Swim more eFISHiently: May thread

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May 1- 2000 yds

20 x 100 on 1:50

Pain at PT- approved levels during set; hoping it doesn’t get worse later

After reading about your recovery struggles I feel a little sheepish writing that my ytd streak is still intact. 122/122 days so I’ve run it out for a third of the year. Averaging about 2600 a day, but that will come down a bit with tri season getting underway here in the Midwest.
I hope you can see continued post-op improvement!

After reading about your recovery struggles I feel a little sheepish writing that my ytd streak is still intact. 122/122 days so I’ve run it out for a third of the year. Averaging about 2600 a day, but that will come down a bit with tri season getting underway here in the Midwest.
I hope you can see continued post-op improvement!

Mark, I’m psyched about your streak. Please don’t feel sheepish.

i rarely post in these threads because, even at my fishiest, i’m not very fishy. but:
yesterday i did a tough ride. in the evening i was going to do a casual swim for recovery, but when i started my warmup i realized i was feeling great. just one of those days where i was pulling a lot of water. i’d been wanting to try a critical swim speed test, so off i went! 200 hard, then 500 easy, then 400 hard. the time for the 200 and 400 get fed into a formula that calculates your CSS.

i went 3:03 for the 200 and slowed to 6:18 for the 400; it was hand-timed on my garmin, but i had a lane to myself.

overall really happy and considering this wasn’t going to be a ‘swimming year’ for me (i’m focusing on a duathlon in the fall) i’m pleased with where things are at!

i rarely post in these threads because, even at my fishiest, i’m not very fishy.

Everyone can swim more eFISHiently! Glad to have you. Nice job!

i went 3:03 for the 200 and slowed to 6:18 for the 400; it was hand-timed on my garmin, but i had a lane to myself. ///

That’s actually a really nice drop off there Mike, super solid from the 200 to 400. Was that yards or meters?? It just shows you are a grinder and not a speedster in your splits. Perhaps time to work on your 100 speed, it will trickle up to the longer distances…

I had a half hour to kill before swimming today, so went and bought myself a new suit and goggles at Big 5. And boy did it feel great to have a tight suit once again, and my times reflected it too!!

4x(2x100buoy@1;40/100frog@2;10/100 back or breast@2;00) buoys(1;24 to 1;20’s)frogs(1;51 to 1;44’s) backs(1;26/1;22+)brst(1;29/1;26)
2x(2x100p@1;40/100frog@2;10/2x50fly@1;10 or 1;30)pulls(1;17 to 1;13’s)frogs(1;48/46)fly’s(36/36+/33/34)
2950SCY in 59 minutes

Was encouraged with strokes today, 1;22 back, 1;26 breast and several 33/34/35’s fly was best in a long time. Hope to get to do that meet now this weekend…

i went 3:03 for the 200 and slowed to 6:18 for the 400; it was hand-timed on my garmin, but i had a lane to myself. ///

That’s actually a really nice drop off there Mike, super solid from the 200 to 400. Was that yards or meters?? It just shows you are a grinder and not a speedster in your splits. Perhaps time to work on your 100 speed, it will trickle up to the longer distances…

this was SCM; no yards in my country and sadly limited access to LCM.

on the one hand i’m a diesel and i generally punch above my weight in open-water - i benefit a lot from a wetsuit, i swim good lines and sight well. on the other hand, it was a quiet pool and my turns were generally pretty good.

definitely i’m going to be doing some ‘take out speed’ sets before 70.3 switzerland - i stand to benefit a lot from catching good feet!

As an afishionado (see what I did there?) of this very well titled thread, I declare that 6:18 is extremely fishy. (My PR is 6:11, and I drone on and on here.)

I’m content with 20 sessions in April. Maybe I can do 22+ in May?

But I’m angry at myself lately. My part time hobby job suddenly became full time ish, due to various factors. And I have not made the necessary adjustments to morning/evening swimming. “Oh woe is me, at the shop all day…”

I need an attitude adjustment.

The joke we make with the diesels here is that they only have one speed. But that is why they are good open water swimmers and sprinters can’t keep with them. Guess it’s all about what races people like to do

Long course today
2k warm up half backstroke half freestyle
6x500 10-20 seconds rest
1k easy

A good race preparation set I’ve done before is 150 take out 300 steady 50 fast , six rounds of this flattens the tyres a bit…

Catching good feet is a skill in itself, do that and you are 4 to 5 seconds a 100 faster!!!

Just did a loosen down swim today, rode gravel for over an hour this morning and wanted to flush my once a month ride out…

22x100 of various stuff, 12pulls@1;30(1;19/18’s) backs kicks and other stuff
8x50 of various stuff, only thing worth mentioning was a steady 3x50free descend, long pulls(36/34/33)
2600SCY in 52 minutes

Seems to be a slow week for me too…

two swims no partner just me… so I took it a bit easier

tuesday was 3400 mix of stuff, nothing real organized

yesterday was 4k
2 x 150 on 2 – 144 on each
6 x 100 on 1:40 – 07, 06, 05, 06, 05, 04 (keeping myself in tempo mode)
12 x 50 on 1:00 – 30s and 29s (an occasional 31 when I was lazy into the finish)
12 x 25 on :30 every other one fast-- no idea on times. But they were no breath just trying to slip through the water (13s and 14s if i had to guess)

Ive race mnt bike races the past 2 weekends and another race tomorrw. So far a 3rd and a win so… lets hope this weekend is more podium time


Today I did something that I never did before in my 5 year swimming career:

I swam during the 7:30-8:30am slot at my usual pool.

