T100 Triathlon World Tour (PTO 2024)

Can you ask these questions to Sam next time or maybe they have been answered?

How do they plan to make money ?

If they don’t want commercials during their broadcast how do they make money ?

If they don’t hold their own age group races how do they grow a fan base?

Not to ask him but he said the schedule was not to cross dates with other races but

I believe these are all pretty close together

Singapore- Texas
California - Roth
London - Olympics
Ibiza - nice
Vegas- kona
Grand final - 70.3 worlds
( I know there are only so many weeks a year so they will always be kind of close? )

What a coincidence but what a gamble you are going to compete every event with social media and content overload ? If you don’t win that the growth would end right there in year 1 .

It’s ain’t brain surgery

As for Sam spending others money, I am sure a person with your financial industry saviness acknowledges that every CEO of a VC funded company is really good at spending other people’s money.

Work in field sports. Fortunately or unfortunately I know a lot about spending other peoples money as well as building schedules. And also in the start up space.

At the end of the day, if Moritz and his investors are ok with bleeding money like this and Renouf can show a tangible path to cost neutral and then profit. PTO stays alive. But remember, PTO has an executive chairman whom they pay. Their entire board might be paid.

They have a larger staff than the one I currently work on. So their overhead has to be incredible.

It’s ain’t brain surgery

As for Sam spending others money, I am sure a person with your financial industry saviness acknowledges that every CEO of a VC funded company is really good at spending other people’s money.

Work in field sports. Fortunately or unfortunately I know a lot about spending other peoples money as well as building schedules. And also in the start up space.

At the end of the day, if Moritz and his investors are ok with bleeding money like this and Renouf can show a tangible path to cost neutral and then profit. PTO stays alive. But remember, PTO has an executive chairman whom they pay. Their entire board might be paid.

They have a larger staff than the one I currently work on. So their overhead has to be incredible.

at the same time the pto announcement in the first 48 hours got slightly more clicks here than the new ironman ceo annoncement in the firt 48 hours , and i guess in a way while they bleed a lot of money they also attract a lot of attention against the leader of the market , they are the first organisation that really is passing ironman in entanglement and of course ST is not triathlon but if you cant mange it on st you have no chance at all . so the question here is should they spend less and get less engagment or does it work better to go all in. and i guess anybody that thinks that there is sustainable pto model would likely suggest go all in.
IE the model is going to work or not but i guess by spending less they does not increase the chances to work and i guess they have longer staying power than most would have thought at the beginning.
i mean it was you who said no way will they get 8 races this year , they did. the athletes know the locations.
and i guess we cant deny that ironman is feeling the pressure right now despit having the more sustainable model they are under pressure. and i guess from the triathlon side ironman does not increase its resale value at the moment. they dont control the narrative of triathlon at the moment. they will likely win but right know they are not controlling it. and i guess by starting the ironman pro series maybe ironman shows they are not anymore 100 percent confident that pto will fold quickly.

The T100 will make a great replacement for Ironman 70.3 as a race, if they can get the course design interesting for an age grouper. If it’s just a bunch of laps, no chance.

But T100 will always struggle in the broader culture to be as impact full as Ironman. I can absolutely see T100 upsetting local age races that aren’t Ironman. I wonder how long if ever the T100 would take to mean anything at the water cooler conversation on Monday that doesn’t end up with, “it’s like an Ironman” shorthand. That alone means most of those personal life goal sign-up peoples that dream of “Ironman” will never even learn of T100 until they’ve already done several Ironmans. So best case scenario when it comes to AG races T100 is vying for a small share of the customers lifespan of a declining market? How many T100 racers will there be? Clash Miami had what, 500 racers? Can T100 get to 2000? Do they even want that many?

The idea of a 100k race is pretty cool and it’s just that much easier than a half IM that I can see customers being happier with it. I’ve already marked Vegas on the calendar. I do wish PTO success, despite my various criticisms or skeptical takes. I just hope they hurry up and buy Ironman already. Ironman 100 makes a better name and then all those 70.3 medals become “collectors items” hah.

. . . . he said the schedule was not to cross dates with other races but I believe these are all pretty close together:

Singapore- Texas
California - Roth
London - Olympics
Ibiza - Nice
Vegas- Kona
Grand Final - 70.3 worlds
( I know there are only so many weeks a year so they will always be kind of close? )

