

Does anybody think that this will end well for Trump?

Is there a Universe where Swift will not respond in any way?

I happen to think that of all the stupid things Trump has done/said, this one ranks near the top.

I don’t believe that this one is “going to go away”. 😂

Absolutely not, lawyers cease and desist letters incoming

All part of the plan to incite the most amount of chaos possible. He’s trying to force her to make a commitment. He knows which way this is heading. He needs to feel aggrieved. He needs more hate to feed his cult.

She’s not gonna say or do anything; she’s never been one to feed trolls

Which would be the proper play - plus, it would drive him (further) insane to be ignored

Trump isn’t used to tangling with someone of her wealth and status, and when he does he’s their boot lick (see: Putin). Swift is a self made billionaire and the most influential woman on the planet and she’s not one to back down from a fight. It’s entirely up to her where this goes and she won’t be baited into a pissing contest that brings him the attention he craves.

I remember about six months ago there were AI generated porn images of her floating around, not long after her and Travis became a thing. I don’t know what her response was to that but I don’t remember there being one. This situation is different though, and I’ll leave it to the lawyers to work through the legal merits of a potential case against him and/or Musk. I have a hard time believing this won’t elicit a response that will not be favorable for him on Election Day, though. As far as unforced errors go, though, this could be the biggest one of the campaign.

We will see.

She’s not gonna say or do anything; she’s never been one to feed trolls

Which would be the proper play - plus, it would drive him (further) insane to be ignored
in the other thread I said 3d chess and that seems on par with what you are saying… get his goat by ignoring him then wait til he goes ballistic. This could be fun to watch.

He’s trying to force her to make a commitment.

Nobody puts TayTay in a corner

Google “Scooter Braun”

Once again I think Trump will be testing the limits of our systems and we will end up in court wrangling over whether despicable behavior constitutes a crime or warrants a civil penalty. It had to be Trump in the political spotlight when AI really took off, right? And of course he would use it while projecting his complaints about other people using it against him. Par for the course.

I think we will need to sort out if and how it will be allowed in elections, either legally or by candidate pledge (FWIW). AI is just starting to take root and already it’s hard to know what to believe online anymore. Add to that improved AI capabilities and unscrupulous candidates, and we may as well just accept that the media information component of the electoral process will poison our most sacred institution.

Or his plan all along was to generate some crazy headlines that the media couldn’t ignore right before the DNC. Nothing else he says seems to backfire so why not go after Swift now.

Maybe it worked…people are talking about him.

Link to the Swifties for Harris zoom call: https://actionnetwork.org/events/swifties-for-kamala-kickoff-call

Our daughter has a volleyball game ending at 6:30, she would love to get involved in something like this.

My wife has never voted in a Presidential election, has always been turned off by politics. Trump, and the right’s weird characterization of Swift as a subversive force in American culture, has pushed her to the polls this year to vote for Harris. That’s one vote in a bluish-purple state but I am certain she’s not the only one.

She’s not gonna say or do anything; she’s never been one to feed trolls

Which would be the proper play - plus, it would drive him (further) insane to be ignored

Are you saying she’s going to shake it off?

I already did 😎


Nothing else he says seems to backfire so why not go after Swift now.

True. But nothing seems to be firing for him right now either. Vance pick doesn’t seem to have generated a ton of positivity. Musk interview seems to have fizzled (at best). There is still no Harris nickname that’s stuck.

Walz had it right from the start. The best approach is just to laugh at him. As opposed to Biden’s prior attempts to cast Trump as a serious threat to democracy. Which isn’t wrong. Biden was dead-on. It’s just not the best way to defeat a cultish populist.

Swift likely understands the gestalt even better than Walz.

Harris-Walz is having some fun. It’s driving Trump nuts. Laugh at him and encourage him to keep posting more AI. This is like a bitter ex-boyfriend who saw his ex was having fun so posts AI images of himself having fun with hot chicks on IG. It fools no one, and comes off as pathetic.

Walz had it right from the start. The best approach is just to laugh at him.

Harris-Walz is having some fun. It’s driving Trump nuts. Laugh at him and encourage him to keep posting more AI. This is like a bitter ex-boyfriend who saw his ex was having fun so posts AI images of himself having fun with hot chicks on IG. It fools no one, and comes off as pathetic.

Saul Alinsky, Rules For Radicals

“5. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.”


Or his plan all along was to generate some crazy headlines that the media couldn’t ignore right before the DNC. Nothing else he says seems to backfire so why not go after Swift now.

Maybe it worked…people are talking about him.

I wonder how many people actually buy into the Swifties For Trump BS though? Is it more than those (like us) who know it is BS?

And we all know that Trump won’t say “Gee, I’m sorry, I posted some manipulated stuff.” He’ll do it again and again. I’ve argued that his next Big Lie will center around things that are indeed deepfakes / AI / manipulated - because you can see a trend here - he is gravitating towards this and embracing it more and more - and as usual, never suffering any consequences for it. The opposite - in fact.

Although I think in this particular case he has poked a T-Rex. Speculation has swirled about what Swift might do, if anything, before this. Surely the chances of her doing something now has skyrocketted? 🤷🏼‍♂️

I can’t see this just being lawyers.

If only this Taybor Swiftz person were in a position to make a wildly popular song or music video about this…

My daughter is a Swifitie, and has been since Fearless - the first one; not “…(Taylor’s Version)” - so I know a thing or two about how she operates

Her *modus operandi *is to shape the narrative by NOT ADDING to the narrative

She lets it twist and turn and swallow its own tail until it dies


Am I allowed a slight detour?

I have a hobby job at a record shop. Often, the Swifties come in, and the conversation goes like this: (S=Swiftie, M=me.)

S: Hi. I’m looking for Taylor Swift records.
M: Taylor Smith?
S: No…Swift.
M: Oh…swift? S.W.I.F.T.? Like the bird?
S: Yes. (A look of bewilderment.)
M: Oh. Ok…let me look that up. I’ve never heard of him.
S: Her. (Now a look of horror.)
M: (Typing away…). Oh…there she is…l WAS KIDDING…Haha…Of course I know of her…
S: (Nervous laughter - great relief.)

All part of the plan to incite the most amount of chaos possible. He’s trying to force her to make a commitment. He knows which way this is heading. He needs to feel aggrieved. He needs more hate to feed his cult.

This. If Taylor Strikes Back, she will just be another in a long list of people he can claim has treated him so unfairly, has conspired against him and blah blah blah.

There’s also something just really pathetic about an elderly man trying to project power and simultaneously trying to pick a fight with a pop star over half his age. No disrespect to Swift, she’s no slouch, but the optics of it are pretty sad.

My daughter is a Swifitie, and has been since Fearless - the first one; not “…(Taylor’s Version)” - so I know a thing or two about how she operates

Her *modus operandi *is to shape the narrative by NOT ADDING to the narrative

She lets it twist and turn and swallow its own tail until it dies


I don’t think she will do anything. She has always been clear about not liking Trump yet never come out and told people how to vote. In the 2016 Election she posted a picture of herself with a “I voted” button on but never told people to vote for Hillary. She is above the fray.