The “clip channels” or “mounting rails” on the top and bottom edges of my Stryd Wind have chipped away (pictures below), so the pod no longer fits securely in its cradle and I have to tape it to my shoes. I primarily train outdoors with running power and I’ve used my Stryd for 3.5 years now and been really happy with it. However, I recently got a Garmin Forerunner 965 and it has running power. I’ve read the power numbers returned by the FR965 are higher but are otherwise consistent, which is the more important attribute. So I’m thinking of switching to use my FR965 for running power. Am I missing anything here or is there some other meaningful difference between them?
I had the same issue with my Stryd and ended up taking advantage of their discount program to buy a new one. Not that using Garmin’s power numbers would have been problematic. It’s more so that I much prefer using the pace and distance from Stryd because I find them to be far more accurate than from the watch itself.
Thanks. Do you think Garmin watches are less accurate because they use GPS for pace and distance? I often run on a trail with lots of trees, so I think I would have issues if I relied on GPS for that data.
My fenix 6 is absolute shit for gps for anything other than a straight run with a clear view of the sky. Any meandering path with trees overhead… And it doesn’t get close to following my actual route.
I don’t feel that there is, but I don’t have a stryde to compare. Garmin running power has made sense to me for the last year, FR265. I’m not committed to running power either, I use pace and HR to analyse my workouts.
Yes. The watches are not wildly inaccurate or anything. Their GPS functions pretty well. It’s just that the Stryd is more accurate for pace and distance.
That depends on your definition of “wildly inaccurate.” They are as accurate as the various satelite systems are allowed to be. But the path errors I showed above amount to an average error of ~30s in pace and 10% in distance. Is 9 miles instead of 10 “wild”? In a technical sense, no. Is 9:30 pace instead of 9 flat? Again, technically no.
But, I don’t think anyone would say that actually running 30s slower or faster on any given day would be “the same thing”. To me, it’s the difference between… “man! This is a great day!” and, “what the f*ck is wrong with me today?”
So, I use the GPS to draw pretty pictures on strava, and I use a footpod for pace and distance. I crosscheck my footpod against a 1mile measured section of road most every week.
My n=1 shows my 955 is not wildly inaccurate. It’s typically off by a few percent. Your mileage, clearly, may vary.
Yes. When I’m not in tree covered areas, it’s quite a bit better. It’s still usually (only) a few (<5) percent off, but better. But, 100ft tall trees are a disaster.
I’ve learned about a third party cradle on Etsy and ordered one. It appears to wrap around the pod itself, so it doesn’t utilize the channels around the edges. I’ll report back after I receive it and use it a few times.