Supertri E World Champs


Seeing as WT is treating this like a standard World Cup…there were a lot of points on offer!

That supertri esport world championship
Was honestly more exciting than the T100 series.

Wow. That was awesome.

That supertri esport world championship
Was honestly more exciting than the T100 series.

Wow. That was awesome…

Great racing… and if ever anyone psychologically destroyed an Olympic medal rival, that was it

That supertri esport world championship
Was honestly more exciting than the T100 series.

Wow. That was awesome…

Great racing… and if ever anyone psychologically destroyed an Olympic medal rival, that was it

This was my take away, and one thing I’ve noticed about CB is, she’s not one of the most gritty/mentally strong athletes, I wonder if Potter is in her head.

That supertri esport world championship
Was honestly more exciting than the T100 series.

Wow. That was awesome…
Great racing… and if ever anyone psychologically destroyed an Olympic medal rival, that was it
This was my take away, and one thing I’ve noticed about CB is, she’s not one of the most gritty/mentally strong athletes, I wonder if Potter is in her head.

Well, if I were CB, I’d be swearing to myself that the next time she will only beat me over my dead body. :slight_smile:

Someone has been commenting on the supertri socials that treadmill no. 6 seemed to be faster than the others during the heats. I’m not sure how treadmill slots are allocated, but they’re implying that Potter and Stapley benefited after getting that treadmill.

I’ve always found this event to be so exciting especially when they started it during the pandemic. I’m sure they have a protocol for the calibration of the trainers and treadmills. But now that a world champion is officially being crowned plus some WC points, supertri and WT need to ensure that the technical aspect is beyond reproach to avoid any legitimacy issues.