What a coincidence but what a gamble you are going to compete every event with social media and content overload ? If you don’t win that the growth would end right there in year 1 .As you say, there’s only so many weeks in a year. I am surprised there aren’t T100 races in mid May nor in late August/early September: seem like gaps: maybe a race fell through.
As to your list (and WPro only)
Singapore - Texas: I suggest that only half a dozen contracted athletes will want to race Texas to qualify or validate for Nice and to stay in the IM Series convo: they’ll miss Singapore (as one of their two misses and avoid stomach issues).California - Roth: 8 June v 7 July - not a clash. How many will actually want to do Roth anyway? I guess an IM capable athlete who decides not to race Nice could do Roth as their one LD of the season: in which case miss the Pacific Ocean (or a harbour on the west coast).London - Olympics: No Olympic athlete is going to be racing London but they only have to race 3 races plus GF, so not an issue.Nice - Ibiza: For the men not an issue; for the IM capable women (6? and ?still hanging in there for the IM Series) either a miss or a warm down: fulfilling contractual obligation but not expecting it to be one of their scoring T100 three.Las Vegas-Kona: For the women not an issue: for the IMWC headed men (max 8): one of their two misses. Plenty of post Olympics hopefuls to fill the wildcard spots (though will clash with Superleague (assumed)).T100 Grand Final - 70.3WC Taupō: 15 days apart. Everyone stir crazy by then and either injured or desperate to have some weeks easy.

You did a nice job illustrating how what could be perceived as a head to head aggressive move to preempt major competing events was mostly a giant nothing burger.

. . . . he said the schedule was not to cross dates with other races but I believe these are all pretty close together:

Singapore- Texas
California - Roth
London - Olympics
Ibiza - Nice
Vegas- Kona
Grand Final - 70.3 worlds
( I know there are only so many weeks a year so they will always be kind of close? )

What a coincidence but what a gamble you are going to compete every event with social media and content overload ? If you don’t win that the growth would end right there in year 1 .As you say, there’s only so many weeks in a year. I am surprised there aren’t T100 races in mid May nor in late August/early September: seem like gaps: maybe a race fell through.
As to your list (and WPro only)
Singapore - Texas: I suggest that only half a dozen contracted athletes will want to race Texas to qualify or validate for Nice and to stay in the IM Series convo: they’ll miss Singapore (as one of their two misses and avoid stomach issues).California - Roth: 8 June v 7 July - not a clash. How many will actually want to do Roth anyway? I guess an IM capable athlete who decides not to race Nice could do Roth as their one LD of the season: in which case miss the Pacific Ocean (or a harbour on the west coast).London - Olympics: No Olympic athlete is going to be racing London but they only have to race 3 races plus GF, so not an issue.Nice - Ibiza: For the men not an issue; for the IM capable women (6? and ?still hanging in there for the IM Series) either a miss or a warm down: fulfilling contractual obligation but not expecting it to be one of their scoring T100 three.Las Vegas-Kona: For the women not an issue: for the IMWC headed men (max 8): one of their two misses. Plenty of post Olympics hopefuls to fill the wildcard spots (though will clash with Superleague (assumed)).T100 Grand Final - 70.3WC Taupō: 15 days apart. Everyone stir crazy by then and either injured or desperate to have some weeks easy.

Not just which athletes choose what to race but more putting attention on the product. Are they here to compete with Ironman ( also itu o guess and super league ) which is race company or to show pro racing. I can’t figure it out as they change back and forth like the wind .

And I don’t get how internet clicks make them money ?

Theirs races are limited space and so few to generate the money to run the t100 prize purse?

They need major sponsors but then they would have commercials and product placement which we know the views hates as witnessed with Ironman .

I’ve never heard Sam say anything about commercials during broadcasts, but he has said over and over the intention is to sell the rights to the T100 series to a TV/streaming partner. They don’t care about age group racing, but they do care about crowds so having an AG race helps to get bodies on the sidelines of the pro races.

They need major sponsors but then they would have commercials and product placement which we know the views hates as witnessed with Ironman .

I’m fine with ads/sponsors (especially if the broadcast is free) as long as they don’t inundate us with cheesy sayings like the “Muarten Move”…

They need major sponsors but then they would have commercials and product placement which we know the views hates as witnessed with Ironman .

I’m fine with ads/sponsors (especially if the broadcast is free) as long as they don’t inundate us with cheesy sayings like the “Muarten Move”…

If the sponsor gives you money to say x you say x that’s how sponsorship works , have you seen people pretending to drink ag1 and saying it’s good .

I’ve never heard Sam say anything about commercials during broadcasts, but he has said over and over the intention is to sell the rights to the T100 series to a TV/streaming partner. They don’t care about age group racing, but they do care about crowds so having an AG race helps to get bodies on the sidelines of the pro races.

Interesting, I don’t get the crowd thing as we know kona has barley a crowd and know one cares.

