Team Zoot 2019 Applications Open

Any questions, please feel free to ask!

Shame it is US only…

Where are you located?

UK - which despite popular concensus does have its good points at times!!!

We do have a European team, with several members in the UK. Applications for that team will be opening soon as well! Keep an eye out on social media or follow Zoot Sports on Facebook or Instagram.

Thanks very much, will do

Is Canyon a partner again? Honestly, I’d feel a little awkward sporting a Canyon logo on my chest while riding another brand of bike.

2019 sponsors are not confirmed yet, many will be hashed out over the next few weeks in Kona. It is not a requirement for team members to ride the bike sponsor, but you do get a pretty sweet discount if you did decide to switch…

This looks like a great group I just applied!!

I’m curious if the kits will be the same for 2019 or if there is a new design coming? The ones from last year are sick!

New design each year… just wait to see them, will be epic as usual!!!

Where are you located?

That’s awesome, can’t wait!

I’m located in Texas!

Is Canyon a partner again? Honestly, I’d feel a little awkward sporting a Canyon logo on my chest while riding another brand of bike.

We are pretty sure that the Canyon partnership will continue in 2019.

bro, you get my PM?

Got it Dan!

So I have to pay to get deals on Zoot?

So I have to pay to get deals on Zoot?

Our Team buy in is only $150 one time and that gets you your kit and some other stuff. Then it’s a very sizeable discount on Zoot product, we are a brand ambassador program.

Nope, you don’t HAVE to do anything. You may choose to submit an application. 😬

I sent in an app. I think I got the last question wrong, though. That’ll probably hurt my chances.

Canadian applicants welcome?

No such thing as a wrong answer here!