Wanted one for some time now. Saw them shown in the gift section of the last Triathlete Magazine. Website is not working?? Says domain is for sale? Anyone with info?
Wanted one for some time now. Saw them shown in the gift section of the last Triathlete Magazine. Website is not working?? Says domain is for sale? Anyone with info?
Great shirts and fun idea, but I have no idea what is wrong with their site.
do they have any at www.enduranceconspiracy.com ???
None of the retro shirts. What gives?
Wanted to buy some as gifts and couldn’t get through website. Nice pics of women wearing the shirts I wanted to buy!
For what its worth, these guys are the BEST! The info on the website was incorrect, which you can imagine was a MAJOR bummer for the Sub 17 guys. I imagine they will respond to this post in the next couple of days so please do check back.
I bought 2 after IMLP 05-one special edition with the Adirondack chair, really love them. And I agree, the guys running the company were very customer friendly. Looking forward to updated information.
bump … i’ve been looking on and off for a while … hoping for more info here as well
I encountered the same issues…I was excited to find a tri specific casual clothing line but no luck with sub17… The twin six products are good but more geared towards roadies…
anyone know the actual website or number?