Super League Malibu

I noticed on another post someone commenting there was no thread for Malibu so, here you go.

I’m not sure why but I couldn’t get into this race at all. Perhaps just because we’ve had so much opportunity to see these guys race this year, perhaps because we know it’s not the ‘A’ race for any of the top men/women, or perhaps just because the course is a god-awful series of dead turns in a car park.

I also started watching but my attention soon drifted. The only bit I stopped what I was doing to watch each time was the end of the swim, as it was fun to see who caught a wave in.

Crowds and scenery really do make these races, even on TV. I was much more engaged watching London and Toulouse than these laps round a carpark in front of nobody but event staff.

It was super fun to watch, both women and men. I guess the format of the SLT makes it fun, but I’m still not a fan of the short chuts. The venue and public could be 100x better though.

I watched it and liked it despite the awful bike and run course. The athletes made it interesting! As Joel Filliol says, the course may impact race dynamics, but it’s also about whether the athletes choose to be aggressive. Zaferes pulling her group like crazy, Bergere wondering if he’d be able to stay with Wilde on the run and really having no illusions but unable to get away, Schoeman’s lonely dash to T1 to get the short chute but also stay in front at least for a few minutes… say what you want about the parking lot, but there’s a whole lot more going on during that 7-minute bike leg than there was over the hour-long commute from the swim to the run in Paris. Not to mention long course.

Kudos to SLT for solving the Sandy Corner problem of yesteryear by putting strips of some sort of black tape across it. Too bad the wet carpet took over that role and Rappaport crashed badly and broke her jaw… and even after that happened, SLT did nothing, almost contributing to another crash (close call for Schoeman). Don’t they test ride the bike course? A cone put on the shaded wet part of the carpet would’ve removed the danger.

I believe the Malibu venue was not going to happen until 10 days prior due to various permitting and new regulations, so I’m guessing this was the last event for that location.

Maybe they can take it to San Diego but probably more likely to move it to Chicago or NYC of which SLT has bought into those races.

Katie Zafares starting to show some of her old strength. Think she’ll be the third US woman for Paris.

It’s funny how the ST forum is deep into discussing and emotionalising the choice of the 2nd and 3rd Americans going to Paris, while the whole other world discusses who’s probably winning in Paris. If I only read ST, I’d be convinced that Gwen and Katie have an actual chance to top the podium :wink:

I believe the Malibu venue was not going to happen until 10 days prior due to various permitting and new regulations, so I’m guessing this was the last event for that location.

Maybe they can take it to San Diego but probably more likely to move it to Chicago or NYC of which SLT has bought into those races.
They didn’t get the green light for the race until Monday night. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next year, but I certainly won’t be returning to do the AG race.

Am I dumb or are there no full replays anywhere! Why is this not on TriathlonLive? Or even YouTube? The highlights video was fine, but I need trainer fodder.

I feel bad for Summer. Yikes.

Am I dumb or are there no full replays anywhere! Why is this not on TriathlonLive? Or even YouTube? The highlights video was fine, but I need trainer fodder.

I feel bad for Summer. Yikes.

Google tri247 Malibu how to watch. This should provide a link to a Tri247 page (pre-race, no spoilers) with a direct embed of the youtube race link on the page.

Am I dumb or are there no full replays anywhere! Why is this not on TriathlonLive? Or even YouTube? The highlights video was fine, but I need trainer fodder.

I feel bad for Summer. Yikes.

I wouldn’t say you’re dumb but you sure wouldn’t be a good detective ^^. The more obvious lead would’ve been the Super League website and tadam, what you’re looking for is on the home page!

The way it works is you register on the SLT site and then they show you this non-public youtube link:

Thanks all!

It’s funny how the ST forum is deep into discussing and emotionalising the choice of the 2nd and 3rd Americans going to Paris, while the whole other world discusses who’s probably winning in Paris. If I only read ST, I’d be convinced that Gwen and Katie have an actual chance to top the podium :wink:

I never knew how many Americans used this forum till Olympic selection comes up, ITU would be absolutely huge in this forum if they had a decent male!

Am I dumb or are there no full replays anywhere! Why is this not on TriathlonLive? Or even YouTube? The highlights video was fine, but I need trainer fodder.

I feel bad for Summer. Yikes.

I couldn’t find one either, so just end up watching the highlights.

There’s Jason West, who might show his power in World Cup Rome, where apparently is more e.coli in water than water itself :smiley: then he’d simply need to hope for the same ‘outcome’ in Paris :wink:

watched women’s race sick on couch with covid. now i had lots of time to watch the mens race but still turned it off. something about watching athletes bike and run around a parking lot I just lost interest. 3 laps of bike and run so 6 views of the porta potty corner * 3 events.

Malibu race site SOUNDS sexy but wow what a dump that parking lot is!!

I know you were exaggerating, but just to be clear a healthy Pearson is more than “decent”…getting that back taken care of and getting a consistent season would really fire up the fan base.

The way it works is you register on the SLT site and then they show you this non-public youtube link:

Yeah, this is ridiculous. I cared to watch, so I eventually got it working, but even the link from their website didn’t work half the time. My first stop was YouTube though as that is where I remembered watching the last race.

It seems they value a smaller number of people being on their email list than a larger number of people watching the race.

As for the race, yeah I kinda lost interest partway through, but still good overall.

I believe the Malibu venue was not going to happen until 10 days prior due to various permitting and new regulations, so I’m guessing this was the last event for that location.

The Malibu course is normally awesome. The issue was that with all the rain we’ve been having, an underpass that was a key portion of the course got flooded, and into that flooded area moved an endangered fish. By the time the organizers found out about the fish, the period for getting a permit for a revised course had passed, so all sides had to scramble to get anything done so that the race could go on.

This was the last year that the event and the city had a permit arrangement, so we’re in a bit of limbo, but I hope that something gets worked out. The usual bike course is parallel to the ocean and the views are awesome.