Taylor Knibb live right now

At 8:00 PM EST


At 8:00 PM EST https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/...Is%3D&reserved=0

Couldn’t get my Zoom to work, can you give us a summary??? Thanks, Eric.

It was promising but disappointing (IMO) due to the questions being asked.

“whats your favorite pre race meal?”
“whats your fastest 500m swim?”
“do you get nervous before races?”
“what are the best gloves for winter running?”
“what days do you swim?”

…wtf people. We have a massive athlete on a casual video AMA and thats the shit you want to know?

I did ask if she could take us through her Kona run because it was amazing to watch her race. She gave a great and honest answer. Said after the energy lab she stopped to use the bathroom and that she was just trying to hold on. She knew with 10k to go she couldn’t hold the pace she needed to stave off Anne. But she tried and her body felt that and took a long time to recover. I wanted to continue that conversation and get more about her approach to training based on that run/race but it quickly moved over to what her favorite color is.

But I couldn’t take any more of the other questions so I hopped off. Maybe I’m just cranky tonight.

At 8:00 PM EST https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/...Is%3D&reserved=0

Couldn’t get my Zoom to work, can you give us a summary??? Thanks, Eric.

It was set up as a way for young people to have the opportunity to ask a star triathlete questions

It did exactly that

I think it was great

Wish it was more well attended

Maybe 30 people I believe

It was promising but disappointing (IMO) due to the questions being asked.

“whats your favorite pre race meal?”
“whats your fastest 500m swim?”
“do you get nervous before races?”
“what are the best gloves for winter running?”
“what days do you swim?”

…wtf people. We have a massive athlete on a casual video AMA and thats the shit you want to know?

I did ask if she could take us through her Kona run because it was amazing to watch her race. She gave a great and honest answer. Said after the energy lab she stopped to use the bathroom and that she was just trying to hold on. She knew with 10k to go she couldn’t hold the pace she needed to stave off Anne. But she tried and her body felt that and took a long time to recover. I wanted to continue that conversation and get more about her approach to training based on that run/race but it quickly moved over to what her favorite color is.

But I couldn’t take any more of the other questions so I hopped off. Maybe I’m just cranky tonight.

Oh well, at least you got one good answer from her. :slight_smile:

Also, for those who might be interested, I looked her up on USA Swimming and her best freestyle scy times are: 50 25.01, 100 52.72, 200 1:52.58, 500 4:58.00, 1000 10:13.72, 1650 17:12. So she’s a bit faster than LS. :slight_smile:

At 8:00 PM EST https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/...Is%3D&reserved=0

Couldn’t get my Zoom to work, can you give us a summary??? Thanks, Eric.

It was set up as a way for young people to have the opportunity to ask a star triathlete questions

It did exactly that

I think it was great

Wish it was more well attended

Maybe 30 people I believe

I had no idea it was geared towards “young people.” Theres nothing on her social media about this live. And you posted the link here without any context. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very thankful that you shared this. I just had no idea what this was for, who it was for, or where else it was advertised. I mean, you say it was geared towards young people to have an opportunity to interact with her but you posted it on Slowtwitch without context. I wouldn’t have guessed it was for the youngins.

And I agree that its always better to have these things garner more interest and get higher attendance. That being said, where was this thing actually advertised? Who set it up? Where did the other attendees come from?


I registered for that and then completely forgot about it…hoping there is a recording.

Interesting - I wonder about the context on those times. My lens is pretty narrow, but seems like she was/ is more of a distance swimmer than a sprinter. AA for 50, almost AAAA for 500, AAAA for 1000. Seems like a good profile for Kona.

