Tell me your success stories of getting your cholesterol down w/o meds

updated a little

This has, unfortunately, been a year of health problems for me. My cholesterol is currently borderline high - ran the labs twice to make sure it wasn’t an error. Both my parents have high cholesterol and are on meds. I would like to avoid meds.

I can and will google how to lower it, but - and yes, I know this conflicts my scientific background - I like stories, not because they are anecdata, but because they make me hopeful. So, please tell me (message if you don’t want to share publicly) if this is a thing you have dealt with?

My diet isn’t actually all that great; I’m a sugar nut; I love ice cream and whole milk yogurt and whole eggs (though the cholesterol from eggs I think has been debunked as raising one’s cholesterol?). I really think I can improve it with dietary changes. Probably don’t need more exercise, as am about to medal in Big Kahuna tomorrow…

My thanks and my love,

updates - been a vegetarian for 24 years, am 7-8 lbs above the underweight cutoff so weight loss probably isn’t the solution

No success stories, only failures, so I’m watching intently.

No success stories, only failures, so I’m watching intently.

I’m sorry to hear that. What have you tried?

I’m also borderline high cholesterol so I’m curious to hear others’ experiences. The more recent studies I’ve read, like this one…,without%20affecting%20LDL%2FHDL%20ratio.

…essentially refute the notion that dietary cholesterol affects blood cholesterol in any meaningful way. In reading studies like this, I’m left wondering what, if anything, I can do about my own cholesterol other than trying to drive up HDL through exercise and weight management to provide some measure of protection against cardiovascular disease.

Over the last several months I’ve started supplementing with omega 3 and with Psyllium (Metamucil), both of which are shown in studies to be beneficial in managing cholesterol, but I haven’t had another blood test yet to see what benefit, if any, they provide for me.

I “flunked” my cholesterol test in 1988 (age 33). That scared me, so I lost weight (25 lbs), got in shape, and cleaned up my diet.

Since then, keeping the cholesterol in line has been a lot like weight management. If I don’t eat more calories than I burn, I don’t gain weight. It’s like magic! The same way, if I stay below the FDA recommendations on saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, my blood cholesterol stays below the limit.

For me, it’s been very reliable. Twice I’ve been a little over the cholesterol limit, but cleaning up my diet lowered my cholesterol in time for the following year’s checkup both times. Today I’m lucky enough to be med free at 68.

(I understand dietary cholesterol isn’t that important any more. Limiting saturated fats is probably what helps me.)

I have a very hard time sticking to routine due to work/family schedules, travel etc. I try to eat more oatmeal, apples, fruit, whole grains etc but it doesn’t outweigh the bad stuff. I don’t even think my diet is that bad, but certainly could be better.

I “flunked” my cholesterol test in 1988 (age 33). That scared me, so I lost weight (25 lbs), got in shape, and cleaned up my diet.

Since then, keeping the cholesterol in line has been a lot like weight management. If I don’t eat more calories than I burn, I don’t gain weight. It’s like magic! The same way, if I stay below the FDA recommendations on saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, my blood cholesterol stays below the limit.

For me, it’s been very reliable. Twice I’ve been a little over the cholesterol limit, but cleaning up my diet lowered my cholesterol in time for the following year’s checkup both times. Today I’m lucky enough to be med free at 68.

(I understand dietary cholesterol isn’t that important any more. Limiting saturated fats is probably what helps me.)

I’m 36. I’m 7-8 lbs above the cutoff for “underweight” so that’s not an issue.
I think it’s the saturated fat I need to look into… and I didn’t even know there were FDA guidelines for dietary cholesterol. This is good to know.

Thanks so so so much.

Runs in my family also. I had high cholesterol also. Cleaned up my diet. Helped quite a bit. Only meat I ate was turkey and chicken. Then went plant based and haven’t looked back.

I take some supplements. Go to a holistic Dr that is pretty well known and has written around 30 books. I listen to him and trust him. Get a shit ton of blood work done 2-3 times a year as he tests everything. (He didn’t tell me to go to plants, I chose that)

I’m doing pretty well with no prescriptions.

My wife is also very active and has the genetic high cholesterol her parents had. It’s not exceptionally high, just on the limits really of what’s deemed acceptable for her age. She had some statins prescribed but the side-effects were not pleasant so went back to trying to make some dietary changes. We do eat fairly healthily but even then, once off the statins (they were ¼ dose), the cholesterol has climbed again. There are few dietary changes she can make but will try to reduce increase intake of oats, nuts etc to see if the level can be lowered. We’ve held on to full-fat milk but will drop that to semi-skinned now even though she does not drink too much.

Unfortunately, some people do have a disposition to high cholesterol and there’s little that can be done without recourse to medication. Even more unfortunately is that MDs here in NZ are much too quick to prescribe drugs without investigating changes that could be made to lifestyle and diet.

OK, I’ll tell you mine, and try to stick with just what’s relevant and hopefully helpful. Always quite active, and transitioning from marathoning to IM and half IMs the last 7 years.
First cholesterol test was when I was in my 20s, total 140, with 80 HDL.
2nd was in my late 30s, and it was low 200s, and about 60 HDL. So borderline high.
Slightly higher total cholesterol in my mid 40s. Vegetarian, but lots of dairy.
Cut the dairy and went mostly, but not obsessively strict, plant based about 10 years ago, and to my surprise, I was right back down to 140 total, 80 HDL, where it’s stayed since. Just had a calc test last week, and had a score of zero.

I’d read studies suggesting that diet could at best lower total and “bad” cholesterol by less than 10%, but for me it wasn’t the case.

Runs in my family also. I had high cholesterol also. Cleaned up my diet. Helped quite a bit. Only meat I ate was turkey and chicken. Then went plant based and haven’t looked back.

