Taper advice needed

I have a tapering question.
What is the appropriate amount of taper for a IM and HIM distance race? What if the HIM is 3 months before the IM? I am doing Buffalo Springs 70.3 on June 26th and Redman 140.6 in OKC on September 24th. I was thinking about taper periods and I was thinking 3 weeks before BSLT and 4 weeks before Redman. Sound crazy? Will I lose anything between the taper and the few days after Buffalo Springs to recover?

Also, with century training rides. I am thinking 7 century rides before Redman, 4 for distance and 3 at race pace. I am not sure where I got this from, probably from a training book somewhere. Does this sound like a intelligent idea or should I have more planned? The Redman course is flat.
4 loop course


It depends which race is your “A” race or, if you are want both to be an A race. I have never tried two peaks in a year, so I don’t know how it would feel for me. If Redman were my primary race, I would peak my work about 3 weeks out from BSLT, and ease up, not really taper, Maybe go 80% of peak, 60% of peak and 20% or so the week of the race, not counting the race. I usually take a week after a big race to recover and get back in the groove. You will lose a little fitness, but it will come back fast. For Redman your could take either a 3 or 4 week taper. The traditional thing is to go about 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% through the taper. I tend to maintain my longish days and intense days, and incorporate more rest days into the routine -maybe something like 2, 2, 3, and 3 back loading the week with the rest / easy days. about 7 days into the taper you will actually start to feel kind of shitty, don’t think that you are losing fitness, that is your body is responding to the rest. After about 3 or 4 days it will go away and you will increasingly start to feel like superman.

Thanks for the advice. I like the “ease up” as opposed to a true tapering before BSLT, I never thought of that. Redman will be my “A” race, but only because I have never done the race. Thanks again.