Swimwear shrinking

I had to take four weeks off from training for travel and some joint repairs. Today I swam for the first time in a month, and my jammers are tighter in the waist, while simultaneously being looser around the quads.

Has anyone else experienced this type of strange material fatigue? Maybe I should call Speedo to ask them…

Maybe I should call Speedo to ask them…

Maybe you should go on a diet.

Face the fact that you have gained size and weight which are two things Speedo is not responsible for.

This is a common problem. Every winter my wetsuit shrinks.


Damn shrinkage.

You think you have problems? After my last few swim sessions, I’m looking for the guy who tied the anchor around my ass.

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas all my clothes seem to shrink a size or two. I have contacted the CIA and NSA as I suspect Islamic terrorists have developed some sort of fabric shrinking device that they deploy during our holidays.

On the other hand, due to the lower density of my extra midsection, I have a built-in pull buoy.

I believe you. In fact, I’m certain that they put the device - a chemical of some sort - into beer…