Survivor 45

Each week you pick one person - once picked, that person cannot be chosen again. If that person is voted out at tribal council or eliminated that week (medical evacs do count as an elimination) then you are out of the game.
Each pick must be placed before 7:59pm EST before the show begins or you are disqualified.

WHen is the first episode?

This Wednesday like it always is.

Hmm, this doesn’t seem to be getting traction.

Week 1
Drew Basile

Week 1 - Janani Krishnan-Jha

Week 1 Brandon Donlon

Hopefully we will get a few more people before the show starts tonight.

Week 1 - Julie Alley

Also - I have to cheer for Drew Basile, since I suppose he’s my long lost cousin? Though he doesn’t look like any Basiles I know - the name is Italian and we’re all dark hair and tanned skin.

Week 1 - Sifu

WTF, is happening. This is a new one.

Week 1 Brandon Donlon

Best first pick…

Wow just wow. The bizarreness with the contestants and the show has devolved to a point that leaves me flabbergasted. I am hitting the sack so I will follow up tomorrow but from the opening challenge for provisions I knew I was screwed if Brandon’s tribe went to tribal. Unbelievable.

Wow just wow. The bizarreness with the contestants and the show has devolved to a point that leaves me flabbergasted. I am hitting the sack so I will follow up tomorrow but from the opening challenge for provisions I knew I was screwed if Brandon’s tribe went to tribal. Unbelievable.

That was indeed a bizarre episode. If you want to leave after 1 day why did you sign up to be a contestant in the first place. I wonder what Probst and the producer of the show are thinking?

Wow just wow. The bizarreness with the contestants and the show has devolved to a point that leaves me flabbergasted. I am hitting the sack so I will follow up tomorrow but from the opening challenge for provisions I knew I was screwed if Brandon’s tribe went to tribal. Unbelievable.

That was indeed a bizarre episode. If you want to leave after 1 day why did you sign up to be a contestant in the first place. I wonder what Probst and the producer of the show are thinking?

But they had 2 that seemed ready to leave, That team is f’d. The guy coming back, sure didn’t come off well.

Wow just wow. The bizarreness with the contestants and the show has devolved to a point that leaves me flabbergasted. I am hitting the sack so I will follow up tomorrow but from the opening challenge for provisions I knew I was screwed if Brandon’s tribe went to tribal. Unbelievable.

That was indeed a bizarre episode. If you want to leave after 1 day why did you sign up to be a contestant in the first place. I wonder what Probst and the producer of the show are thinking?

But they had 2 that seemed ready to leave, That team is f’d. The guy coming back, sure didn’t come off well.[/quot

I couldn’t believe when the guy couldn’t even get his ass up onto the boat. I turned to my wife and said, “if you were going on survivor, don’t you think you would prepare yourself just a bit both mentally and physcially”? FFS, it is the very first hour and you are already physically wiped out.

I know! That’s exactly what I was thinking. He claimed to be a super fan and trying to get on for 15 years. He had 15 years to learn how to swim and develop some strength and endurance. Plus the amount of whiny, anxious neurotic contestants in general was something else. I know for sure what team I won’t be choosing my next pick from.

I know! That’s exactly what I was thinking. He claimed to be a super fan and trying to get on for 15 years. He had 15 years to learn how to swim and develop some strength and endurance. Plus the amount of whiny, anxious neurotic contestants in general was something else. I know for sure what team I won’t be choosing my next pick from.

I have two daughters ages 28 and 34 and they have never been this anxious/neurotic. Are most kids this age like this? I just had someone in my office quit who had the same temperament. We had a discussion about job performance and she was crying for an hour and then needed to go home to calm down for the rest of the day. Fortunately she decided to quit not long after.

He also did the swim, with his pants and shoes on, along with others. WHY? several had taken them off so it was allowed. Seemed really dumb to me.

My daughter has severe anxiety issues, so I get that, but he wiped himself out on the swim, I don’t think he really is a swimmer, based on the short stint we saw him swimming. Why do that part of the challenge. Oh well he made it to the next round anyhow.

Emily quitting, I don’t understand at all.

Emily quitting, I don’t understand at all.

She was hungry after a day don’t ya know. Somehow in 44 seasons she never came to the realization that food might be a tad scarce on survivior.

In the exit interview she said I “researched” Survivor and thought I knew everything about it. I can’t believe Survivor let her on the show without some kind of ability to handle hardship and deprivation or my pick of Brandon survived.