About half way through my swim workout today, a couple of us were sort of goofing around, and challenged each other to see how far we could swim underwater. I went first (I should add that I hyperventilated first), and after going what I felt was pretty far, was about out of oxygen. However, I pushed it to the end of the pool (only about 50 meters, total, but pretty far for me.) When I surfaced, I felt nausea/pain in the abdomen - which I have experienced before in oxygen-deprivation circumstances - and also felt an immediate and severe pain near the base of my skull/top of my neck. It was excruciating; I could hardly open my eyes for several minutes. It subsided somewhat, and I finished the swim workout. However, that was several hours ago, and I still have quite a headache. I know, it was a stupid thing to do - I’m good at this sort of thing; threw my neck out last month doing a bellyflop contest; just the sort of thing any normal, healthy, 10-year old would do, right? But, that aside, has anyone had a similar experience, or have any idea what would cause the pain. Thanks in advance.
Urrmmm… That sounds really unpleasant and I wish I could offer an explanation, but I can’t. What I can recommend is a little excercise that a friend gave me for loosening up the neck. I get a lot of soreness just at the base of the skull.
Here goes. Try to recall Afro-Cuban dancing if you’ve ever seen it. Legs shoulder width or more apart, bend at the waist, and bend the knees a little if you have to, you’re not trying to stretch the hamstrings. Now let your head just hang and let gravity take over and elongate your neck. Next, and this is where the dancing comes in, start to make little rhythmic oscillations from your torso and let them travel up/down your body to your head and neck. It should feel like a little wave traveling through your body. The neck might be tense at first and resist, just try to relax and let it loosen. It make take days or even weeks depending on how tight you are.
Do for a little while, then take a breather, straighten up, then repeat when you’re ready.
Might be nice to do before/after workouts to keep your neck happy.