T100 Singapore - Womens Livestream-playback-comments

Hey STers, it seems we are hours from the start of T100 Singapore for the women.

From what I see where I live in Canada there will be a youtube livestream here:

women Saturday: https://www.youtube.com/live/p1Wv0Vm__CM?si=ORedEzRmB-7ySlYe

If there are other streams (ex Outside and Eurosport) can you guys put them down?

We can start fresh comments for the races

I think that was for Mens on Sunday Paul, this is the womens link: https://www.youtube.com/live/p1Wv0Vm__CM?si=ORedEzRmB-7ySlYe

Thanks, I fixed it. I think I copied the same link into both threads!!!


Can’t wait for today. Have to go on a media block as I can’t watch it live.

Looking forward to this. I’ll take Sodaro/Gentle/Simmonds

It’s live on Eurosport (UK)

Can anyone in Europe see the race?

Blocked on YouTube and Triathlonlive, not available on race website.

Through a VPN (which is generally not a free piece of software) or a non-European proxy server (if you install the free Opera browser, you can browse through a proxy).

Unless of course you have access to Eurosport.

Can anyone in Europe see the race?

Blocked on YouTube and Triathlonlive, not available on race website.

Discovery+ is well worth the money (3,99€/ month) because of their extrordinary pro cycling coverage (every UCI women and men Cycling pro-Event as live stream). The t100-Tour-coverage is then an addon.

Ya’ll need to get yourselves so cracked Firesticks … £50 will get you everything for a year.

What happened to Sodaro?

What happened to Sodaro?All is revealed ‘real time’ on the main thread. To make this easy: go to https://forum.slowtwitch.com/forum/Slowtwitch_Forums_C1/Triathlon_Forum_F1/T100_Singapore_P8099062-8/ and think Post 199 of 234.

What happened to Sodaro?

Not sure why she tapped by OMG the public grilling that Jan gave her on the live stream…I had to play it back because I was in disbelief how hard he laid into her! WOW !

What happened to Sodaro?

Not sure why she tapped by OMG the public grilling that Jan gave her on the live stream…I had to play it back because I was in disbelief how hard he laid into her! WOW !

Is it really that harsh? I don’t think so. What kind of example are these pros sending to many watching such as the kids or tri clubs many of the pros met with or worked out during race week. I don’t get why many pros don’t get themselves to the finish line and collect the needed points and earn a paycheque. Even if it’s not their best days I think its disrespectful to other pros who would love the opportunity of a wildcard. It’s interesting to watch the pros who bailed that weren’t dealing with something serious like Alistar. Each time you quit it gets easier. The pros are able to recover from a 3.5-4 hour race, and getting to the line at this distance if they slow down isn’t going to cause a detriment to their training, maybe more so to the pride.

What happened to Sodaro?

Not sure why she tapped by OMG the public grilling that Jan gave her on the live stream…I had to play it back because I was in disbelief how hard he laid into her! WOW !

I wouldn’t agree he laid into her, but shared some wisdom from of one of the sports true greats. Everything he said was true and the spirit of the sport about finishing and ‘embracing the suck’ rather than taking the short cut back to the hotel as Sodaro did. As they said once you start quitting it gets easier to quit every time.

Alternatively we could just have everyone 10 mins off the pace pulling out half way through races.

What happened to Sodaro?
Not sure why she tapped OMG the public grilling that Jan gave her on the live stream. . . I wouldn’t agree he laid into her, but shared some wisdom from of one of the sports true greats. Everything he said was true and the spirit of the sport about finishing and ‘embracing the suck’ rather than taking the short cut back to the hotel as Sodaro did. As they said once you start quitting it gets easier to quit every time.She looked cooked (very red-faced, more than most) at the ‘Aussie exit’.
We saw that several of the other top pros (both in Miami and here) who DNF’d fronted up to the cameras to say why they pulled the plug. The Pros had been ‘asked’ to do this, so this may explain why Frodeno expressed his disappointment with ‘clarity’.
He didn’t knock her for dropping out: she’d had a rubbish swim and continued to lose time on the first couple of laps on the bike. She has already validated her IMWC AQ start slot so could concentrate on the T100 series alone, missing Ibiza the weekend after Nice. She finished three races in total last year: she needs to finish at least 8 this year (from now, 4 x T100s and Nice). If she doesn’t (I predict) she will not get a T100 contract next year. At least she still has her (various) Canyon bikes for 2024.

He didn’t knock her for dropping out

His comments were and I paraphrase “the athletes have mantras to try to pull themselves back into the race, and what we saw with Chelsea Sodaro it’s important to know that in triathlon that much of the spitit of the sport is actually finishing, it’s such an important thing, it was important that I don’t have an out and I had to embrace the suck and the horrible experience to the finish”

Granger then went on to talk about how quiting is a bad habit etc and they also spoke about how she chose a spot close to her hotel to leave the track.

I think we need more of this, Laidlow is another who has a tendency to drop out if he isn’t going to place well. I understand athletes wanting to save themselves but it’s not a good look and something that needs to be openly shamed at worst, discouraged at best.

He didn’t knock her for dropping outYes he did. His comments were and I paraphrase “the athletes have mantras to try to pull themselves back into the race, and what we saw with Chelsea Sodaro it’s important to know that in triathlon that much of the spitit of the sport is actually finishing, it’s such an important thing, it was important that I don’t have an out and I had to embrace the suck and the horrible experience to the finish”

Granger then went on to talk about how quitting is a bad habit etc and they also spoke about how she chose a spot close to her hotel to leave the track.Well OK he didn’t “lay into her for dropping out”. Both Jan and Belinda shared their racing (and not dropping out) philosophy, with Sodaro’s DNF as the catalyst.
@ 1:28:35 and your mantras @1:30:30

While I 100% agree that I don’t like to see pros DNF’ing, I think we have to take into account the reality of the T100 series contracting these racers to do a certain number of races.

It’s smart business to show up, race, and DNF if you’re not in good position and feel like you’re not gaining ground. True, Sodaro could likely have run her way into 5th and featured in the show. But by showing up and racing she checks the box on her T100 contract, and by DNF’ing she can get back to training for the next race that much quicker. In normal conditions, I could see some benefit of making the race a training day and just cruising through the finish with some base mileage…maybe? But surviving through Singapore is more than just easy base. It’s a sufferfest that is going to take it’s toll on subsequent training.

Chelsea racing and DNF’ing gave the T100 a solid talking point and factored into the story. They got what they paid for – a top athlete doing something notable in their race. And she also made it possible for someone else to suffer through the day and claim a higher ranking. Win-win all around, except for Chelsea’s ego. Well, I suppose the better win would be if Chelsea did have to face the music in front of the cameras. The PTO should actually insist on that. Unless you are in a bad accident or something where you literally can’t continue, you have to DNF at T2 and face the cameras. They are being paid to perform for the cameras, so that’s a reasonable requirement.