Stryd Duo

Anyone here using Stryd Duo and see any benefit to using it and/or Footpath? I know its early yet but wanted to hear if there any early reviews. Thanks.

I don’t use the “Duo” but the singe pod.

I really like it because it gives you the same “Power Zone” feel to help you plan your runs out.

It takes a bit for it to get accurate estimations of your running, but once you get it dialed in, it’s pretty solid.

I don’t use the “Duo” but the singe pod.

I really like it because it gives you the same “Power Zone” feel to help you plan your runs out.

It takes a bit for it to get accurate estimations of your running, but once you get it dialed in, it’s pretty solid.


Been using the single pod for several years and am really happy with the accurate real-time pace and using the power measurement to keep from going too hard/easy on hills.

I assume there are marginal benefits to having the second pod, but not enough to motivate me to upgrade.

I upgraded to duo right away and thought the new footpath data was neat. I have a little asymmetry, but nothing I didn’t already know. It’s cool that it connects to Garmin as an RD pod, but those metrics are largely unnecessary in my opinion.

I still have my pods as a duo and I’m collecting the data, but I’m not looking at it anymore. Like, I got bored of it already. I’m just not interested in comparing footpath of different shoes or surfaces right now, so I don’t subscribe and use power center to look at the data.

I really think a single pod is good enough for everyone. I still use a 5 year old non-wind stryd alongside duo and the old stryd is still bulletproof.

I have the single pod somewhere in my house. I think it’s in the dining room. Having a great time trying to find it…

I was thinking about getting the duo to replace it since I had right knee surgery and interested to see if there is a difference. Interesting that you didn’t think it’s worth it. They have said for a long time they didn’t think it was worth it but made it anyways apparently.

I feel like these would be better for two feet than the two Stryds.

To be honest, I think you might be someone who can actually benefit from one. Don’t get me wrong, some will find duo a priceless feature. It’s not for me, yet.

Have you seen the footpath data? It’s quite good and they’re going to improve the platform as time goes one. The 3D paths are really neat and could be useful. I personally didn’t find the monthly sub worth it since I’m a Pioneer member and get most of the platform for free.

Those insoles are neat, but I’d still pick stryd. Stryd is really great at measuring distance and the power has been dependable for me.

The monthly subscription part is one of the main reasons I haven’t got it. I’m getting really tired of subscriptions at this point. I’m interest in the insoles primarily because I’m sure my foot strike is jacked on my right side comparatively and it’s impossible to know where.

I may try both at some point when I get a little more back into shape where I can run consistently.

The monthly subscription part is one of the main reasons I haven’t got it. I’m getting really tired of subscriptions at this point. I’m interest in the insoles primarily because I’m sure my foot strike is jacked on my right side comparatively and it’s impossible to know where.

I may try both at some point when I get a little more back into shape where I can run consistently.

You don’t have to pay for the monthly subscription. I didn’t.

I bought it outright and while you don’t get some functions, I don’t see the need for them.

I use it the same way zones are used on the bike and structure my runs accordingly.

I guess I’m the only one who had a stryd fall of on a trail run and turned off by the idea of spending a couple hundred bucks on a replacement. Even more so if you need two of them.

I mostly just liked the improved accuracy on pace, elevation etc. Power was interesting but I can feel pretty well what paces I can sustain etc just by… how I feel and the conditions/terrain.

Mine didn’t fall off but the tab broke on the front of mine very early in its life.

For some reason it was my fault and Stryd wouldn’t replace it.

Not sure if you’ve done it but they sell tabs on Etsy for that exact reason. Well I think the real reason was because the Stryd tabs suck and aren’t super secure. But I bought a few before I got the wind pod. Bought the wind pod on here and tab was broken. 2 years later tabs are still holding strong!

I was unaware of that. Do you have a link?

I’ve been taping mine down since it broke but most of the time I use my old Garmin footpod instead. The battery is more reliable.

Here you go. Also they make them for angled lacing for alphafly and vaporfly. Makes it much easier to get the pod straight.

Thank you very much!

Not a problem!

Here you go. Also they make them for angled lacing for alphafly and vaporfly. Makes it much easier to get the pod straight.

My man! Stride tab broke and the unit went flying across the garage on one of the more aggressive sections of today’s intervals. This is a great find and even better timing.

Even without a broken tab I used these on my first gen pod. Way easier to get correct placement in vaporfly and way more secure.

Even without a broken tab I used these on my first gen pod. Way easier to get correct placement in vaporfly and way more secure.

Are they flexible enough to be removed many times without breaking? Can you sense the bulkier piece flopping around more on your foot (it looks quite a bit chunkier)?

Yes, I rotate shoes often and have no issues. I have gone from non-wind, wind and now the nextgen versions. It is easy to bend/flex the front of the holder and pop out/insert the pod.

The monthly subscription part is one of the main reasons I haven’t got it. I’m getting really tired of subscriptions at this point.

You know you can bypass almost all monthly subscriptions, right?