Swim/bike races - recommendations?

I’ve had to give up running - bad knees…long story. Still able to swim and bike though and would love recommendations for swim/bike races - Olympic and half in the Ottawa, Canada, Quebec and upper New york state areas. Thanks in advance.

all of the multisport canada races have a swim/bike option, and john salt puts on fantastic events!



-mistress k

Awesome! Thanks a bunch. Bummed about not running but at least there’s still hope. :slight_smile:

you’re welcome! it looks like somersault (which is in the ottawa area) has some swim/bike options as well: http://somersault.ca/triathlons.htm

i haven’t done any of their races, but i’ve heard nothing but glowing reviews from people who have.


-mistress k

I’ve done Somersault races and they tend to be crowded - and a bit dull only because they are “loopy” flat courses. Crowded because they have running races, kids running races, canoe races, swim races, tri-a-tri’s, super sprints, sprints and Olympics all going at the same time. Can be a bit chaotic and unorganized at times. on the flip side though, they’re great for beginners. :slight_smile:

you’re welcome! it looks like somersault (which is in the ottawa area) has some swim/bike options as well: http://somersault.ca/triathlons.htm

i haven’t done any of their races, but i’ve heard nothing but glowing reviews from people who have.


-mistress k

I’m with Ozzie on that one, they are usually chaotic. I mean my wife and I still participate in a lot of their events because the location is convenient for us and there are so many.

I think if you don’t know what to expect with them you might get disappointed and/or frustrated.