Suffered with stomach cramps on the bike... for the second time

Hello everyone,
I recently completed my second Ironman in Cascais a few weeks ago, following my race in Nice in June 2022.
During the swim, I faced challenges due to rough conditions, which slowed my time to 1.27. I also struggled with swallowing water.
On the bike leg, I initially performed well but started experiencing stomach cramps around 40km into the race, which persisted throughout. Despite trying different positions and consuming nutrition (High5 energy gels and SiS Beta Fuel with a salt tablet), the cramps didn’t subside. I even made a pit stop on the second lap but couldn’t alleviate the issue.
Towards the end of the bike leg, I managed to eat two SiS Beta Fuel Energy Chew Bars, which improved my comfort slightly, but my second lap was significantly slower than the first.
I’m seeking advice on what might be causing these cramps, considering I’ve faced a similar issue in a different race (Nice), which I initially attributed to hot conditions. My nutrition has been consistent, so I’m curious if the seawater or other factors could be responsible.
Thank you in advance for your insights!

The excessive water intake from swallowing water during the swim may be the cause. It could lower your sodium levels (hyponatremia) which could cause cramping. Also, too much fluid in your stomach could lead to slow gastric emptying which could cause discomfort which could be exacerbated during the race as you add more fluids.

Another possibility is the type of nutrition you use. Glucose can cause gastric distress for many people, although if your nutrition has been consistent without any issues this might not be the cause, but worth considering. For me, I cannot tolerate glucose based nutrition as it causes me a tremendous amount of discomfort and distress. I use a corn starch based nutrition such as UCan that works flawlessly for me.

Hello everyone,
I recently completed my second Ironman in Cascais a few weeks ago, following my race in Nice in June 2022.
During the swim, I faced challenges due to rough conditions, which slowed my time to 1.27. I also struggled with swallowing water.
On the bike leg, I initially performed well but started experiencing stomach cramps around 40km into the race, which persisted throughout. Despite trying different positions and consuming nutrition (High5 energy gels and SiS Beta Fuel with a salt tablet), the cramps didn’t subside. I even made a pit stop on the second lap but couldn’t alleviate the issue.
Towards the end of the bike leg, I managed to eat two SiS Beta Fuel Energy Chew Bars, which improved my comfort slightly, but my second lap was significantly slower than the first.
I’m seeking advice on what might be causing these cramps, considering I’ve faced a similar issue in a different race (Nice), which I initially attributed to hot conditions. My nutrition has been consistent, so I’m curious if the seawater or other factors could be responsible.
Thank you in advance for your insights!

Probably has something to do with that, it’s happened to me too.

Thanks for the response - makes good sense.

I didn’t realise seawater would have that effect - literally just thought it was due to the salt etc. But yeah it makes sense - I had just over an hour or so on the bike and I’d be drinking and eating up to that point, so it would make sense that this be the cause.

So I need to improve my sea swimming, or swim in a lake…