T2: Went into the wrong lane even after I knew which flags I was between. 4:01
Run: Had set a goal of PBing my open half marry time of 1:45. A bit lofty I admit but you gotta set something. After the uphill out of Jamesville and the slight grade from mile 11 on I knew I wasn’t going to PB the run. Had a few stomach issues the last 2 miles but slowed the pace and they worked out. 1:49:16
Total: 5:41:29 PB by 23mins
Will be back again next year. 35 weeks to AmZof. Yikes.
Our T times were almost identical and for the same reasons (clothing issues and going to the wrong rack). I also had to use the port-a-pottys at both transitions.
Chris… just saw a pic of you on EN. I was standing in front of you at the food line after the race. You were talking with one of your buddies. We chatted briefly about something. Wish I had known it was you and I would have introduced myself. Your leg did look tore up.
Thanks, I don’t think I’ll use that swim plan going forward though…Will look to shave down that time next year.
No pesky swim but a bit of a pesky run/bike/run I hear.
Chris… just saw a pic of you on EN. I was standing in front of you at the food line after the race. You were talking with one of your buddies. We chatted briefly about something. Wish I had known it was you and I would have introduced myself. Your leg did look tore up.
Well then nice to kinda sorta meet you. My offer to speak at length about en was / is still good. I think I am the only en person not to PR on Sunday.
Chris… just saw a pic of you on EN. I was standing in front of you at the food line after the race. You were talking with one of your buddies. We chatted briefly about something. Wish I had known it was you and I would have introduced myself. Your leg did look tore up.
Well then nice to kinda sorta meet you. My offer to speak at length about en was / is still good. I think I am the only en person not to PR on Sunday.
Nice job. It is not an easy bike by any means. FWIW I think the swim time included that long run up the beach to the mat by transition.
I actually really like the bike course. I just got a Crono about three weeks ago and didn’t get a chance to ride anything other than flats until the race. Climbing was good and the rollers were a lot of fun to hammer over the top and gun it to the next one.
I ran out of gearing pedalling at 39 mph (on the downside of a long roller :). Have to admit though I was on the brakes for the descent at mile 20.
Great job on the PB. Congrats. You are brave to do that swim with so little training.
I am curious. How much do you weigh and/or do you consider yourself good in the aero position ?
The reason I ask is we did about the same number of watts. My NP was 202. I did a 2:47. I am ‘heavy’ at 175 and am crap at being truly aero. Are those not the only two things that could explain the difference ? Or is my wattage with a PT possibly different than yours with another PM.
Still trying to figure all this out.
As a RR, I did a 34 on the swim, 2:47 bike and 1:42 run, total 5:09. First HIM finish. Was happy.
My stand alone 1/2Marathon is 1:33 so I am trying to figure out if I went too conservative on the bike or not. My last mile was almost as fast as my third which was the fastest. At 202NP that’s below 75% of my FTP.
I am 188ish and I would say that I am probably not in a great aero position. No Aero helmet either. I have only had my Crono for 3 weeks or so. 209 was almost 85% of my FTP and I am runing an SRM.
There are others here who will be able to answer the power questions for you but I believe and stand to be corrected that a HIM bike could be up around 85% and still be able to run well. I think that 75% would be a target for an IM.
Nicely done with a 5:09 for your first 1/2. A guy on our try team did his first in 4:39 to win his age group. He has been racing a shorter distances for years though.
Great job on the PB. Congrats. You are brave to do that swim with so little training.
I am curious. How much do you weigh and/or do you consider yourself good in the aero position ?
The reason I ask is we did about the same number of watts. My NP was 202. I did a 2:47. I am ‘heavy’ at 175 and am crap at being truly aero. Are those not the only two things that could explain the difference ? Or is my wattage with a PT possibly different than yours with another PM.
Still trying to figure all this out.
As a RR, I did a 34 on the swim, 2:47 bike and 1:42 run, total 5:09. First HIM finish. Was happy.
My stand alone 1/2Marathon is 1:33 so I am trying to figure out if I went too conservative on the bike or not. My last mile was almost as fast as my third which was the fastest. At 202NP that’s below 75% of my FTP.
My watts were similar - 200W w/zero-averaging - and I finished the bike in 2:44 to include a stop to take a leak. Probably would’ve been 2:42 without the pee break. I weigh about the same as you as I’m 172.
I think I might have saw one of your chain drops. Could’ve been anyone I guess but a guy in front of me dropped his chain going up one of the hills maybe halfway through the bike when he switched from the big ring to the little ring.
Thats pretty damn fast. I held it at pretty much 35 down that. I have a roadie that I get a huge speed wobble with so I’m a little gun shy on the steep descents. Maybe the Crono will fare better.