I’ve always been an 11am, 4:30pm, 7pm etc person. But now I need to SWITCH SHIT UP for a variety of reasons.

The 6-7:30am Masters group was doing their thing when I arrived. I’d never seen them in action before. It looked less scary than I had imagined. There are people like me in the group. 😂

1000m WU with a few drills

80x25m power set with paddles and pull buoy, swam as 3x25 HARD - 1x25 easy recovery, 1:20 pace

200m swim-off + 15 min dryland + core

ramping up, so next week will be 84 sets, the week after 88 sets, etc.

Jan/Feb - 0 swims
March - three swims (2250, 2900, 3200 scy)
April - three swims in the last nine days of April (3250, 3700, 3650 scy)

5/3/24 3125 SCY via

25, 500 WU
3x(200, 100, 2x50 ez/fast 4x25 ez/fast) mix of stroke and free
2x(300 ‘build’, 50 ez, 150)
100 ez

Back to swimming, going to race some combination of tri, openwater and swimrun this summer but only have one race on the schedule, an open water 2.4mi

As an afishionado (see what I did there?) of this very well titled thread, I declare that 6:18 is extremely fishy. (My PR is 6:11, and I drone on and on here.)

When I run out of my own ideas, I’m using “swim afishionado thread”. Thanks! Can’t believe I didn’t get there on my own but I didn’t, so you’re co-captain for the rest of this month. Congratulations :slight_smile: I don’t believe I’ve ever elected a co-captain before.

I know all about being a diesel. I grew up as a competitive swimmer, and was a distance swimmer through college. The first timed foot race I ever ran was a marathon. I then turned to Ironman, and then went back to swimming. I swam a solo ~12mile race in a lake in Austin, TX. I also did some pool races and events that really brought home the point that I was a diesel.

I still shake my head about a series of masters meets. I’m a weekend series, I swam 800, 400, 200, and 100m races. The first 400 of my 800 was faster than my open 400, the first 200 of my 400 was faster than my open 200, etc. In my 1650y swim at masters nationals in 2015, all my 50y splits were within .2 of each other, and my last 500 was faster than my first 500. I worked my way up through the pack to win my heat, and for a short time, I was “the clubhouse leader” with two heats left to swim. In 2006, I swam the 800m at Masters World Championships. I was in 9th place out of 10 at the 100, and ended up winning my heat.

I’m quite a bit off my speed from even 2021, the summer before I found out I had coronary artery disease. I’m all set now, with two new stents in my LAD, but I’ll need some more work and consistency to get close to my previous levels.

Recent long course swims are promising: I did a series of 200’s in which I was under 2:50, and my warm-up 1000’s are at about 15:40.

I’m a bit controlled by my Garmin. I bought it so o could monitor criticals during exercise after my catheterization. I keep focusing on the long swims to load up on distance, and that keeps me from doing the 50-100-200 repeats that will help me get my speed back.

What’s that smell?

Oh chlorine.

A rare pool session on Friday.

Main set was 10 X 100M… no toys.

Managed to do one in 1:46, fastest 100 ever.

But why?

Glad you are getting back to it 140, was wondering why you have not been around here much lately. So what exactly is holding you back now from pushing it harder? that’s the beauty of getting your heart fixed, you should be like a new man now, unless there are other considerations you are watching out for…

Took yesterday off as part of my taper, did 1500 of mixed stuff today to loosen up and just move my body. I entered the meet today(glad a day before option was available) so now have to do a 100 of each stroke and a 200IM all in one session. Not really in shape for that, but 50’s I have done a ton, and not really a sprinter to begin with, so will give it a go. Would really like to do the 200 of each and 400IM sometime, now that’s a full meet schedule for one day!!

15x100, 4 buoy(1;24/21’s)4pull(1;16/12’s)back/kicks/ and some 50’s stroke steady strong
1500SCY in 28 minutes

It occurred to me that I might “know” you. Are your initials BM?

You wrote “I’m a bit controlled by my Garmin.”

I decided a few months back that I’m just letting my Garmin run and not bothering trying to hit the laps. Maybe one or two times in a practice lll use it as intended, say on a longer (400+) swim, but that’s the extent of it.

I just wa t to know time in the water. Its always bothered me that if you do 100s holding 1:12s one day, and 1:15 the next day, the algorithm says the 1:15s were metabolically harder.

I’ve been doing a few maintenance swims per week and then one legit workout on Saturdays. Yesterday:

900 warmup
800 ez (pace per 100 just over 1:15)
4x200 (2:26 avg)
8x100s (1:11 avg)
800 “tempo” It wasn’t all out, it was solid though, I went a 9:51 so like 1:14 /100

With warmdown I went a 4400 (yards) and then in the afternoon ran a solid 6 miles.

I slept - no kidding - 11 hours last night. I’m taking a new medication so that certainly was part of it, but I was clearly wiped out!