No help on the swimming (and I would be wary of sharks in the ocean, too), but wanted to pipe in and say what a great little town Cambria is…my brother lives there.
The running in Cambria is amazing… I was just there for a week and really enjoyed it. Bring your running shoes, as well as your trail shoes and skip swimming!
There is a wood boardwalk that runs along the coast. If you take that south, it hits Windsor Blvd. Take Windsor through the neighborhood, which dead ends into a great running path along the coast. To your left is a big park with a whole bunch of hills and trails. Look it up on Google Earth.
I use to surf and spearfish near there hundreds of times growing up. Only saw one Great White and it didn’t bite me, so I’d have to say that with two days of swimming your odd should be pretty good.
The running in Cambria is amazing… I was just there for a week and really enjoyed it. Bring your running shoes, as well as your trail shoes and skip swimming!
There is a wood boardwalk that runs along the coast. If you take that south, it hits Windsor Blvd. Take Windsor through the neighborhood, which dead ends into a great running path along the coast. To your left is a big park with a whole bunch of hills and trails. Look it up on Google Earth.
Yeah, we go a couple times a year and I’ve run Fiscalini Preserve (the park) quite a bit. Great running
True, in 20 years of diving great white territory I’ve only ever seen one bite, by a sea lion
I’ve been bitten twice. Both times nothing more than a “major scratch” (as in, I was bleeding when I came out of the water, but drove home on my own, cleaned it up, called the doc to make sure my tetanus shot was up to date and get his advice if I should come in or not, didn’t have to). That’s it.
Buddy of mine got bit pretty good and needed some major stitches.
I’ve been bumped by them approximately a zillion times though. Like I said. NOT SHY.
Just curious I have swam up and down the So Cal coast so many times out 2 miles sometimes and never had a run in. For the amount of times you have encountered sharks just curious;
were they all in the same place or within a certain spot or scattered? Interesting…