Stores in Detroit Area

Does anyone in the detroit area know any good stores I could visit? I am going to be going to the airport so preferably in that area.

If you are going to be close to the east side of the Detroit Area check out Fraser Bicycles in Fraser, Michigan.

Does anyone in the detroit area know any good stores I could visit? I am going to be going to the airport so preferably in that area.

There are a lot of stores in Dearborn including Saks, somewhat close to the airport. There is also a mall in Livonia, about 15 minutes away. There is a Wall-Mart in that area also…what are you looking to buy.

Are you going to be in metro airport or city?


preferably triathlon related since i posted on a triathlon forum and not the kitchen design forum

Running fit in Novi or Northville. The Novi store have some tri apparal there.

Two Wheel Tango in Canton, their Specialized store. They may have tri stuff there too cuz it’s partnered with

Fraser bike but that is quite a haul.

Are you driving in to fly out or staying there on a layover?

thanks a lot i’ll check them out. just picking up family but thought i would go early