Swimmin in Maui

Anybody know where there are pools to train on the island of Maui?

Plenty of 'em (the current governor used to be the mayor of Maui and a master’s swimmer, so they have lots of beautiful, free 50-meter pools). Check out the “Places to Swim” page of the US Master’s Swimming website: http://www.usms.org/placswim/. Some of the info. may not be up-to-date, so you may want to contact the persons listed on the site.

Your right. I actually did a Google search and the US Masters site has many. There are five quality 50 meter pools on the island. Thanks for getting back to me

depending on where you’re staying there is some nice water to open water swim in.

I stayed at the sheraton on the NW side of the island and the ocean was great for open water swims. Lots of sea life and perfectly clear water, really a beautiful swim.

Enjoy the trip.

50M pool in Kihei


Yep, 50M pool in Kihei! NICE!

Also, down the road a bit on the beach, for a woncerful open water experience, go to the Maui Prince Hotel. Park your car there and go to that beach. Right out in front of the hotel it is wonderful. Swim out and around and find the coral arches! Swim through them! AWESOME!!!

Another two miles plus down the road is Big Beach. Also wonderful.

The Maui Prince Hotel beach is one of the nicest beaches in Maui for swimming and exploring especially in the early morning. The wind tends to come up by noon and white caps the ocean. Mornings rock!

Anybody know where there are pools to train on the island of Maui?
WTF - you cannot beat the open water swimming in Maui - why do you need a pool - use the ocean.

Find - Big Beach past the lava flows North of Makena.
Anywhere in Kihei. Out past Black Rock is cool too. None of these beaches have anything that resemble a lane line!!!

Funny story:

There I was 7AM Sugar Beach Kihei. Sand is so fine, wave action causes a bit of murkiness in the coral. I hit the water, and head out 100m or so before going parallel. Water is very light chop, approx. 15-20ft. deep. After about 10 min. of mentally empty swim, I notice a good sized, 7-8 ft. long “fish-shaped something” near the bottom swimming along with me. A bit unnerved, I continue. 15 min. this thing has not moved on. Now I decide to turn an hour swim into 30 min. Come about 180, continue parallel course and maintain speed. Big S.O.B. turns with me. No panic, just angle toward the beach. As I approach shore, water becomes more shallow and clear… 7AM sun angle had caused an length-extension of my shadow. What an idiot.