South Africa 70.3 worlds 2018 I never noticed if there was a crowd but it was an epic race and had great footage. I remember that

I’ve never heard Sam say anything about commercials during broadcasts, but he has said over and over the intention is to sell the rights to the T100 series to a TV/streaming partner. They don’t care about age group racing, but they do care about crowds so having an AG race helps to get bodies on the sidelines of the pro races.Global broadcast:
Shown on TV in over 120 territoriesWatch on Eurosport and Discovery+ in EuropeWatch on PTO+ and YouTube (free) in the rest of the world

How do you know it is internet trolls, as opposed to say Ironman itself? If I worked for IM, I certainly would have wanted to give her a call and let her know that her video was not well received or good for Nice. It’s also quite possible that she decided to issue the clarification herself. I imagine LCB has positive feelings toward IM and is grateful for the opportunities it has provided. She’s particularly invested in the success of women’s WC and does not wish to harm IM, Nice, or women’s racing. Her decision to do the T100 was, just like everyone else’s, a business one. When she realized that the manner in which she presented her decision was potentially harmful to Nice, she felt regret and issued a follow-up statement. Maybe the ‘trolls’ had little to do with it.
Wow,that is some serious imagination you have going on there. I prefer to go to the source and find something I can quote.
From her IG

Regarding my comments about my race selection this year, see full statement in the image slides…

** In the past two days, I’ve gotten some inappropriate messages. Feel free to express your thoughts, but I ask that you remain civil **
10h .

Immediately under that statement was Sam Longs message of support.
“Everyone these days is an arm chair quarterback. I’ve felt similar pressure and I’m not a World Champion. I can’t imagine all the thought that went into it but know that you made the right choice for YOU!”

How do you know it is internet trolls, as opposed to say Ironman itself? If I worked for IM, I certainly would have wanted to give her a call and let her know that her video was not well received or good for Nice. It’s also quite possible that she decided to issue the clarification herself. I imagine LCB has positive feelings toward IM and is grateful for the opportunities it has provided. She’s particularly invested in the success of women’s WC and does not wish to harm IM, Nice, or women’s racing. Her decision to do the T100 was, just like everyone else’s, a business one. When she realized that the manner in which she presented her decision was potentially harmful to Nice, she felt regret and issued a follow-up statement. Maybe the ‘trolls’ had little to do with it.
Wow,that is some serious imagination you have going on there. I prefer to go to the source and find something I can quote.
From her IG

Regarding my comments about my race selection this year, see full statement in the image slides…

** In the past two days, I’ve gotten some inappropriate messages. Feel free to express your thoughts, but I ask that you remain civil **
10h .

Immediately under that statement was Sam Longs message of support.
“Everyone these days is an arm chair quarterback. I’ve felt similar pressure and I’m not a World Champion. I can’t imagine all the thought that went into it but know that you made the right choice for YOU!”

I’m not saying internet trolls do not exist. What I’m saying is that it is likely her follow up statement reflects her genuine beliefs and desire to explain the switch to the T100 in a manner less damaging to IM rather than an attempt to appease trolls, who we all know can’t be appeased anyway.

To be fair to this, on the front page the IM CEO article doubles the number of views of the T100/PTO story.

Our forum skews more heavily towards the “pro geek” side of the equation which will be more interested in that T100 story. But from a general tri awareness…

…both are dwarfed by the USAT stories we ran.

To be fair to this, on the front page the IM CEO article doubles the number of views of the T100/PTO story.

Our forum skews more heavily towards the “pro geek” side of the equation which will be more interested in that T100 story. But from a general tri awareness…

…both are dwarfed by the USAT stories we ran.

Yeah but most forum members don’t read the front page, and I did say it’s a different sub set, but it’s a bit like with power meters forum members had them way before the front page reader had them and no more front page reader have them. So the forum tends to be ahead of times to come.

Hello, Dubai resident.
Not sure if someone has answered this one. I doubt it will be in Yas marina (F1 circuit) as it is in Abu Dhabi. Race announced in Dubai. We are pretty pleased about this as we had some issues with Dubai 70.3 that was cancelled last year and not announced this year.

Just wanted to chime in on the Andretti thing and F1 (deviating from Triathlon).
Scandalous, Andretti deserved their spot on the grid!! pretty pissed about that even though not an American or indycar fan.

Gotta say the PTO did an incredible job locking down most of the best men/women. They got almost every woman & just a handful of men opted out. Going to make the Ironman Pro Series & World Champs interesting this year. Seems like the women’s race in Nice will be very watered down. Same for the men in Kona. Seems like more athletes are targeting 70.3 Worlds at the end of the year. The Pro Tri News podcast was insightful. I like that it’s not closed shop & that they’ll be transparent about contracts. But it does feel like it’ll be hard to get into the rankings since you’re not lining up for the biggest races. I also thought Sam made some weird comments about what would happen if somebody gets pregnant. He started talking about how they won’t let athletes abuse their contracts. I don’t think that’s the right word here.

I feel like they could build in some upward mobility by increasing the fields from 20 to 25 to 30 over the next few years. Something like that could allow for some new athletes to break in. It’s going to be a lot of fun watching these races this year.

Listening to a few podcasts on the subjects, it’s very exciting time. I finally feel like non-draft is going to have the best racing the best consistently, something that LC has really struggled with. Of course now it’s double the fun with T100 + IM Series. I do cringe at all the narratives of trying to “double up” as that to me is just a recipe for poor results and/or injuries. I think the Miami race will be very much Daytona 2.0 from a race standpoint + broadcast standpoint as it’s going to be all central located within the speedway property. Very exciting times.