T100 Miami Predictions

Here’s our story (and introducing our new editorial team member) – https://www.slowtwitch.com/News/T100_Miami_Field_Analysis_and_Predictions_8905.html

My prediction, as always: PAIN.

My ‘risky’ picks:


Emma Palant-Brown

Major kudos for the coverage ST. I think my heart melted when he termed it “ITU”, I’ll go to my grave calling it ITU (sorry, not sorry WT ha).

Major kudos for the coverage ST. I think my heart melted when he termed it “ITU”, I’ll go to my grave calling it ITU (sorry, not sorry WT ha).

When Brownlee and Gomez raced short course, it was still called ITU wasn’t it? :slight_smile:

Major kudos for the coverage ST. I think my heart melted when he termed it “ITU”, I’ll go to my grave calling it ITU (sorry, not sorry WT ha).

When Brownlee and Gomez raced short course, it was still called ITU wasn’t it? :-)Think you can still call both of them stars early in the World Tri era: the change was in October 2020 and they were both still racing short course.

Major kudos for the coverage ST. I think my heart melted when he termed it “ITU”, I’ll go to my grave calling it ITU (sorry, not sorry WT ha).

When Brownlee and Gomez raced short course, it was still called ITU wasn’t it? :-)Think you can still call both of them stars early in the World Tri era: the change was in October 2020 and they were both still racing short course.

My comment was mostly tongue in cheek.

My hope: That Slowtwitchers finally have a race to watch and be happy about…

My prediction: Slowbitchers will continue to argue about the smallest of things for no real reason…

I could not be more excited for this race to start and this season to get going.

Ladies: Pallant Browne, Haug, Matthews
Gents: Heemereyck, Bogan, Baekkegard

I think the race track venue is going to allow for some really good on screen racing in terms of broadcast product. Hopefully no cones or transmitter boxes are in the athletes racing lines.

I think the race track venue is going to allow for some really good on screen racing in terms of broadcast product. Hopefully no cones or transmitter boxes are in the athletes racing lines.
Apart from the awesome athletes in both races I am looking forward to see how all the commentators work together.

I can see Jack and Frodo sorta talking over each other. I guess Frodo can be the Tony Romo predicting the moves before they happen, and I think he’ll be really really good at this.

I think the race track venue is going to allow for some really good on screen racing in terms of broadcast product. Hopefully no cones or transmitter boxes are in the athletes racing lines.

The race track venue races have been the most boring races to watch so far imo. Same scenery all of the time with no variation. It doesn’t have the same dynamics which can make track in cycling or running exciting.

I def think it’s going to create hamster wheel racing with very little actual “dynamics”, but I just mean from the broadcast standpoint, being able to basically wide angle view 12 of the top 20 all “togehter”, you can do stuff like that. The actual “dynamics” it’ll be hamster wheel type of stuff where nothing actually can happen.

I do think the “road” track is a better broadcast than the singular loop that Daytona was a few years back that literally had no one moving out of their aero position for 2 hours and everyone basically slotted in the whole time.

I can see Jack and Frodo sorta talking over each other. I guess Frodo can be the Tony Romo predicting the moves before they happen, and I think he’ll be really really good at this.
I think Jack is going to be a whole lot better now that he’s gotten a full season under his belt. If there’s anyone on the planet he’ll defer to it’s Jan so that should help keep him in check a bit too.

I can see Jack and Frodo sorta talking over each other. I guess Frodo can be the Tony Romo predicting the moves before they happen, and I think he’ll be really really good at this.
I think Jack is going to be a whole lot better now that he’s gotten a full season under his belt. If there’s anyone on the planet he’ll defer to it’s Jan so that should help keep him in check a bit too.

I hope you are right. Jack…likes to talk. But I think Jan can be VERY good at this. Easy to listen to and he has been at the pinnacle of the sport. And you could be right - Jack is also has really improved - he’s not obtuse to the fact he isn’t the focal point.

I can see Jack and Frodo sorta talking over each other. I guess Frodo can be the Tony Romo predicting the moves before they happen, and I think he’ll be really really good at this.
I think Jack is going to be a whole lot better now that he’s gotten a full season under his belt. If there’s anyone on the planet he’ll defer to it’s Jan so that should help keep him in check a bit too.

I hope you are right. Jack…likes to talk. But I think Jan can be VERY good at this. Easy to listen to and he has been at the pinnacle of the sport. And you could be right - Jack is also has really improved - he’s not obtuse to the fact he isn’t the focal point.

You dont need to think, he is very good at it! He did Kona once and was it roth last year? With belinda and it worked so well.

I can see Jack and Frodo sorta talking over each other. I guess Frodo can be the Tony Romo predicting the moves before they happen, and I think he’ll be really really good at this.
I think Jack is going to be a whole lot better now that he’s gotten a full season under his belt. If there’s anyone on the planet he’ll defer to it’s Jan so that should help keep him in check a bit too.

I hope you are right. Jack…likes to talk. But I think Jan can be VERY good at this. Easy to listen to and he has been at the pinnacle of the sport. And you could be right - Jack is also has really improved - he’s not obtuse to the fact he isn’t the focal point.

Agreed, I think Jack has improved along the way and he’s a good ambassador for the sport. It won’t matter for me, last summer when the US and Asian opens happened I was back on holiday in Switzerland to visit family and friends (in my home town/region) and I therefore only had access to Eurosport France with the French voiceovers. It was horrible. So now that I’m back in Australia I’ll be able to watch the PTO stream with original commentary and it’ll sound 100% better no matter how good or bad they are.

West & Haug.

I just hope we’ll be able to focus on the race and not necessarily the commentators (both here and during the broadcast).

My picks:

  1. Pallant

  2. LCB

  3. Findlay

  4. West

  5. Baekkegaard

  6. Ditlev

A few things surprised me in this article. Emma Pallant-Browne is as much a potential winner as Haug. She swims and bikes in a similar fashion and has one of the hottest runs out there. Podium potential any day of the week. On the men’s side, Ali Brownlee will still be a key factor, he will swim and bike at the front, and if he has done plenty of run training he will be there or thereabouts at the finish. Finally, you seem to have dismissed Laidlow? He proved at Nice he has the best swim/bike combo (and I would say that applies to middle distance too). His run isn’t to shabby either. Going off at a tangent a bit but you are at pains to point out the ‘doping’ investigation, which unless I am mistaken, centres on accusations made by a third party with no actual direct evidence of wrongdoing.