Stupid Stories of the Eclipse

Lets hear them!

I’ll get started. Walking through the production area this morning I noticed a box of darkly tented safety glasses. When I asked the operator where they came from he said “our normal safety glasses and permanent black marker. Can’t wait to try them out.” Those were destroyed a few minutes later. My head is still shaking.

Actual text I got from a friend an hour ago:


I made my own.

eclipse glasses.jpeg

My lunatic cousin, he of the severe conspiracy leaninings, sent the following message out this morning. I haven’t heard a peep out of him since the eclispe, maybe he was taken in some kind of Rapture event the “lamestream media” refuses to acknowledge.

If something does occur very tragic because of this eclipse, and I don’t get another chance, I just want to say to those I know it’s been a hell of a ride. Take care and God bless!

Someone on social media asked when the eclipse rain date was

This shit’s getting ridiculous.


Someone on social media asked when the eclipse rain date was
August 22, 2044.

Left work an hour early and drove straight south on country roads to a park in Napoleon, OH where there was still parking 10 minutes to spare and an open picnic table. I used my welding helmet for the viewing and listened to a lady tell her friend it was the earths shadow. There may have been wildlife to listen to but someone decided it was a good time for fireworks. Took a similar country route home and am already back.

I just don’t understand the fascination with an eclipse. People travel all over to see it for a couple of hours (at most) and it gets a bit darker the back to normal. I took my dogs for a walk instead.

I don’t get it.

I just don’t understand the fascination with an eclipse. People travel all over to see it for a couple of hours (at most) and it gets a bit darker the back to normal. I took my dogs for a walk instead.

I don’t get it.

I’m with you, I went outside 7 years ago to watch that one. Seen one, seen them all.

I just don’t understand the fascination with an eclipse. People travel all over to see it for a couple of hours (at most) and it gets a bit darker the back to normal. I took my dogs for a walk instead.

I don’t get it.

An Eclipse and a totality are 2 completly differnent things, having just experienced 4 min of totality, people chase totality, I don’t think many chase partial eclipses.

Best analogy I have eat corn on the cob its 98% popcorn so same thing… just use water its 75% Hydrogen Peroxide. No completly different. Would plan a vacation around a totality, if its somewhere I wanted to visit… (NZ, Australia)

Simply Incredible, and words can not describe.

I just don’t understand the fascination with an eclipse. People travel all over to see it for a couple of hours (at most) and it gets a bit darker the back to normal. I took my dogs for a walk instead.

I don’t get it.

An Eclipse and a totality are 2 completly differnent things, having just experienced 4 min of totality, people chase totality, I don’t think many chase partial eclipses.

Best analogy I have eat corn on the cob its 98% popcorn so same thing… just use water its 75% Hydrogen Peroxide. No completly different. Would plan a vacation around a totality, if its somewhere I wanted to visit… (NZ, Australia)

Simply Incredible, and words can not describe.

I’ve seen 3 now but the 1st one was annular. This one was by far the best one, clear and I could see flares.

I wear glasses, had my eclipse glasses over my regular ones, and was curios what it would look like without my regular glasses on… So I pulled down my eclipse glasses… quickly saw the error, but was seeing a white dot for minute or so.

Here is one. Found someone who thought the eclipse itself is a dangerous event that can hurt your eyes. Instead of, ya know, avoiding looking at the sun in general. SMH. We are all born dumb some people stay dumb.

My lunatic cousin, he of the severe conspiracy leaninings, sent the following message out this morning. I haven’t heard a peep out of him since the eclispe, maybe he was taken in some kind of Rapture event the “lamestream media” refuses to acknowledge.

If something does occur very tragic because of this eclipse, and I don’t get another chance, I just want to say to those I know it’s been a hell of a ride. Take care and God bless!

You should message your cousin just to check up on him. Tell him that you’re the only one left and you’re wondering if he is still here with you.

My lunatic cousin, he of the severe conspiracy leaninings, sent the following message out this morning. I haven’t heard a peep out of him since the eclispe, maybe he was taken in some kind of Rapture event the “lamestream media” refuses to acknowledge.

If something does occur very tragic because of this eclipse, and I don’t get another chance, I just want to say to those I know it’s been a hell of a ride. Take care and God bless!

You should message your cousin just to check up on him. Tell him that you’re the only one left and you’re wondering if he is still here with you.

Classic, not offensive and nice… but ouch…

I just don’t understand the fascination with an eclipse. People travel all over to see it for a couple of hours (at most) and it gets a bit darker the back to normal. I took my dogs for a walk instead.

I don’t get it.

Yeah, I don’t really get it either. There were 228 eclipses in the 20th century. There will be something like 224 eclipses this century. 68 will be total. People ascribe way too much meaning to these fairly routine events.

Yeah, I don’t really get it either. There were 228 eclipses in the 20th century. There will be something like 224 eclipses this century. 68 will be total. People ascribe way too much meaning to these fairly routine events.

So you’re saying that it was a mistake for me to sacrifice that virgin? - a large spike in Google Trends for “My Eyes Hurt” that maps, roughly, to the path of the eclipse. - a large spike in Google Trends for “My Eyes Hurt” that maps, roughly, to the path of the eclipse.

It also doesn’t help Amazon was selling counterfeit glasses from China