T-Boned a Car this AM

So a guy pulls out 30y in front of me while I’m going 27-28mph on a slight decline… can’t brake fast enough, can’t turn (1ft curb)… try leaning around him, but run straight into the rear quarter panel.

He never saw me, only heard me… I fly over the car and hit the ground, bounce, slide, somehow am on my feet. The people who saw it said I got a good 6ft up, 30 ft distance. They were impressed I got up. Thank God I had a helmet. No broken bones either…

Cannondale R3000 bent/folded in two places, cracked weld in the BB, compression bend at the seat post, taco’d front wheel. Fork did well, although riding it’s not in the equation now. I was surprised by the lack of bend in the ksyrium front wheel taco. It took it really well, and my tire didn’t blow for about 10 minutes after the wreck.

Total damage : 1 bike, 1 helmet, 1 elbow, 1 knee, 1 calf, 2 hands, nd some painful road rash on the left cheek (butt that is)…

Medical day : 1 paramedic treatment, 1ER visit, 10 x-rays, some guaze, neosporin, 600mg motrin, flexirol, and some vicodin…

Tomorrow : 1 attorney visit, 1 primary physician visit, 1 PT visit (i just got out of PT for other reasons) and alot of flexirol and ibuprofen

![http://C:\My Documents\My Pictures\bikewreck1.jpg](http://C:\My Documents\My Pictures\bikewreck1.jpg)

I had a picture in there, but now it’s MIA?

I’m glad to see that you are around to write this post. That sounds like a very close call.

To post images on this forum you need to have them hosted somewhere. You can email it to me and I’ll put it on my server. hid@triathlete.com

Man, that really sucks but shit does sometimes happen to good people. I’ve come close a couple of times. Get better soon and we’ll hope his insurance covers your bike in full.

That’s quite a stunt you pulled there… unfortunately the repairs sound more than minor.

I wish you fast healing!

As for the pic, you have to upload it to a server in order to post it. If you don’t have webspace on your ISP’s server try one of the free servers (hpphoto.com, villagephotos.com etc.)

Good luck w/ the repairs…

speedy healing thoughts to you.

That’s awfull! Glad you are ok. Where was it? I usually ride Clayton road and I have had a few close calls but never had a direct hit yet. I tend to stick to that road becasue it is well known to be popular for cycling. I saw a bunch of bikes out there today. I just got a new cassette for my new wheels at lunch today and I am riding this weekend for sure.

Sorry again about the bike, and your injuries of course.


Sorry to hear about your crash, but glad that you can walk! May you get a full recovery soon.


There are no repairs… the frame/fork are toast. I can save the D/A gruppo and the rear wheel. My SLR was roached from the seat sliding on the ground. I think the seat post is fine, but would rather not risk a future broken seat post!

This was a company delivery driver in a company car, so I think my atty will light them up to at least cover the bike/ER bills. Plus I run my own business and will miss a couple of days of work, which are fairly ciritical for me to be at since we just started up in November.

Now my massage therapist wants me to ride 10k loops at this park instead of going on the road! I guess one car incident in 4 years isn’t too bad. I say that just b/c I know guys who’ve gotten it worse, really one is too many.

I was on Clayton going east. It was right past Baxter in front of the Shell station across from 24 Hour Fitness. Guy pulled out to make a left turn in front of me.

Good thing you stayed/are positive about the whole thing.

I really meant those other repairs… attorney, bills etc.

(I do feel bad for the bike, especially seing part of it’s “torture”)

I know the road well. That’s my Saturday morning ride usually. I had a flat in front of that Shell once and the Ballwin tri (IMO a horribly run tri but a fun way to spend the morning if you have nothing better to do and don’t care about the lack of anything resembling organization) runs the bike leg on that stretch of Clayton & Baxter. It sounds like your therapist is talking about Forest Park. One option for you might be the path at Creve Coeur Lake. Usually it isn’t nearly as crowded as FP, and it is dead flat but can have a strong crosswind off the lake.

Of course I’m sure you know both of these paths well. Hope to see you on the road again soon.

I’m trying to stay positive. Like telling myself it could have been worse. Actually I’ve heard that a million, literally, a million times today. People are right, but it still gets old, but most people don’t know what to say when they find out, so I go with it.

I am getting a new bike, but I could have bought a new one if I needed it. Some people think I’m going to sue and get alot of money. Personally, I’m against being excessive, and getting rich from suing someone else (the new american way). I help lobby for tort reform in MO, so using an attorney to bilk an insurace company goes against the grain.

I will have a used D/A gruppo for sale though. eBay here I come.

Oh well, it gives me a reason to work on my swim. The one upside of triathlon, go do some other discipline. Plus, as one wise person told me today, the next race you finish will be so much sweeter from what you’ve endured. That’s positive reinforcement there!

Damn dude - glad to hear you got away with (what sound like) only minor injuries. The bike looks pretty bad… On the plus side, maybe your attorney can get you an upgrade? :wink:

I’ve ridden that stretch 1000 times. I used to work at the 24 Hour Fitness and would ride after work. Plus I live in the area and like riding Clayton to Forest Park.

My therapist rides Creve Coeur. I couldn’t imagine doing 100+ on that lake, only a trainer would be worse!

Well I’ll be back out once the new ride hits town. MAybe a week or two depending on what I order.

I live 3 blocks from Creve Coeur Lake. So for me it’s convenience. I will ride anywhere from 24-40 miles there on a weekday after work, and it makes for a great recovery ride or pounding out intervals, almost like a track for runners. I can be on it 5 minutes after getting home and I can ride around it until sunset. I can also run and kayak there so for me it’s like living on a resort…better than a golf course anyway :slight_smile: I can’t imagine riding it on a weekend though. Too many other scenic roads to hit. I commute on my bike to my office on Clayton and Brentwood in the summer and then take Clayton out to Clarkson before heading back north to get back home.


Sorry to hear of your unfortunate accident! Glad you are the one who is spreading the news.

Wow. A picture really is worth a million words.

The silver lining in the cloud, if there is one, you’ll have a new bike soon, although none of us want to get one for that reason.

Good to know you’re doing as well as you are. Maybe you should think about changing your nickname to “cat”.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

"I’m trying to stay positive. Like telling myself it could have been worse. Actually I’ve heard that a million, literally, a million times today. People are right, but it still gets old, but most people don’t know what to say when they find out, so I go with it. "

Yea, we do say a lot of less than empathic things when others encounter hardship or tragedy. Good on you for leaning on the good intentions. After the adrenalin avalanche of something like that its not unusual to relive that “I’m in big-time trouble…” I tended to carry THAT with me for awhile and when you hear, “It could have been worse,” you know that but it hardly feels like that. Sounds like your doing what you need to do to get back in the game.



Sorry to hear that you had a collision. I T-Boned a dog last sunday, and had to replace about $550 worth of stuff. Judging by what happened to you, I go off EASY. I hope you recover quickly.