I take some supplements. Go to a holistic Dr that is pretty well known and has written around 30 books. I listen to him and trust him. Get a shit ton of blood work done 2-3 times a year as he tests everything. (He didn’t tell me to go to plants, I chose that)

I’m doing pretty well with no prescriptions.

That’s great!

My wife is also very active and has the genetic high cholesterol her parents had. It’s not exceptionally high, just on the limits really of what’s acceptable for her age. She had some statins prescribed but the side-effects were not pleasant so went back to trying to make some dietary changes. We do eat fairly healthily but even then, once of the statins (they were ¼ dose), the cholesterol has climbed again. There are few dietary changes she can make but will try to reduce increase intake of oats, nuts etc to see if the level can be lowered. We’ve held on to full-fat milk but will drop that to semi-skinned now even though she does not drink too much.

Unfortunately, some people do have a disposition to high cholesterol and there’s little that can be done without recourse to medication.

given my family history, that’s what I’m worried about
I’m glad I’m catching this now when it’s only borderline high so I can make changes now.

Cholesterol test results are know to be inaccurate if taken within 24 hours of vigorous exercise

OK, I’ll tell you mine, and try to stick with just what’s relevant and hopefully helpful. Always quite active, and transitioning from marathoning to IM and half IMs the last 7 years.
First cholesterol test was when I was in my 20s, total 140, with 80 HDL.
2nd was in my late 30s, and it was low 200s, and about 60 HDL. So borderline high.
Slightly higher total cholesterol in my mid 40s. Vegetarian, but lots of dairy.
Cut the dairy and went mostly, but not obsessively strict, plant based about 10 years ago, and to my surprise, I was right back down to 140 total, 80 HDL, where it’s stayed since. Just had a calc test last week, and had a score of zero.

I’d read studies suggesting that diet could at best lower total and “bad” cholesterol by less than 10%, but for me it wasn’t the case.

thank you!

You have already acknowledged the diet part, and it is important. Oatmeal instead of bagel and butter with cream cheese. Veggies in place fatty meats, all in moderation of course. If you are like most people, setting up a strict program just doesn’t work over time. Just make small changes each day, and they will add up.

I had some luck with niacin back in the day, it seemed to lower my numbers all thing being equal. But other than the statin I’m on now, never could tell if any of the vitamin type remedies actually worked. Not saying fish oil and all the other things people take for this aren’t effective, just that I could never measure those. The niacin yes, it did work for me…

You have already acknowledged the diet part, and it is important. Oatmeal instead of bagel and butter with cream cheese. Veggies in place fatty meats, all in moderation of course. If you are like most people, setting up a strict program just doesn’t work over time. Just make small changes each day, and they will add up.

I had some luck with niacin back in the day, it seemed to lower my numbers all thing being equal. But other than the statin I’m on now, never could tell if any of the vitamin type remedies actually worked. Not saying fish oil and all the other things people take for this aren’t effective, just that I could never measure those. The niacin yes, it did work for me…

Monty: Curious which statin you use. I’m on lipitor (low dose/every other day) and it works on the cholesterol, but the side effect for me is muscle cramps when I race anything approaching an hour or more….I’ver heard different medicines may be less likely to cause muscle issues, but I’m curious about what works for others.

I have been doing 10mg of Crestor every other day, no issues. May have to up that dose, but I think the every other day really helps with any potential side effects. dtoce here and my regular cardio guy both agreed on the Crestor too. But as with all drugs, they can often work differently in different people, so good news is there are many to choose from these days.

If you are having side effects and can directly relate them to the drug, might be time to look at something else?? Maybe the dose?

I have been doing 10mg of Crestor every other day, no issues. May have to up that dose, but I think the every other day really helps with any potential side effects. dtoce here and my regular cardio guy both agreed on the Crestor too. But as with all drugs, they can often work differently in different people, so good news is there are many to choose from these days.

If you are having side effects and can directly relate them to the drug, might be time to look at something else?? Maybe the dose?

Thanks for the reply. The “solution” for me, so far, has been to stop the lipitor for at least a week before the competition. (This was suggested to me by a cardiologist, and it worked—no muscle cramps in my triathlons where I did this; 100% muscle cramps in races where I stayed on the med before the race). The problem is that I like to do about a dozen races a year, which means I end up going off the med for about a week every month, and then my cholesterol numbers go up!

I’m on the lowest dose of the lipitor that still gets my numbers in the safe range, so I can’t really lower the dose. I think I will ask my doctor about trying a different med, like crestor. Hope it works! Thanks.

I’ve had high cholesterol before. Managed to get it down to the normal range with only diet changes. For me I didn’t ever pay any attention to the cholesterol numbers on any foods I was eating. I focused solely on eating less saturated fat, more nuts, and more seafood - not the fried kind.

For less saturated fat, probably the easiest thing I’ve implemented to be a consistent change was just to stop cooking with butter. I won’t avoid it at restaurants as I like good food but for day to day cooking I’ve cut it out and at fast food places you can ask for unbuttered buns.

I’m not a huge fan of the flavor of nuts. I’ve heard pecans or walnuts are pretty good but unfortunately I’m allergic to those two. So for me I find the key to regularly eating them is availability. Pretty easy to carry around a little can of almonds or peanuts and have them on your desk or with you to reach for when you want a snack. It’s a bit like drinking water. If I have a water bottle with me 24/7 I’m going to be a lot better hydrated then when I have to go get water to drink.

I also made some effort to get in more fruits and veggies but it sounds like you’ve got that part down.

I’ll second the daily use of supplemental fiber. My lipid specialist said it is normally worth about a 10-point or more reduction.