ten Commandments were a “prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries.”