Swimming & Frequency

I’m a single Dad and business owner and have a very hectic schedule (don’t we all?!?) I’d like to ask a swimming question and am curious which would benefit me more?

Would I be better off to swim 1,500 m five days a week or 2,500 three times per week?

I realize this is minimal volume to most here and that’s not my concern. I’m simply looking at my allotted time and am trying to schedule the “best” workouts I can considering my time constraints.

Your opinion is appreciated.


It would be more of a time saver to swim 3X per week as it takes time to get to the pool, change, shower, ect. What distance are you training for? Depending on your swim background, 3 quality workouts with specificity can be very helpful.

It would be more of a time saver to swim 3X per week as it takes time to get to the pool, change, shower, ect. What distance are you training for? Depending on your swim background, 3 quality workouts with specificity can be very helpful.

This may sound crazy but I don’t have any races planned. I just like to train. I normally run six days a week and ride two thanks to a treadmill and Wahoo Kickr. I can literally leave my desk and be in the pool at the local Y in 10 minutes.

I’d like to improve my swimming and simply thought higher frequency would build a “better” stroke. I also use a Halo and bands at home a couple of times a week for 20 minute continuous sessions in addition to any pool time.

Coming from a swimming background (daily swimming since i was 6 and swimming at a high level in college) I would recommend the frequency over longer fewer workouts. We all know that as we get tired our stroke goes out the window and the things we want to work on fall by the wayside. Swimming is all about frequency only way to get faster/more efficient is to swim. I would recommend that you get in the pool as many days as possible even if just for 1500, if you can fit in 2 longer swims a week you can work on your stroke as you become fatigued allowing you get get in longer harder workouts down the road. While training for a specific race you might be able to get in time saver workouts if you want to improve you swimming as a whole just keep swimming.


You can get a “feel” for the water if you give yourself more exposure to it (if you can afford the time). Race weeks I essentially “splash around” every day just to make sure I keep the feel.

It would be more of a time saver to swim 3X per week as it takes time to get to the pool, change, shower, ect. What distance are you training for? Depending on your swim background, 3 quality workouts with specificity can be very helpful.

This may sound crazy but I don’t have any races planned. I just like to train. I normally run six days a week and ride two thanks to a treadmill and Wahoo Kickr. I can literally leave my desk and be in the pool at the local Y in 10 minutes.

I’d like to improve my swimming and simply thought higher frequency would build a “better” stroke. I also use a Halo and bands at home a couple of times a week for 20 minute continuous sessions in addition to any pool time.

In your case then I would just focus on frequency. Since you’re trying to maintain and improve your stroke, swimming more will be more beneficial in my mind. Plus when you’re 10 minutes away you might as we’ll take a quick dip in the pool! The band work is a nice supplement as well.

I have changed my swimming from 3 days to 5-7 days a week. The pool is 2 blocks away. After 6 weeks I “feel” a lot stronger swimming for the frequency. My swims are range from 1000m-2500m. For me the ROI is quite high with swimming so its well worth it.

I have changed my swimming from 3 days to 5-7 days a week. The pool is 2 blocks away. After 6 weeks I “feel” a lot stronger swimming for the frequency. My swims are range from 1000m-2500m. For me the ROI is quite high with swimming so its well worth it.

I’d agree. My coach always talks about keeping a “feel” for the water and how you can be much more efficient with frequency emphasized over volume…at least to a point. If you have to choose one or the other, frequency is probably better.

Or mix it up a bit?

Day 1:
400 easy pace (ep) This is warmup pace.
400 ep -4 sec/100

Day 2:
400 ep
400 ep -4
3 x 200 ep -8
400 ep -4

Day 3:
400 ep
400 ep -4

Day 4:
400 ep
4 x 400 -4
10 x 50 ep -12
400 ep -4
400 ep

Day 5:
400 ep
400 ep -4


If you are combining your swimming with bike and run training I would go with the three times per week plan. However if you are swimming only I endorse the daily plan.

Why?? It will not effect his bike and run training.

My frequency recommendation is based on his “hectic schedule” comment. If he is busy with kids, a job, and is fitting biking and running in too then swimming three times a week will work. However I am not opposed to more swimming if time allows.