Survey on Intensity Zones for Dr. Stephen Seiler

Dr. Stephen Seiler, one of the leading experts in endurance physiology, is asking the endurance community for help with a survey he’s conducting on intensity zones. It’s entirely anonymous and seeks to understand how athletes actually quantify intensity - HR, power, pace, blood lactate, RPE, etc - for training.

Brief note from the email Dr. Seiler sent out to his network below. I am sharing the form with his permission. If you belong to a triclub or have a network of endurance athletes beyond Slowtwitch, please consider sharing the survey. Thank you!

I am involved in a project where we are trying to make more sense of the plethora of intensity zone schemes that are used in endurance sport, there origins, and how they “work” from a testing and monitoring point of view. I would really appreciate your help with this project both by 1) completing the survey linked to below yourself, and 2) spreading the link to athletes and coaches you work with!

The survey takes 8-10min to complete and is completely anonymous. Just filling it out will probably lead to some reflection on your own use of intensity zones and testing approaches.

Is there an error in the form? I thought Andy Coggans model had 7 zones not 6.

They must hand out professorships to anyone in Norway

How this joker gets any work done with the amount of time he gets about online

I have to say as someone who generally is familiar with all this stuff that was a very difficult survey to fill out.

I especially got stuck at the what type of athlete are you. I compete internationally but I’m not an Olympian so I had no idea what to pick initially until I realized the question was how good are you at your sport. At least I think so

They must hand out professorships to anyone in Norway

How this joker gets any work done with the amount of time he gets about online

you seem nice

I send Christmas cards every year

Obviously my post above is “shit stirring”

Certainly he has done a lot of online media and podcasts before and since the pandemic.

I think some of his really memorable parts are where he talks about the intensity control of some of the champions. Walking hills. A rower who needed to drop the home erg sessions he wasn’t telling his coach about then freshened up later. It’s just stuff for the imagination

Dr. Stephen Seiler, one of the leading experts in endurance physiology, is asking the endurance community for help with a survey he’s conducting on intensity zones. It’s entirely anonymous and seeks to understand how athletes actually quantify intensity - HR, power, pace, blood lactate, RPE, etc - for training.

Brief note from the email Dr. Seiler sent out to his network below. I am sharing the form with his permission. If you belong to a triclub or have a network of endurance athletes beyond Slowtwitch, please consider sharing the survey. Thank you!

I am involved in a project where we are trying to make more sense of the plethora of intensity zone schemes that are used in endurance sport, there origins, and how they “work” from a testing and monitoring point of view. I would really appreciate your help with this project both by 1) completing the survey linked to below yourself, and 2) spreading the link to athletes and coaches you work with!

The survey takes 8-10min to complete and is completely anonymous. Just filling it out will probably lead to some reflection on your own use of intensity zones and testing approaches.

I teach grade 6/7 students and I’ve just been going over the differences between “they’re, their, and there”. Apparently this will be a losing battle.