Team TT Worlds winners - jersey question

So since it is a trade team, do they all get to wear the rainbow jersey in say next years Giro TTT if there is one? If only 4 of them are in the Giro, only they get to wear the rainbow jersey and the other 5 not? Or everyone wears rainbow because it was a team win?

What about the winner of the individual TT, does he get to wear his rainbow jersey in the TTT’s next year still?

The individual winner does.

Never seen a team do it (possibly because the team might have different riders in the TTT than won at worlds).

Riders of the winning team will have a special designstion or logo on their jersey but not a rainbow like the ITT.

Yep. No rainbow jerseys, but “distinctive logo” jerseys for all.

Just found this:

Yep. No rainbow jerseys, but “distinctive logo” jerseys for all.

Just found this:

Reminds me of this:

Riders of the winning team will have a special designstion or logo on their jersey but not a rainbow like the ITT.

My understanding is that this pertains to all members of the team, and is worn during all road events.

Kinda lame…especially the latter part. First part can’t really be avoided, I guess.

Intereresting, and yes, that’s lame.