Those times all seem pretty standard to me, and yes she was more of a distance swimmer. But fast enough to be on relays in the sprints too, just not a pure sprinter. And after doing an 8;30+ in her very first Kona ironman, anyone surprised she was not a drop dead sprinter?? (-;

And from those times you can see why she is able to often swim on Lucy’s feet in OW races. She has good take out speed and then the engine to be able to draft someone a couple seconds a 100 faster than her. I’ve always said that the really good OW folks could hold someone a minute faster in the distance pool event, and Taylor is under 30 seconds to Lucy. And why she can be front pack in ITU, unless she gets clobbered at the start. High 16’s and low 17’s is what most of those ladies in the front 10 or 15 have done in their swimming careers, so just a matter of OW skills and fitness at the time…

I think LCB is more like a full minute faster in the mile. LCM 1500 16:35

Well in this past olympic trials she did, it was a 16;46. The LCM and SCY times for the swimming mile are within seconds of each other, so maybe around 40 or so seconds? At any rate, Taylor certainly fast enough to swim on her feet, a good draft is worth 3 to 5 seconds a 100 depending on a few considerations…

Interesting - I wonder about the context on those times. My lens is pretty narrow, but seems like she was/ is more of a distance swimmer than a sprinter. AA for 50, almost AAAA for 500, AAAA for 1000. Seems like a good profile for Kona.

guys, guys, guys: have we not learned? on slowtwitch, NO swimming performance is impressive. (and on LetsRun, no running performance is impressive.)

Interesting - I wonder about the context on those times. My lens is pretty narrow, but seems like she was/ is more of a distance swimmer than a sprinter. AA for 50, almost AAAA for 500, AAAA for 1000. Seems like a good profile for Kona.

Based on USA Swimming’s latest (2024) motivational times for 18 yr old girls, she’s AA on the 50, AAA on the 100 and 200, then AAAA on the 500, 1000, and 1650, so def more of a D swimmer which you would obv expect for a triathlete. :slight_smile:

Okay, to totally derail this thread, are these the most current standards? I’m a fairly new swim dad and am figuring out the particulars:


Looking at that chart, I would say she is nearly AAA in the 50, and nearly AAAA in all the other events. I say nearly because she is a lot closer to those faster times than the slower ones in the lower categories…

So a really good swimmer in that respect, and it shows in her triathlon swimming. The one thing about her vs her competitors, is she is a lot closer to her best times and able to hold close to them(except for Lucy of course). Once you get into your late 20’s/early 30’s, gets a lot harder to be close to your college times. Of course when you get that old you now have the advantage of over a decade of OW experience, so there is that…

Okay, to totally derail this thread, are these the most current standards? I’m a fairly new swim dad and am figuring out the particulars:


Yes, that chart is the current standards.

Okay, to totally derail this thread, are these the most current standards? I’m a fairly new swim dad and am figuring out the particulars:

Well, that is the age group chart. I think it is a bit more relevant to use the single age chart which is right next to the AG chart on the USAS page, espec since it sounds like your kid is prob younger, and hence 1 yr diffs can be significant.


I have not compared the entirety of both charts to note the diffs but, at least for Taylor’s freestyle times, the 17/18 times are the same as the 18 yr old times. Prob the main diffs are in the younger ages.

FWIW new swimmer Dad- The single age motivational chart is not really relevant for any meet that has specific time entry qualifications. Nor have I ever seen a coach tell a 11 or 13 year old they have met an A time standard, unless they have met the 11/12 or 13/14 time A standard.

FWIW new swimmer Dad- The single age motivational chart is not really relevant for any meet that has specific time entry qualifications. Nor have I ever seen a coach tell a 11 or 13 year old they have met an A time standard, unless they have met the 11/12 or 13/14 time A standard.

OK then, I stand corrected. I just thought single age standards would be more relevant but I certainly what you’re saying. Just for the record, I’m not the “new swimmer Dad” but rather that would be MI_Mumps.

When I was swimming as a kid, there were A meets where you had to have the qualifying time of at least an A standard. There were also B or BB meets where someone with an A time or faster, couldn’t race. If you swam an A time or faster at a BB/B meet, you would get a “speeding ticket” and would be removed from awards/medals. This was in the mid 90’s to early 2000’s. Not sure those A or BB/B meets still exist these days or if it’s location (LSC) dependent.