Taco Bell 50K Ultra

This came up in my newsfeed yesterday


Held every October for the past six years, and loosely coinciding with National Taco Day (yes, that’s a thing), it’s an unconventional and entirely unsanctioned fun run that has several ridiculous rules—a.k.a. the semi-optional Taco Bell 50K Commandments that are printed on the back of the event’s race bibs—including the need to eat something from the Taco Bell menu at every stop.

While that could mean consuming something small at most of the restaurant visits—like, say, an order of Nacho Fries or Cinnamon Twists—the fourth and eighth aid stations demand a higher level of gastrointestinal fortitude. At those stops, participants must opt for one of the larger and more calorie-intensive “Supreme” menu items, such as a Crunchwrap Supreme, Burrito Supreme, or Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Tacos Supreme.


There’s word around here of Tour Du Wawa, which is a 50-mile-ish bike route, but the stops at Wawa are for convenience, not a requirement

Video from 2022 edition


Dude has taken my homemade Screaming Tortise bibs to the next level, including a personalized reverse side and reinforced punch-holes


I appreciate that Pepto, Alka Seltzer, Pepcid A/C, Mylanta, are considered PEDs.

I found my 2024 A race.

when i was a younger man with greater gastric fortitude, i participated in something called the “WineMan,” which was sort of like a 10k (or 10-mile?) version of a beer mile. it was taxing, but there was a hot-tub at the finish line.

great memories.

Half Corked Half Marathon in Oliver, BC. Non-serious, half marathon-ish (somewhere around 20-24 km) length with tasting stops at a dozen or so wineries. Well worth the trip.

Reminds me of RAGBRAI and Iowa’s infatuation with Casey’s convenience store.
Speaking of RAGBRAI, my most prized swag is the Iowa Craft Beer shirt I earned by stopping twice a day during the RAGBRAI ride for a craft beer.
I learned that craft beer works pretty well as ride nutrition.

Everyone’s doing Fireball now, or bourbon

Which makes one ask: what beverage would go best with a Burrito Supreme? I’m guessing something in the tequila family? Or Modelo?

The perfect training regime:

Strava Chipotle Challenge

Everyone’s doing Fireball now, or bourbon

Which makes one ask: what beverage would go best with a Burrito Supreme? I’m guessing something in the tequila family? Or Modelo?
Depends on distance. A sprint, tequila is ok. A longer race, go with Modelo. After all, you need to properly pace yourself.

But with a burrito Supreme, you’re going to be making a pitstop in an hour anyway.

I don’t know if the Taco Bells along the course offer this, but some of them now serve beer/wine/liqour along with the regular menu of tacos, burritos, tacoritos, etc.

Everyone’s doing Fireball now, or bourbon

Which makes one ask: what beverage would go best with a Burrito Supreme? I’m guessing something in the tequila family? Or Modelo?

since it is an abomination of real mexican food, it would have to be an abomination in the alcohol world. perhaps bud light

… with a lime

I found my 2024 A race.

I now know what I have been training my whole life for.

This is one race where you’ll be running AND “running”…

SCENE - A Taco Bell restaurant in Denver, Colorado. The bell rings as three runners enter. Two approach the counter to make an order, while the third sprints to the bathrooms. A customer addresses them with curiosity

Taco Bell Customer <to Runner #1>: Hey, what’s with the numbers? Are you guys in some sort of a race?

Runner #1: We’re doing the legendary Taco Bell 50K

Customer: the what?

Runner #2: the Taco Bell 50K - we run a loop of fifty kilometers, or a little more than 31 miles, between ten Taco Bells

Runner #1: … and we must eat ONE item at each stop, or we are disqualified

Customer <as Runner #3, exits bathroom, emergency alleviated>: Thirty miles? you guys are full of shit!!!

Runner #3: NOT. ANYMORE!!!