So a guy pulls out 30y in front of me while I’m going 27-28mph on a slight decline… can’t brake fast enough, can’t turn (1ft curb)… try leaning around him, but run straight into the rear quarter panel.
He never saw me, only heard me… I fly over the car and hit the ground, bounce, slide, somehow am on my feet. The people who saw it said I got a good 6ft up, 30 ft distance. They were impressed I got up. Thank God I had a helmet. No broken bones either…
Cannondale R3000 bent/folded in two places, cracked weld in the BB, compression bend at the seat post, taco’d front wheel. Fork did well, although riding it’s not in the equation now. I was surprised by the lack of bend in the ksyrium front wheel taco. It took it really well, and my tire didn’t blow for about 10 minutes after the wreck.
Total damage : 1 bike, 1 helmet, 1 elbow, 1 knee, 1 calf, 2 hands, nd some painful road rash on the left cheek (butt that is)…
Medical day : 1 paramedic treatment, 1ER visit, 10 x-rays, some guaze, neosporin, 600mg motrin, flexirol, and some vicodin…
Tomorrow : 1 attorney visit, 1 primary physician visit, 1 PT visit (i just got out of PT for other reasons) and alot of flexirol and ibuprofen