Super long water bottle that pro use. What are they?

They seem to be longer than normal (Amazon) and larger. Any idea where they can be found?

Out of stock, but I bought a few earlier this year. I haven’t done specific aero testing, but I have to thing a bigger bottle in a very high BTA setup is better than a smaller bottle. Also, I can get away with a 70.3 on one concentrated bottle and a gatorade handup, but going from 700ml to 1000ml is a boost in calories and hydration that is hard to justify with a second bottle placed BTS (~4w)

They are usually just 950 ml to 1 litre bottles.
Sam Long for example is sponsored by Powerbar and his longer bottle is: (obviously that site shows sold out but sending it as an example).

The 226ers I litre ones are pretty good

The Elite Jet 950 is one of the lighter ones which are on Amazon US and EU sites

Super! Thank you both!

Out of stock, but I bought a few earlier this year. I haven’t done specific aero testing, but I have to thing a bigger bottle in a very high BTA setup is better than a smaller bottle. Also, I can get away with a 70.3 on one concentrated bottle and a gatorade handup, but going from 700ml to 1000ml is a boost in calories and hydration that is hard to justify with a second bottle placed BTS (~4w)

The calories shouldn’t be a limiter for 70.3 using 700mL. For marathons I put 175g carbs in a 350mL bottle, so a 700mL bottle should already be able to hold more than anyone can digest in a 70.3 ride.

Out of stock, but I bought a few earlier this year. I haven’t done specific aero testing, but I have to thing a bigger bottle in a very high BTA setup is better than a smaller bottle. Also, I can get away with a 70.3 on one concentrated bottle and a gatorade handup, but going from 700ml to 1000ml is a boost in calories and hydration that is hard to justify with a second bottle placed BTS (~4w)

The calories shouldn’t be a limiter for 70.3 using 700mL. For marathons I put 175g carbs in a 350mL bottle, so a 700mL bottle should already be able to hold more than anyone can digest in a 70.3 ride.

The bottles are for aerodynamics (filling up the chest cavity). I saw one pro with three 1L bottles BTA, each was <1/2 full (and all were filled with the same drink). Can’t find that pic, but here’s Marquardt with two.

I bought a few 950ML bottles from The Feed. I used them for the first time this weekend and I enjoyed them.

Got these in transparent - and they work really well

Trek Voda 34oz. I have two and love them.…_and…_fuel_science_and_stuff._P7753448/?search_string=i%20like%20big%20bottles#p7753448

Helpful thread by Dr Alex Harrison

My favorite:

For some reason bike water bottle cost a lot more in Canada than what I see advertised in the US, and I don’t trust the chemical makeup of dollar store bottles.

However I did find that Hockey water bottles are longer with more capacity and come with a convenient straw that can be bent or replaced with a longer bendable tube. And they were a little less expensive.