Supreme Court to consider granting certiorari to 5 assault weapon and high capacity magazine ban cases

On May 16, the Supreme Court will be conferencing about the following cases:

Bianchi v. Brown
Harrel v. Raoul
Gun Owners of America v. Raoul
Herrera v. Raoul
Barnett v. Raoul

This is the first baby step in possibly granting certiorari to cases that are about banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines.

Second Amendment Foundation founder Alan Gottlieb said:

“We’re encouraged that these five cases, all essentially dealing with the same issue in two different federal court circuits, were distributed for Supreme Court conference at the same time. This could be the signal for which we have been waiting, the the Supreme Court may be ready to consider cases challenging bans on the most popular firearm in America today and their magazines. These firearms are owned by millions of peaceable citizens, and because they are in common use, they certainly qualify for Second Amendment protection”.

States and lower courts have been ignoring the Supreme Court’s rulings in the Heller and Bruen cases far too long.

My early Congratulations on your victory from a completely legit Supreme Court that is definitely not on the take.

Bianchi v. Brown, “The petition for a writ of certiorari before judgment is denied”

Harrel v. Raoul, distributed for Conference on May 23, 2024

Gun Owners of America v. Raoul, distributed for Conference on May 23, 2024

Herrera v. Raoul, distributed for Conference on May 23, 2024

Barnett v. Raoul, distributed for Conference on May 23, 2024

It appears that the Supreme Court is not interested in cases that are interlocutory.

They will probably also deny certiorari in the four cases against Raoul, but I believe they are going to hold them in conference until one of the judges can write an objection to the denial and chastise the courts for not following the Heller and Bruen decisions.

Today, the Supreme Court ordered…

Harrel v. Raoul, distributed for Conference on May 30, 2024

Gun Owners of America v. Raoul, distributed for Conference on May 30, 2024

Herrera v. Raoul, distributed for Conference on May 30, 2024

Barnett v. Raoul, distributed for Conference on May 30, 2024

Harrel v. Raoul, distributed for Conference on June 6, 2024

Gun Owners of America v. Raoul, distributed for Conference on June 6, 2024

Herrera v. Raoul, distributed for Conference on June 6, 2024

Barnett v. Raoul, distributed for Conference on June 6, 2024

Celtics v. Mavericks, Game 1 on June 6, 2024

Oilers v. Panthers, Game 1 on June 8, 2024

College World Series Game 1 on June 14th at 2pm ET

College World Series Game 2 on June 14th at 7pm ET

My kid’s final 1st grade spring town league soccer game June 8 at 12:00pm (Eastern). Stakes are high; gonna be a barnburner.

Why are guns such an important issue for you?

Just curious.

I like guns.

And we should be prepared for a tyrannical government.

I like guns.

And we should be prepared for a tyrannical government.

If Trump wins re-election or just theoretically?

I like guns.

And we should be prepared for a tyrannical government where we aren’t the tyrants.

If Trump wins re-election or just theoretically?

Pretty sure this is what Dim meant to say.

My early Congratulations on your victory from a completely legit Supreme Court that is definitely not on the take.

Definitely not on the take.

I like guns.

And we should be prepared for a tyrannical government.


I like guns.

And we should be prepared for a tyrannical government.

If Trump wins re-election or just theoretically?

“Just theoretically”…is it your opinion that history books are not filled with revolutions against tyrannical govts? Did Jim’s country not experience their own revolution against a tyrannical govt?

I’m not saying I believe it is guaranteed to happen or that it will happen in my lifetime. But it could. And as the world continues to unfold we see more polarization and more partisan practices. I’m consistently amazed by those who feel it’s ridiculous to keep an eye on history and think it could never happen again.

I like guns.

And we should be prepared for a tyrannical government.


I like guns because they are fun to collect all the parts and then put them together exactly the way you want them, kind of like bikes.

I like guns.

And we should be prepared for a tyrannical government.

If Trump wins re-election or just theoretically?

“Just theoretically”…is it your opinion that history books are not filled with revolutions against tyrannical govts? Did Jim’s country not experience their own revolution against a tyrannical govt?

I’m not saying I believe it is guaranteed to happen or that it will happen in my lifetime. But it could. And as the world continues to unfold we see more polarization and more partisan practices. I’m consistently amazed by those who feel it’s ridiculous to keep an eye on history and think it could never happen again.

Isn’t look back at history a theoretical future prediction? As opposed to the more likely tyranny with Trump.

I like guns.

And we should be prepared for a tyrannical government.


I like guns because they are fun to collect all the parts and then put them together exactly the way you want them, kind of like bikes.

So what are the odds you feel you will need to use them in an uprising?

I like guns.

And we should be prepared for a tyrannical government.

If Trump wins re-election or just theoretically?

“Just theoretically”…is it your opinion that history books are not filled with revolutions against tyrannical govts? Did Jim’s country not experience their own revolution against a tyrannical govt?

I’m not saying I believe it is guaranteed to happen or that it will happen in my lifetime. But it could. And as the world continues to unfold we see more polarization and more partisan practices. I’m consistently amazed by those who feel it’s ridiculous to keep an eye on history and think it could never happen again.

Isn’t look back at history a theoretical future prediction? As opposed to the more likely tyranny with Trump.

Theoretical, by its definition, pushes the idea of practicality to the back burner.

I’d assume you have auto insurance and home owner’s insurance. And that’s in case something happens in the future, not because something is happening at the moment. And to be honest we all hope to never have to use it. Would you call that a theoretical use of insurance? Or practical?

I like guns.

And we should be prepared for a tyrannical government.

If Trump wins re-election or just theoretically?

“Just theoretically”…is it your opinion that history books are not filled with revolutions against tyrannical govts? Did Jim’s country not experience their own revolution against a tyrannical govt?

I’m not saying I believe it is guaranteed to happen or that it will happen in my lifetime. But it could. And as the world continues to unfold we see more polarization and more partisan practices. I’m consistently amazed by those who feel it’s ridiculous to keep an eye on history and think it could never happen again.

Isn’t look back at history a theoretical future prediction? As opposed to the more likely tyranny with Trump.

Theoretical, by its definition, pushes the idea of practicality to the back burner.

I’d assume you have auto insurance and home owner’s insurance. And that’s in case something happens in the future, not because something is happening at the moment. And to be honest we all hope to never have to use it. Would you call that a theoretical use of insurance? Or practical?

The difference is that home insurance has historically worked. Private firearms in the US has not prevented any of the many many times the US government has been oppressive. In fact history has shown private gun ownership has been used to further US government oppression.